** BOTSWANA. 4930, July 17 at 0516, very poor signal in English, no doubt VOA 
as scheduled 03-06, 100 kW, 20 degrees; seldom hear this at all vs noise level 
here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST

** CHINA [and non]. Firedrake July 17; still scarce with degraded hi-latitude 
propagation, before 1300:
14400, poor at 1237, none lower
14700, fair at 1237, none higher
The 15 MHz band has only a few weak signals from China, Cuba, WWCR: 15125, 
15230, 15250, 15825; and VOA best on 15590, with Es help?

After 1300:
15565, poor at 1314
14700, very poor at 1315
Now US Es signals have built up on 15: 15615 WEWN, 15825 WWCR
Nothing on VHF by 1500 

WWV reported: ``Geophysical Alert Message
Solar-terrestrial indices for 16 July follow.
Solar flux 138 and estimated planetary A-index 31.
The estimated planetary K-index at 1200 & 1500 UTC on 17 July was 2.
No space weather storms were observed for the past 24 hours.
No space weather storms are predicted for the next 24 hours.``
But conditions are still very poor, haven`t really recovered

** COLOMBIA. 14950.75v, Salem Stereo not heard for a few days; last log was 
July 14 at 1300. Have checked at least once each evening July 15-16-17, 
including July 17 just after 0000. Has anyone else heard even a carrier on its 
giveaway offset frequency since then? May well be due to geomag storms which 
have degraded higher bands greatly, altho southerly signals are least affected 
and sometimes even boosted (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** CUBA [and non]. 9490, July 16 at 2356 I tune in ahead of the Radio República 
transmission via GUIANA FRENCH. Medium-severe pulse jamming is already running, 
but it`s not at the total wall-of-noise level. RR cuts on at *2359:40 with 
carrier completely overriding the jamming here, July 17 0000 Cuban NA, ID and 
0001.5 first program on Monday evening is `Barrio Adentro`. Jamming here was 
less than WON on VOA 9885, tho VOA 12000 surpassed the jamming. After 0000, 
9955 jamming on WRMI was only pulsing as program was a preacher in English 

** KOREA SOUTH [non]. 9650, July 17 at 1228, KBSWR via CANADA starting a 
``Tuesday corner``, `Style Korea`, YL with tips on applying makeup when it`s 
hot and skin is oily. OMG! I`ve just realized that this program topic has been 
neglected by all other SW stations, a gaping hole in their schedules. We still 
don`t know what will happen to KBS once Sackville be gone (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** MEXICO. Not much sporadic E activity last few days, but some finally UT July 
0115 on 2, turn on TV to find f-bug in LR, and below it 20:15 clock. Which 
station(s) use(s) 24-hour clock?
0115 on 3, net-5 promo
0117 on 4, signs of something visual
0129 on 2, before my very eyes the temp changes from 30 to 29 below f
0131 on 2, weather grafix, 5-day? for Guadalajara, presumably XEWO, but 20 kHz 
offset CCI with other station. There is also some `wavy` video CCI, not usually 
seen, wonder if it could be auroral? Turn antenna north, nothing there. Back to 

As for offsets, the map at 
shows XEWO is plus, and XEFB is minus, tho there are plenty of other 2s in 
between and all over Mexico at plus, even or minus offsets

0133 on 2, news with M&W presenters side by side; LR bug has NOTICIAS on one 
line, 29 8:34 below it, and no f bug now; then I see a promo with the MTY 2 
logo in a circle of Monterrey, XEFB, ad for the salón de belleza at S-MART
0150 on 2, faded to just barely visible
0200 on 2, brief audio surge as newscast is closing
0236 on 2, +tv bug in UR fade up and down, i.e. XEWO, MásTV

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