BRAZIL   11915.09   R. Gaucha  Tlk by M and W in PT at 0033 w/ment of madrugada 
Uruguay, presidente, Brasil.  ID at 0039:40 ending segment, then fanfare and 
outro, promo, then M returned.  3+1 time ticks at 0045 during discussion 
M.  Ad/promo block at 0052-0056, then M again w/ment of nacional, Brasil, Sao
Paulo.  3+1 time ticks again over M at ToH and again at 0115.  0102 pgm promo 
Nacional", then ad/promo block including one w/M mooing like a cow.  0106:20
ID/promo and pgm intro.  Nice ID/promo at 0116:50.  Went off suddenly at 
Good signal but slop QRM from 11920 and fading after 0100.  Clear after 0100.  
hrd on 11 June, and rarely on.  (29 July)

CLANDESTINE   15115   SW Radio Africa (apparently via Madagascar)   0600:44 s/on
w/instru. Afro mx and EG ID by M "You're listening to a program from SW Radio
Africa, Zimbabwe's independent voice", then intro for pgm "Crisis Analysis"
including an ID.  Then said pgm w/M host and many remote journalist reports.  
signal suddenly dropped way down at 0622 and basically inaudible.  Corresponded
almost perfectly with a spike in the X-ray flux.  Never did return.  (29 July)

EQUATORIAL GUINEA   15190   R. Africa   Signal on at 0532:30, and pgm by Hope 
Services already on when it was brought up about 30 sec. later.  Deadair at 0454
between pgms, then startup of next pgm.  Finally a complete stn ID by M over 
percussion mx at 0608:40 "You are listening to R. Africa.  Thank you for 
to R. Africa's inspirational programming.  We are excited to share with you that
you can contact ministries via e-mail at  Just address 
e-mails to the particular ministry, send it to  The 
look forward to your e-mails to the ministries.  You may also write to the
ministries at the addressed announced during the program ?? post office box.  
East Africa, P.O. Box 698, 60400 Chuka Neru South, Kenya.  That's Radio East
Africa, P.O. Box 698, the zip code is 90400, the city of Chuka Neru (spelled 
South, in Kenya.  Our ministries are very excited to share their messages of 
and inspirational to you.  At the same time it is important to let them know you
are listening to their program.  Thank you for listening to the Radio Africa
network".  Yes, the first number in their zip code was given as both 6 and 9.
Found Chuka on Google Earth but not Chuka Neru.  Nothing found doing a Google
search of the announced address either.  Fady signal but good most of the time.
Glad to get a full ID again.  (29 July)

RUSSIA   15110   Tatarstan Wave   Signal on at 0347:57, and pgm start up at 
w/pleasant instru. mx that matched up perfectly with recording on Interval 
Online, and brief ID anmnt by W w/ment of "programma".  Then instru. mx and tlk 
M and W.  Nowhere near strong enough to copy.  Signal off at 0500.  Glad to 
ID this.  (29 July)

BRAZIL   4865   R. Alvorada   0857 ment of Alvorada during M anncr.  Another 
of Alvorada at 0900, then rel. pgm w/tlk by M and ment of Christiana.  3rd
strongest ZY on the band behind 4885 and 4915.  (29 July)

NORTH KOREA   11865   V.O. Korea   0843 usual somber fatherland vcl mx, //9650
which was weaker.  This freq fair and clear.  (29 July)

73          Dave Valko
             Dunlo, PA, USA

             NRD-535D and Perseus SDR
             T2FD antenna

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