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Today's Topics:

   1. Glenn Hauser logs October 7, 2012 (Glenn Hauser)
   2. Re: Voice of Greece on Oct.8 (Wolfgang Bueschel)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2012 09:34:32 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs October 7, 2012
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** BANGLADESH. 15105, Oct 7 at 1251, BB missing unless it`s the JBA carrier I 
often hear instead, maybe not right-on frequency and could be a local birdie. 

15505, Oct 7 at 1358, open carrier with flutter, 1359:15 IS a couple times 
almost, stopped early to play a ``time`` signal ending at 1359:46; very poor 
today from the BB Urdu service, but at least it`s on the air for the first 
triminute, all that I checked (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 6180, Oct 7 at 0531, RNA is gone again after a week`s reactivity, 
but no help, as now there is nothing adjacent on 6175 or 6185 to be unQRMed 

** CANADA. 6175, Oct 7 at 0459, Sackville again puts VOV on wrong frequency 
instead of 9555; very strong with that characteristic squeal from this unit. 
Needs a new modulator card, but why bother now? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** CANADA [and non]. 9625, Sunday Oct 7 at 1406, CBCNQ with lo audible het from 
CCI of at least equal strength. It can`t be Channel Africa in Portuguese, since 
that is M-F only; instead it must be RTI, 300 kW, 250 degrees from Tainan, 
TAIWAN in Vietnamese at 14-15, per Aoki and EiBi, certainly not HFCC where 
Taiwan is banned by the ChiCom; but HFCC compensates with a wooden listing for 
VOR due south from Novosibirsk (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake Oct 7 before 1300, no full searches:
15550, fair at 1256

After 1300:
15495, poor at 1309, het on hi side
15560, poor at 1309, het on hi side

** CUBA. 9810, Oct 7 at 0533, RHC English with some hum, as happens 
periodically on this frequency which is supposed to be in Spanish only and 
closing at 0500.

17580, Oct 7 at 1307, RHC is still on, not especially strong and no specific 
spurs all over the band, but a general spread of its modulation audible some 50 
kHz either side, which is bad enough.

11680, Oct 7 at 1313, yet another RadioCuba SNAFU, as has happened a few times 
before, lysdexic operator putting RHC here instead of correct 11860, during 
mailbag; still there at 1352, and 1403. Much stronger than the weak other site 
on 11690, 11750.

9540, Oct 7 at 1317, humbuzz atop RHC modulation, but no spurs detectable. 
Pretty weak fundamental now, so could have been spurs inaudible.

Since it`s elexion day in Venezuela Oct 7, I figure it`s worth checking the 
still-listed on RHC website frequencies
for the imaginary `Al?, Presidente` relay on Sunday mornings --- not that El 
Hugazo would suddenly revive the show, as that might be construed as 
elexioneering, but if ever worth broadcasting via Cuba, this should be the day 
--- so is there anything at 1547 on 13680, 11690, 15370, 17750 or 13750? No, at 
least not from RNV/RHC. 

On second thought, it makes perfect sense not to revive it: 1) it`s too early 
for results yet; 2) what if he should lose?! 3) elexion, what`s that? Certainly 
counter-revolutionary (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE [and non]. 9420, UT Sunday Oct 7 at 0458, VOG`s re?xpanded span is 
still on in former silent period; recheck at 0534 finds the much-anticipated 
Greek Orthodox Sunday singing service in progress, lasting past 0618. A nice 
contrast to the 0530 VatLat mass on even stronger 9645, battle of the sects.

15650, Oct 7 at 1311 poor with Greek music, in another extension on the air 
before previous *1355 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN. 5985, Sunday Oct 7 at 1329, open carrier, poor signal, lite het from 
Myanmar 5985+; 1330 piano music, Japanese, 1332 ``kochirawa Shiokaze``, from 
JSR Tokyo to Korea North (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 610, Oct 7 at 1214 UT, ``la m?xima expresi?n de la radio en Sabinas, 
BX!!``, then local time and temp. Cant?:
610 XEBX La Primera Sabinas, Coah. 5,000 500

** MEXICO. 1000, Oct 7 at 1203 UT, orchestral NA, then full ID, hard to copy 
with KTOK OKC QRM incompletely nullable making a slow SAH; but I did catch a 
``Chihuahua`` and a ``Rancherita`` which makes it XEFV Ciudad Ju?rez, ruling 
out the other Chihuahuan in Parral which I think I have yet to hear (Glenn 

** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 960, UT Sunday Oct 7 at 0500 is another dead-air day 
from local KGWA during the midnight news hole. Nulled as best I could, this 
time there is some Mexican romantic music underneath carrier, 0502 maybe a 
quick X- ID I can`t catch as QRM de ABC news reverb from two other stations is 
gaining on it. Suspect XEK Nuevo Laredo as it does not loop very far SW, and 
not near the KGWA null. I watch the seconds tick away to get the volume turned 
back down in time. 0505 KGWA blasts back on with local ad starting with 
countertop bellringing, introducing Metcalf Lawn & Garden (Glenn Hauser, Enid, 

** RUSSIA. 5930, Sunday Oct 7 at 1238, R. Rossii with neat weird music, 
unreadable lyrix sound English, pre-Hallowe`en? As often the case in their 
final hour before sign-off with unusual music. 1241 brief Russian announcement 
mentions John Fox, and Elisabeth ---; 1250 another song in English. More music 
plays right up until 1300 when it stops with no announcement or even 
time-signal, and carrier off before 1301. 

This is 100 kW, 30 degrees from Petropavlovsk/Kamchatsky, which is usually 
paired with unsynchronized 5940 Magadan, but no sign of the latter; it is much 
further north, but suspect not on the air tonight. It`s also 100 kW, 30 degrees 
per Aoki, so both USward. 

With Putin ruling out continuing yearound DST, dumb idea by Medvedev, we can 
expect these to extend one UT hour longer until 1400 come winter. Previous 
B-seasons, 5930 has switched to 6075 instead, but B-12 plans to stay on 5930, 
perhaps to avoid Vatican, if not 8GAL and 2MTL (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** SPAIN [non]. 11880, Sunday Oct 7 at 1254, REE COSTA RICA, music rather than 
`Amigos de la Onda Corta` but did not check earlier to be sure it was missing; 
then `La Costa de las Tormentas`, presumably just a promo for it. After 1305, 
`Mundofon?as`, world music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1637 monitoring: confirmed on WTWW-1 5745, UT Sunday 
Oct 7 at 0400. Next: on WRMI 9955, Sunday 1730, Monday 0500, 1130. Also on WRN 
via SiriusXM 120, Sunday 1730 which feeds WRMI.

Meanwhile, WTWW-2 was still on 5085 past 0400, Ted Randall interviewing some 
celebrity who is integrating ham radio into a TV show and inviting studio 
audience for tapings on some Tuesday evenings, probably replay of a QSO show 

** U S A. 9825, UT Sunday Oct 7 at 0425, `Pirating with Cumbre` this week with 
very strong signal from WHRI, unlike last week when it was JBA. In fact, at 
0457 it`s still on and overloading with images around the 31m band (Glenn 

** VATICAN. 17650, Oct 7 at 1305, good signal but very heavy short/long-path 
echo on VOA Somali talk, 250 kW, 139 degrees from SMG at 13-14. So 319 degrees 
would be directly off the back, close to USward with, like other European 
examples such as Wertachtal, most of the signal pushed toward what is for us 
the long path, but also plenty of signal direct off the back short-path, 
auto-QRMing. Without breaking out the globe again, no doubt this also went 
across the Indian and Pacific oceans, all overwater once it got beyond 
EurAfrica (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. TP carrier search Oct 7 at 1218 found a few just barely audible: 
738, 747, 774, 828. The last 3 surely the big 300 kW NHK Japan units, and the 
first, looping further south, Tahiti. Today`s sunrise was 1232 UT (Glenn 

UNIDENTIFIED. 1030, Oct 7 at 0506, open carrier with hum is still here, 
presumed KCTA 50 kW Corpus Christi daytimer (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

UNIDENTIFIED. Ch A2, Oct 7 at 1445 UT, another meteor-scatter burst of NTSC 
video with antenna south. Presumably a Draconid relaying Mexico, that shower 
peaking about now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2012 12:21:02 +0200
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "Frequencies" <>, <>,
        "HCDX" <>, "Mauno Ritola"
        <>,       "Glenn Hauser_actual" 
Subject: Re: [HCDX] Voice of Greece on Oct.8
Message-ID: <BA511552DDF24FC0A5E052F487FE3026@HNPC2>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

Please check for Radio Filia foreign languages relay section
on 11645 kHz at 03-08 UT.

GREECE   Tentativelly
A-12 short-wave Transmission Schedule
(Eff March 26 to October 29, 2012)
extended transmission hours from Oct 5th.

As monitored from October 5th onwards.   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

           Avlis 1      Avlis 2     Avlis 3
  UT       (100 kW)     (100 kW)    (170 kW)
0000-0200 *15650/105&   7475/285    9420/323
0200-0300  15630/285&  *7475/285    9420/323
0300-0800  15630/285   11645/002    9420/323

0800-1200  SILENT       SILENT      SILENT

1200-1400  #9935/285   15650/105    9420/323
1400-1500  #9935/285   15650/105    9420/323
1500-1600  #9935/285   15650/105    9420/323
1600-1700 *#9935/285   15650/105    9420/323
1700-1800  #7450/323   15650/105    9420/323

1800-1900  #7450/323   15630/285    9420/323
1900-2000  #7450/323   15630/285    9420/323
2000-2100  #7450/323   15630/285    9420/323
2100-2200  #7450/323   15630/285    9420/323
2200-2300 *#7450/323   15630/285    9420/323
2300-2357  15650/105& *15630/285&   9420/323

* Transmission ends 10 minutes earlier
# ERT-3 Radiophonikos Stathmos, Makedonias (Thessaloniki)
& not observed.

To Asia, AUS, NE/ME  2300-0200 15650
                     1200-1800 15650

To North America     2300-2400  9420  15630
                     0000-0300  9420   7475
To South America,
South Atlantic,
Panama Zone.......   2000-2400 15630

To South America,
South Atlantic....   2300-0200 15650

Filia program relay  0500-0800 11645 0500 Albanian, 0600 Polish
Probably 0700-0730 Russian.

(Revised on April 2, 2012, by
John Babbis, Silver Spring, MD, USA;
updated by wb as of Oct 5th, 2012)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Frequencies" Sent: Monday, October 08, 2012 10:05 AM
Subject: Voice of Greece on Oct. 8

Voice of Greece this morning Oct. 8:
0300-0800 on 9420 and 15630 in Greek
0300-0800 on 11645 in Greek, but surprise 0500-0600 in Albanian Radio Filia
73! Ivo 

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 118, Issue 8

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