** ANGUILLA [and non]. 12180, May 22 at 0510, very weak signal with talk 
modulation. Probably a second harmonic since no station intentionally transmits 
farther out-of-this-band than 12160 WWCR. Yes, at 0520 I am able to // this to 
6090 PMS! Don`t believe I`ve heard an harmonic from this before. Propagation 
was wide-open from the Caribbean; altho RHC had signed off, huge carrier on 
12215 at 0514, with intermittent digital data bursts from the Cuban spies. In 
case Caribbean Beacon`s day frequency also harmonicize, patrol 23550 (Glenn 

** CHINA. Firedrake May 22, before 1300:
17450, poor at 1249
17100, poor at 1248 with flutter
16920, very poor at 1248 with flutter
16100, fair at 1248 with flutter
15970, poor at 1249
15555, very poor at 1252
15250, at 1254 the usual CNR1 echojamming maybe with some FD added? 
14950, very poor at 1255
14600, poor at 1255
13920, poor at 1255; none in the 12s

Before 1400:
16920, very poor at 1357
16100, very poor at 1357
15970, very poor at 1359
15900, very poor at 1359; out of time to check lower

** CUBA [and non]. 17580, May 22 at 1400:35, RHC cuts modulation during its own 
IS, and carrier off a few sex later; meanwhile all the other frequencies are 
still announcing both 17730 and 17580 as on the air until 1500; what do they 

17580 uncovered something else much weaker, presumably YFR Bengali via 
Wertachtal at 13-15. I`m sure RHC is going off for its own reasons, not in 
deference to this (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GERMANY [non]. 17810, May 22 at 1245, station in French talking about 
Congo-Brazzaville, and // weaker 17820. It`s DW, via RWANDA aimed USward at 325 
degrees, and Woofferton UK aimed due south, respectively (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** INDONESIA. 9526-, May 22 at 1302, S9+10 carrier, just barely modulated with 
music rather than talk as one would expect from VOI at the beginning of the 
English hour on Tuesdays co-produced with RRI Banjarmasin, if they are still 
doing that. Still on at 1403 causing usual het to CRI Russian USward accurately 
on 9525.0. 

One editor took pains to point out with my previous log that this is only 
``presumed``. I have no doubt whatsoever that this futility is still VOI as 
logged numerous times before with enough modulation on exactly this 

There is still hope: Wolfgang Büschel reported earlier May 20 on a later 
broadcast: ``9525.974, Surprisingly excellent feeder audio quality noted today. 
The TX will have been well repaired. VoINS Cimanggis in Arabic logged at 1636 
UT women singer chorus, S=9+15dB signal strength in Germany`` (Glenn Hauser, 

** JAPAN. 9595, Tuesday May 22 at 1308, R. Nikkei in Japanese discussing 
various German words, such as ``arbeiten``, 1312 ``Frau und Herr``, 
``Klavier``, another advanced language lesson instead of English yesterday at 
this time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 48, May 21 [correct] at 0502-0512+ UT, KOCY-LP in OKC is locked 
up! Audio bits in Spanish are cutting on and off rapidly at the rate of 6 per 
second (360 per minute), and the video is frozen. Not snow-free and hard to 
make out, but various geometric figures, maybe tiling, and possibly some 
lettering. I suppose an input problem from the Estrella TV network downlink? 
Something wonderfully digital even tho the ultimate transmission is still 

W9WI.com has three listings for this: licensed as 18.1 kW; application for 10.6 
kW; and CP for LD = digital 15 kW, all at same site. I am dreading the day this 
may flash-cut to DTV, the last of my near-local analog TV signals (Glenn 

** OKLAHOMA. 780, May 22 at 0125 UT, as I am checking out 770 KKOB, notice that 
KSPI Stillwater is already off the air, unlike yesterday. Official May sunset 
is 0130 UT (June and July: 0145). Conversely, this daytimer sometimes leaves 
its carrier on past sunset, or even all-night (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING 

** OKLAHOMA. 1430, May 22 at 0553, good signal with a caller from Scottsdale on 
``Extra Sports 910``. Soon faded to nothing, then back up. I was expecting 
something more exotic than KTBZ Tulsa, but slogan chex for KGME in Phoenix on 
910, and both of them are on the Fox Sports Network. No other likely 
sportstalkers on 1430 around here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PHILIPPINES. 15765 & 15785, May 22 at 1252, the IBB Tinang transmitter with 
VOA Korean at 21 degrees, also USward on 15775, has developed a pair of very 
distorted roaring FMy spurs with no specific carriers. The fundamental still 
sounds fine. Still the same at 1408 altho all are weaker. Fortunately, nothing 
else is scheduled on either spur frequency per HFCC and Aoki (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** SRI LANKA [non]. 12250, May 22 at 1501, again today a JBA carrier and more 
flutter than yesterday, presumed new Tamil clandestine Nathaam, from unknown 
site. Swopan Chakroborty in NE India reports they were only playing music 

``Heard non stop music at 1500-1600 UT on 12250 kHz, 21 May 2012. 
Here two audio files recorded at 1531 & 1535. 
Thanks, Swopan Chakroborty``

The files play but nothing is audible for me. Nor when downloaded and played on 
Winamp tho displaying modulation visibly. What kind of music is it? What about 
today? Reports promptly from DXLD yg members May 22:

``Dear Glenn, I can receive UnID station on 12250 kHz May 22 from 1500 UT. This 
station is strong to fair signal, but the audio modulation is poor. As for the 
music, LA Music totally irrelevant to Sri Lanka is broadcasted. Where will a 
transmission site be from?

on May 21 by Hiroshi Inoue. S. Hasegawa, Japan``

``I haven’t been able to receive the station here in Ohio, but I was able to 
play the recordings using my Web browser. It does sound like non-descript light 
Latin pop music, which I definitely wasn’t expecting. --Larry Cunningham``

``50 secs audio file at 1556 UT today:
``Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi``

** SWAZILAND. 15360-, May 22 at 1412, TWR Urdu service is only poor today with 
music, but I decide to measure this off-frequency by my technique: BFO on, 
zero-beat WWV 15000.0000 on the YB-400, tune to 15360.0 and compare the pitch 
of the het with my keyboard, which almost matches at F below middle-C, i.e. 175 
Hz. That makes it 15359.825. On May 18, Wolfgang Büschel measured this at 
15359.655 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 17605, May 21 at 1325, YFR Burmese is still a good signal, far, 
far, away from the target, and the transmitter. As I reported before, site 
shown as Tashkent in HFCC, but Kishinov in WRTH, so I asked Dan Elyea at WYFR 
which is correct?

``Hi Dan, Have been getting YFR Burmese broadcast at 13-14 UT on 17605, with 
quite a good signal. This was registered in HFCC as TAC = Uzbekistan site, but 
WRTH update shows it as KCH = Moldova. I could not believe it was that good 
from Uzbekistan, and seems to me it`s too strong even for Moldova here. Could 
it be Germany? Please confirm what the correct site is. Thanks, Glenn``

Dan replies: ``The registration was correct, Glenn, but maintenance at the TAC 
site temporarily prevents their provision of the service (no date for 
restoration). So the WRTH update is actually correct with the KCH. That's 500 
kW on a 4/8/0.8 antenna.``

``Dan, Thanks for the explanation. KCH must put plenty of signal off the back. 
Do you know if TAC site is totally down? Or have all FSI transmissions at least 
been moved elsewhere too, details? (I assume there were more scheduled, haven`t 
checked). Glenn`` to Dan.

Dan replies again: ``Agreed, Glen[n]; one of the sidelobes must fall near 325 
degrees for you to get such a good signal. FSI presently has a TAC transmission 
to India, 500 kW, 4/4/1, 14-15 UTC, 15450 kHz, Assamese. So TAC is not totally 
down. 73, Dan``

Once again May 22 at 1316 with hymn in Burmese, 17605 has good signal and 
modulation but with flutter, and held up well for the rest of the hour. If 
Grigoriopol` is aiming right at Yangon, directly off the back would enter 
America at the eastern tip of Venezuela, far off from here (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** U S A. 770, KKOB NM, was in with a steady signal at eclipse-time, UT May 21, 
so I check it again 24 hours later, UT May 22 at 0125-0130+ in exactly the same 
situation, out in the field with the portable DX-398. This time the sky is 
cloudless and the moonless setting sun is unimpeded, but NO signal from KKOB. 
There could be other variables, but now I`m thinking maybe the partial eclipse 
did have something to do with its audibility yesterday, even here far off the 
KKOB official UT sunrise/sunset times:
May 1200-0200, June 1145-0215, July 1200-0215

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