BOLIVIA - 6134.82, Radio Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, very nice signal 
strength 2/29 0924-0937 and even better at 1028 recheck.  QRM gone from the 
fqy, at least this morning, tho plenty of static from local rainstorm.   Some 
kind of morning world news show, mentions of "Noticiero Madrugada" and local 
time checks as ".  ..cinco de la manana y __ minutos, 5 y 27 en Santa Cruz . . 
."   Coverage of the Michigan presidential primary and also of an earthquake 
(terramoto).  Occasional musical pgm breaks,e.g. a three minute song of 
Bolivian uptempo ballad with accordion and guitar at 0927 and then back to the 
news.  At 1028 recheck, changed over to a female ancr who mentioned "....en 
Bolivia!" over a charango riff.  (Perry, Illinois)

BOLIVIA - 5952.42, Radio Pio Doce, Llalagua, 1018 on 2/29 with SS nx by two OM, 
alternating their items.  Mentions of Bolivia with fair signal and musical 
stingers at end of items. (Perry, Illinois)

BRAZIL - 6059.94, Super Radio Deus E Amor, Curitiba, the one here at 0914 with 
a good signal, OM in PP and ad for insurance company, t/cks and good morning 
show.  Noted the telltale parallel fqys of 9564.89 kHz (fair signal only) and 
11765.00 kHz (terrific signal).  This one has been quite stable on this precise 
off-fqy of 6059.94, so if you are hearing an LA station here before 1100 and 
can measure to that precise fqy, dollars to doughnuts you have Super Radio D E 
A.  The Peruvian on this approx fqy, Aroma Cafe Radio, only signs on sometime 
after 1100 and is very stable on it's own signature precision fqy, a little 
higher up, of 6059.99.   (Perry, Illinois)


Ralph Perry, Wheaton, Illinois
Drake R8B;  Japan Radio NRD-545;  Eton E1;  Hallicrafters SX100;  Knightkit 
Star Roamer
Dentron Super Tuner + Ameco PLF-2 + Palomar P-408 + customized (tropical bands) 
Quantum Phaser antenna unit
Longwires (150' + 100'); Tuned Multi-Turn 20" Small Loop;  Single-Turn Coax 
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