** BRAZIL. 4914.99, Radio Difusora, Macapa, 0805-0820, Brazilian
pop music. Ballads. Portuguese talk. Ads. IDs. Fair. March 30.
(Brian Alexander, PA) 
** CYPRUS. 7220, Cyprus Broadcasting Corp, 2215-2245, still having
transmitter problems. Transmitter on the air at 2215 and off at 2245.
Strong carrier, but no programming. Just dead air. Same thing heard 
on // 9760. Not able to check // 6135 due to VOA in Chinese on this 
frequency. Fri, Sat, Sun only. March 30. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** EUROPE. PIRATE. 15020, Radio Mustang, 1419-1430, pop music.
ID. Weak, but fair on peaks. March 31. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** EUROPE. PIRATE. 15070.28, Cupid Radio, 1545-1550, ID, dance
music. Weak, but fair on peaks. March 31. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** EUROPE. PIRATE. 15845 USB, Radio Spaceshuttle, 1405-1415,
pop music. DJ chatter. Weak but fair on peaks. March 31. (Brian 
Alexander, PA) 
** EUROPE. PIRATE. 21460.2v, Cupid Radio, 1440-1520*, pop music.
Dance music. IDs. Announced “Cupid Radio from The Netherlands”. 
SSTV. Frequency slowly drifted up. Was on 21460.14 at tune-in,
drifting up to 21460.28 by 1515. March 31. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** LIBYA. 11600, Radio Télévision Libye - Radio Libye, 1700-1810*,
tune-in to lite music. French talk. ID. Poor to fair. Weak modulation at 
times. Only dead air heard at times. Irregular. Last time I heard these 
guys was back on March 22, despite many checks. March 31. (Brian 
Alexander, PA) 
** MALI. 9635, RVTM, *0801-0835, sign on with flute IS. Vernacular 
talk at 0801:30. Lite piano music. Local African music. Fair signal
strength but weak modulation. March 30. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA, USA 
Equipment: Icom IC-7600, two 100 foot longwires 
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