PAPUA NEW GUINEA, R. East New Britain, 3385.0, 11:20 - 11:55.  Male anncr with 
call-in show mostly in local language, but with some ads in English; pop mx.  
Signal had dropped considerably by 11:40, but bits of audio still there at 
1155.  This is typically the best PNG station at my location, but it's 
occasionally hit with RTTY.  (Delibert, N. Bethesda, MD, 10/6).    SOLOMON 
ISLANDS, SIBC, 5019.87, 11:06 - 11:18, with news in English, ID at 11:07:30, 
into mx at 11:13.  Somewhat readable when Rebelde not playing mx.  Still 
audible at 12:00 recheck, with male anncr with prayer in English, unreadable 
announcement by female, anthem(?) and s/off.  (Delibert, N. Bethesda, MD, 
10/6).     Art Delibert, N. Bethesda, MD.   NRD535D with SE-3 synch detector,   
Pennant antenna aimed NNW with DX Engineering pre-amp                           
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