6060 2222-2252 ARG Radiodifusión Argentina al Exterior, Buenos Aires, 19/07, Spanish, YL public talk with some mentions of Buenos Aires and applause, OM talk, etc. - poor with QRM from Sichuan PBS, heterodyne and local noise, best in LSB, // http://radionacional.com.ar/vivo/1-am-870.html with some delay

5915 2148-2201'02* ZMB Zambia National BC, Lusaka, 19/07, Vernacular, OM phone talks with listeners, final choral national anthem - fair- poor with strong QRM from 5920 (VOR) and local noise, also VOA open carrier starting from 2157 and Yankee Doodle from 2159'12

15345.30 2125-2137 ARG Radiodifusión Argentina al Exterior, Buenos Aires, 19/07, German, OM talks with frequency announcement, Argentine songs, 3 time pips at 2130 - almost good with fading and local noise

6059.89v 2108-2120 B Super Radio Deus de Amor, Curitiba, 15/07, Portuguese, OM sermon - poor-fair till 2109'41, then poor due to one more carrier near 6060 and local noise, // http://app01.truetech.com.br:8070/pr_superradioctba approx. with 23 sec. dealy

6055 2035-2054 RRW Radio Rwanda, Kigali, 15/07, Vernacular, Gitaramo program with OM/YL talks and singing ("Gitaramo - a cultural tradition of sharing stories, song and dance while sitting around a warm fire") - good with slight fading, // http://www.orinfor.gov.rw/radio/listenradio.php with 24 sec. delay

4949.75 2009-2020 AGL Radio Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos, 15/07, Portuguese, OM/YL talks, pop music - weak under local noise, best in LSB

4750 1704-1712'18* BGD Radio Bangladesh, Shavar with prolonged schedule, 15/07, Bengali, OM news - poor-fair with local noise

9650 1649-1654'40* AFS Radio Sonder Grense, Meyerton, 15/07, Afrikaans, OM/YL talks - weak-poor with local noise and splashes from 9655 (IRN)

9705 1605-1631 ETH Radio Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, 15/07, English, weekly musical program with piano and saxophone music, local song, YL ID, OM news - good with local noise, // 9558.47 poor and tentatively 7234.54v weak

15340 1514-1530'08* AUS HCJB, Kunurrura, 15/07, English, Christianityworks program from Sydney, final song and HCJB announcement - almost good with slight fading and local noise

6010 0033-0047 B Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 15/07, Portuguese, OM talk, pop and rock songs - weak-poor with local or DRM- like noise, best in LSB to avoid BHR in USB

6180 0002-0017 B Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 15/07, Portuguese, OM dialogues with listeners, Brazilian song - almost good with CRI in English in the background, // http://lixty.net/#/radio/ 28159/ with 9 sec. delay

5940 2339-2350 B Radio Voz Missionaria, Camboriu, 14/07, Portuguese, OM sermon - fair and better with local noise

6080.03 2318-2328 B Radio Marumby, Curitiba, 14/07, Portuguese, YL/OM dialogues - poor-fair with local noise, best in LSB with 4 kHz bandwidth, // http://www.radioevangelismo.com/radionline.htm with 12 sec. delay

11665 1912-1934 MLA RTM Sarawak FM, Kajang, 14/07, Malaysian, YL/OM talks, wetern pop and rock music such as Still Loving You, etc. - poor with local noise and QRM from 11660 (BBC *1930), // 9835 weak-poor

7234.45v 1825-1840 ETH Radio Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, 12/07, Vernacular, OM talks, local pop songs - poor-fair with splashes from IRN (7240) and audio delay during some minutes, // 9705 fair and better with QRM from NGR

9745U 0020-0032 BHR Radio Bahrain, Abu Hayan, 12/07, Arabic, non stop traditional OM singing - fair and better with local noise and slight fading

7295 1536-1550 MLA RTM Traxx FM, Kajang, 11/07, English, OM/YL short talks with commercial and ID jingles, western pop songs - fair-almost good with local noise, best in AM SYNC with 6 kHz bandwidth

9835 1434-1512 MLA RTM Sarawak FM, Kajang, 11/07, Malaysian, Quran OM singing, OM (mostly)/YL talks, etc. - fair with local noise and splashes from both sides, best in AM SYNC with 4 kHz bandwidth

12104.96 0340-0403 USA WTWW, Lebanon, 11/07, Portuguese, OM religious talk with music in the background, OM English ID at 0402 - fair and better with local noise, best in LSB, // http://wtww.us/pages/listen-live/tx3.php


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