BBC's digital home for cultural programming and foreign drama has been a 
critical and popular success but hefty cuts are on the way that will see 
history, entertainment and original drama axed

George Formby, seen here with Kay Walsh in the 1938 film I See Ice, joined 
Wagner as subjects for the channel's eclectic mix of documentraries. 
Photograph: The Ronald Grant Archive/ATP
There have been discussions of Wagner, camping, cabaret and George Formby; 
introductions to French cops, Danish politicians and unlikely New Zealand pop 
sensations. For a 10-year-old, BBC4 is something of an overachiever.

Even its birthday parties have a certain style: despite serious budget cuts 
looming large, on Friday evening the channel marks a decade on air by strapping 
on its platforms, dusting down the glitterball and, of course, examining social 
change in the 70s, as it celebrates The Joy of Disco. As BBC4's controller, 
Richard Klein, remarks: "It's a very, very BBC4 thing."

After a decade of programming, what makes a "BBC4 thing" has changed 
surprisingly little. On Saturday, 2 March, 2002, viewers of the BBC's new 
digital channel were treated to a documentary about Goya, a comedy drama 
focused on Salvador Dali, music from Baaba Mal, a film about the artist Michael 
Landy; a tribute to Peggy Lee and satire from John Morton (whose relationship 
with the channel is still going strong: he penned the channel's recent Olympics 
mockumentary Twenty Twelve).

Unfortunately, the Guardian reported, the launch went almost unnoticed in terms 
of audience share, with an average of 11,000 viewers tuning in over the 
evening. The Gist, a spoof arts programme, was watched by just 3,000 viewers.

"I'm really struck by the extent to which the mix is very, very close to what 
we'd developed in the beginning of the channel," says Roly Keating, the first 
controller of BBC4 and now the BBC's director of archive content. "Arts and 
music right at the heart of it."

Keating, who subsequently ran BBC2, saw the digital channel as offering 
audiences the opportunity to explore ideas and culture in more depth. "I take a 
lot of pride in what BBC4 has achieved – not just kept faith with its 'A place 
to think' mission but really grown an audience for that genre," he said.

The channel still has only a fraction of BBC1's audience share but it has more 
than doubled over the decade, helped in part by recent success with imported 
dramas such as The Killing.

And yet BBC4's birthday present is not an increase in budget to allow it to 
develop further but, as the BBC has to find 20% savings, a hefty cut that will 
see areas in which the channel excels axed completely. History, entertainment 
programming and original drama – which attracts large audiences – are all for 
the chop.

The gameshow Only Connect might survive alongside European imports and comedy 
such as The Thick of It, but critically lauded dramas such as Gracie!, Hattie 
and The Road to Coronation Street will be missing from the schedules.

"It is right to mourn the fact that there will be a loss," acknowledges Klein. 
"It is a bit of a shame that we will be losing drama and, of course, there's a 
danger that the channel will suffer. But BBC4 will continue to be a 
commissioning channel and, given our size, reasonably funded."

Viewers may notice the effects of those cuts on screen, he admits. "The 
challenge is to maintain our position as a channel that offers a range of 
flavours. It's about that mix of things on offer."

This summer that mix will include an alternative look at the human body that 
involves filming digestion, while next year BBC4 will collaborate with the 
Southbank Centre as part of its year-long festival of 20th-century classical 

During the Olympics, the channel will be reflecting on 10 years of its 
programming – offering a haven for those uninterested in sport.

When BBC4 was first launched, people perceived it to be "rather austere, 
possibly even rather worthy", before the introduction of a broader definition 
of culture under subsequent controllers, says Klein.

Foreign-language drama has also brought new viewers to the channel with 
Wallander establishing BBC4 as a home for quality European crime drama such as 
the French show Spiral.

"I've got no doubt that The Killing was a game-changer in terms of the channel 
and perceptions of it," says Klein. "Who would have thought that the two dramas 
memorable from 2011 would have been Downton Abbey on ITV1 and The Killing on 

But the Danish crime drama's success also brought competition, with fellow 
digital channels ITV3, FX and Sky Arts all subsequently purchasing and 
broadcasting European crime imports.

And now Sky Arts appears to be moving into BBC4's traditional territory, 
announcing a series of new plays with all-star casts, a music show with Ronnie 
Wood, and Israeli imports in the shape of BeTipul – which was remade by HBO as 
In Treatment – and Prisoners of War, which formed the inspiration for the US 
hit Homeland, currently airing on Channel 4.

Despite the cuts affecting BBC4, Klein refuses to see Sky Arts as competition 
even if he admires some of the channel's work such as its innovative Leonardo 
Live project.

"What will Sky Arts deliver in terms of audience? They are in a different 
game," says the BBC controller with reference to the Sky channel's smaller 
audience share. "We spend our money on programming. Sky Arts spends much more 
on marketing and much less on making.

"I'm about getting audiences, delivering as much good content to as broad an 
audience as possible."
It remains to be seen whether BBC4 can continue to grow in the face of budget 
(Vicky Frost, The Guardian, Friday 2 March 2012)
Jaisakthivel, ADXC, Tirunelveli
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