On February 18 some friends met at ARI (Italian Amateur Association) in
to listen to the radio. Receivers: Excalibur Pro, Perseus, RFSpace
Kenwood TS-590S. Ant: FD4 40 m long, miniwhip modificata. Here the SW

For Long Wave log, we heard also JJY on 40 kHz see:
http://radiodxinfo.blogspot.com/ <http://radiodxinfo.blogspot.com/> 

Other pictures of our ARI meeting: http://radiodxsw.blogspot.com/

3995 18/2 1820 HCJB, Voice of Andes, Germany, in German, talks, fair

4780 18/2 1750 RT Djibouti, talks, weak

4810 18/2 1710 AIR Bophal, India, songs, // 4840 AIR Delhi fair

4845.24 18/2 2303 Radio Cultura, Manaus, Brazil, songs, weak

4880 18/2 1715 AIR Lucknow, India, songs, QRM SW R Africa, fair

4880 18/2 1745 SW Radio Africa, South Africa, English talks about
Zimbabwe as
usual, good

4950 18/2 1738-1744* R. Kashmir, Srinagar, India, end of Bc, fair

5000 18/2 1655 IBF Torino, Italy, good

5010,14 18/2 1825 Radio Madagascar, long talks in Vn, fair

5025 18/2 2130 VL8K ABC Katherine, Australia, start on 60 m, reports,
//4835 & 4910

5040 18/2 1735 AIR Jeypore, India, news, fair

5040 18/2 2317 Radio Habana, Cuba, Spanish, reports climate, good

5076 18/2 1730 Unid product mix? 2 stations, one surely in Russian,
talks and
disco mx

6000 18/2 1800 Radio Tirana, in italiano, very good

6165 18/2 2148 R. Nat. Tchadienne, Chad, nice afro songs, talks in
French, fair

7185 18/2 1710 Voice of Broad Masses, Eritrea, music and talks, good

7245 18/2 2132 Radio Mauritanie, phone talks, in Arabic, fair

7255 18/2 2136 Voice of Nigeria, Ikorodu, in Hausa, talks mentioning

7295 18/2 2120 Traxx FM, Kajang, Malaysia, pop songs, weak no QRM

9330 18/2 2126 Radio Damasco in English & WBCQ mixed. Damasco stronger

9624,98v 18/2 1755 Voice of Indonesia, in Spanish, audio problems, clear
good. Very good at 1950 still with audio problems

9500 18/2 1943 Radio Australia, Shepparton, English, songs, talks, good

9550 18/2 2108 Voice of Vietnam, Son Tay, French, reports, fair //9730

9660 18/2 2112 Radio Australia, Brandon, English, talks, weak

9665 18/2 2320 Voz Missionaria, Florianopolis, Brazil, long religious

9680 18/2 1955-1959* Radio Thailand, oldies, talks, interval signal, end
English BC, very good

9720 18/2 2330 Radio Veritas, Philippines, start bc in Asian language,

10000 18/2 2102 Observatorio Nacional, Brazil, ids & pips, weak

11725 18/2 1910 R New Zealand Int. Sport, good

11815 18/2 1922 Radio Brazil Central, football live, fair

11890 18/2 1928-1929* Radio Pilipinas, Manila, end program id and off at

11925.050 18/2 2140 Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, Brazil, football
live, weak

Giampiero Bernardini
Milan, Italy

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