UNID. 12085 UNID. CH stn here after V.O. Mongolia went off 1058. Canned anmnts w/poss. ment of website or e-mail "...dot com". Off at 1100. 12080 QRM, and what sounded like DRM started at 1059 as well. Hrd this once before. (31 August)

INDONESIA 9525.98 V.O. Indonesia (pres.) Back here at 1104 check. W tlk very very weakly. Couldn't even tell what lang. (31 August)

UNID. 15518 Unid. pres. Clandestine Tlk by M in Asian lang. and remote rpt at 1228. Jammed by mx jammer on 15520. Both moved at 1230. This moved up to 15543 w/M continuing, mx bridge, then more tlk. Jammer showed up on 15545. Then found it had moved to 15553 at 1252 w/mx jammer on 15555. Lite Chinese-like mx at 1254 then diff. M at 1259. Mx and canned anmnt by M, 1300 prob. ID anmnt. Then found it on 15562 w/more tlk at 1304. Mx jammer found it at 1308:23 on 15560. Found it had moved again to 15567 at 1322. Changed freq again to 15603 at 1333, and jammer followed to 15605. 15603 went off at 1400. Was not //15487. Wish I had the Perseus recording this cat and mouse game. Who was this?? (31 August)

NIGER 9704.98 La Voix du Sahel 2220-2255 call-in pgm w/M host in FR and many callers. Ments of Niamey and Africa. Koran 2255-2259, then closing ID anmnt by M at 2259, flute IS, choral NA 2259-2301, brief tone, deadair, then signal off at 2302:05. Fairly strong but low modulation. At least it was in the clear. Hrd while checking out the new Wellbrook ALA1530S+ antenna. (31 August)

BRAZIL 4754.87 Unid. ZY heard here the last couple days both in the AMs and PMs. A lot of tlk. Rom. ZY song 0057. 0100 fanfare, M anncr 0101 and canned anmnts. A little too weak and too noisy for ID. Hrd on Perseus with new Wellbrook ALA1530S+ testing it out. (1 Sept.)

CANADA 6159.98 CKZU, Vancouver Found in the clear w/CKZN gone at 0836. But it was there 15 minutes earlier. Hrd usual informative pgms w/CBC Radio One IDs. CKZN came back on at 0843:24, so no chance for perfectly clear reception over ToH. (1 Sept.)

COLOMBIA 5909.94 Alcaravan R. Usual pleasant Ranchera mx and canned IDs at 0853:55 and 0900:10. Very strong but w/UTE QRM above at times. (1 Sept.)

BRAZIL 4805 R. Dif. do Amazonas Really nasty airplane buzzing sound on their xmsn today first noted around 0905. Looks like its caused by 4 'signals', 2 on each side of the fundamental, each spaced apart by about 130 hz. First time to notice this. (1 Sept.)

PERU 4747.08 R. Huanta Dos Mil 1013 end of song and anmnts by live studio M anncr starting w/TC. No ID hrd, mx bridge at 1018, then canned anmnt w/ment of internacional and Ramone ??, Santa Domingo, radio, Bolivia "muchas gracias", then live M returned w/morning greeting and more tlk in SP and Aymara w/ments of Bolivia, Santa Maria, pampa. Same canned annmnt at 1028 as hrd at 1018, 1030 pgm outro, then into campo mx. Diff. M anncr at 1034. Fading pretty quickly after 1030. (1 Sept.)

UNID. 15527 UNID. pres. Clandestine Had the Perseus going this morning and found it here coming on the air at 1159:40 with the jammer coming on 15530 at 1202:20. The stn was too weak to copy. Changed freq at 1212:50 to 15518, at 1230:22 on 15543, at 1236:17 on 15553, at 1303:15 on 15562, at 1317:30 on 15567, and everytime the jammer followed. Stopped the recording before it had moved to 15603. So its using the same freqs in the same order, but changes at different times. Not as good as yesterday. Who is it?? (1 Sept.)

PAKISTAN 15265 R. Pakistan Hrd at 1657 w/IS mixing w/VOA. Usual brief prayers, nx fanfare, and W w/EG ID/intro for the nx. Nice to hear this on the Perseus and ALA1530S+ antenna. Tried adding the ARR preamp but it just boosted the noise along with the signals. Even though signals are weaker, it sounds better w/out the preamp. (1 Sept.)

ISRAEL 15850 Galei Zahal Nice solid clear signal w/live concert at 1930. (1 Sept.)

73          Dave Valko
             Dunlo, PA 15930
             NRD-535D and Perseus SDR
80 foot random wire, Wellbrook ALA1530S+
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