** BANGLADESH [and non]. 15105, August 17 at 1345-1349* a weak carrier here, 
maybe following BB`s Nepali service as allegedly scheduled 1315-1345. I keep 
tuned to rehear their IS at 1358 before Urdu as on previous days. But from 
*1358 instead on 15105 it`s B-B-C- chimes from Ascension, about to start Hausa. 

Not until 1401 do I try Bangladesh Betar`s other frequency, 15505, and there 
they are on this one today instead of 15105, a good move, with S Asian music, 
flutter, 1402 YL announcement in presumed Urdu, 1406 music, alternating with 
talk bits, 1412 vocal music, etc. And none of that self-imposed noise any more. 
1442 recheck, the fluttery carrier is still on 15505. Maybe modulation will 
revive for expected 1515-1545 Hindi, 1600-1630 Arabic, and 1630-1730 Bangla? 

** CHILE. 17680, August 17 at 1334, CVC La Voz from Miami studio: Calera de 
Tango site`s last day ever on the air, with usual gospel rock in Spanish, 1334 
announced as the #23 tune on some kind of hit parade. To be cut off and 
dismantled after 2200 UT today; also on 9635. I wonder if anything special will 
be said before 2200, even in former languages such as English? Updated with QSL 
details: http://www.w4uvh.net/calendar.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** TAIWAN [non]. 7570, Aug 17 at 0458, RTI confirmed in correct language, 
Spanish, via WYFR, wrapping up the 0400 hour with their full Spanish schedule 

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1630 monitoring: confirmed on WWRB, 5050, also webcast 
funxioning, UT Friday August 17 at 0330 after a respectful pause of 77 seconds 
following the SC preacher, amen & amen. As soon as he stopped, the background 
noise level rose on the webcast, and after 49 seconds, a louder hum came on, 
which continued once WOR started, the same on 5050. There`s something about the 
way WWRB is playing this back which causes it, as there is certainly no such 
hum on the original WOR file. This has been happening for several weeks. But 
I`m still readable if you ignore or filter the hum.

Further opportunities to hear WOR 1630: 
UT Saturday 0130v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB
UT Sunday 0400 on WTWW 5755
WRMI 9955: Sat 0800, 1500, 1730, Sun 0800, 1530, 1730, Mon 0500, 1130
On HLR, low power in Germany: Sat 0630 on 7265, Tue 0930 on 5980. These are 
from two different sites, BTW
On WRN via SiriusXM 120: Sat & Sun 1730, Sun 0830
Full schedule with many more webcasts:

UNIDENTIFIED. 11751.5, Aug 17 at 1320, JBA carrier, but none of the others, 
1.0-kHz off-channels as usually heard during this hour. Propagation much 
degraded, with the on-channel stations they usually het barely audible, e.g. 
Anguilla 11775 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 11995, Aug 17 at 0453, the mystery open carrier at S9+12 with 
some hum is already on this early, previously logged several times after 0500. 
There was nothing to identify it around hourtop. More and more I am suspecting 
TDF Issoudun, which had RFI English at 04-05 before it was deleted (Glenn 
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