ECUADOR - 3810, HD2IOA, time signal station in Guayaquil, nice signal 1024 on 
1/31 with usual format of OM, "Al oir el tono, seran las cinco 24 minutos . . " 
f/by pip!  Every 10 seconds he announces the local time.  (Perry, Illinois)

BOLIVIA - 5952.41, Radio Pio Doce, 1035 on 1/31 with fair signal, clear fqy tho 
hissing ambient noise on band this day for me.  Morning 'noticiero' in SS by 
OM, frequent mnts of Bolivia, 1043 YL noted and into taped ad string.  Also 
noted 1029 on 2/1 with OM in commentary.  Quite reliable in the mornings 
lately, not sure how long this will hold up.  (Perry, Illinois)

BOLIVIA - 4699+ (sri, forgot to measure precision fqy), R San Miguel, 
Riberalta, nice signal 1015 on 1/31, OM SS nx show with 'bottom of the barrel' 
voice sound.  Pretty good Andes morning, with vy nice signals from all the 
regulars like 4775 Tarma, 4790 Vision, 5039+ Junin, 6134+ Sta Cruz..  (Perry, 

BRAZIL - 5990.00 Radio Senado, 0948 with ranchera mx pgm, brilliant signal 
1/31.  0957 vals with YL and organ.  1000 OM and guitar and then full blown ID 
sequence, mtning SW fqy.  1001 'Happy Birthday' song and then OM in PP about 
the station's anniversary, which has been well publicized already for DXers.  
(Perry, Illinois) 

UNID - 4845.25, new LA occupant on the bands this past week, noted 1005+ 
whenever ute pauses.  Accordian mx, big splash from 4840.  Suspect a Brazilian 
but nothing yet to hang hat on.(Perry, Illinois)

MYANMAR - 7110 Myanma Radio, almost a daily visitor around 1300 with EZL local 
hits.  Thanks once again to Ronnie Howard for the tip on this one.  No luck 
yet, tho, with 5770 Defense station . . .  (Perry, Illinois)


Ralph Perry, Wheaton, Illinois
Drake R8B;  Japan Radio NRD-545;  Eton E1;  Hallicrafters SX100;  Knightkit 
Star Roamer
Dentron Super Tuner + Ameco PLF-2 + Palomar P-408 + customized (tropical bands) 
Quantum Phaser antenna unit
Longwires (150' + 100'); Tuned Multi-Turn 20" Small Loop;  Single-Turn Coax 
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