** ALASKA. 28375-USB, Oct 21 at 1919, KL7NO, ``north of Fairbanx``, working an 
unheard W5 in San Antonio. 10 meters has been wide open lately (Glenn Hauser, 

** BANGLADESH. 15105, Oct 22 at 1256, S Asian song, fair signal, 1259 YL 
signing English off to ``Dear listeners --- coming to the end --- Bangladesh 
Betar``, and Optimod grows the hum until carrier off.

15505, Oct 22 at 1359 no signal, but *1400 carrier on with no IS or TS, 1400:10 
JIP BB Urdu theme music and sign-on. Ivo Ivanov confirms that all BB 
frequencies were off the air Oct 21 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ALGERIA [non]. 9535, Oct 22 at 0521, Arabic sufficient here, in RTA relay 
via Issoudun, FRANCE; 7295 at 0523 is non // with a song, while 9535 is talk 

** BRAZIL. 28395-USB, Oct 21 at 1921, PY2DXA calling CQ and working an AA3, 
example of F2 LA DX MUF in big opening from S America, probably enhanced by 
contest activity. QRZ.com shows:

Du Durval Cardozo
Rua Tenente Antônio João, 653
São Caetano do Sul, SP 09530460

There is also someone signing only ``Durval`` on the radioescutas DX group, 
wonder if the same guy? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. 1610, Oct 22 at 0547, Spanish ad in dólares, NE/SW, enough to 
compete with KATZ 1600 IBOC noise if sidetuned to 1608, so it`s CHHA Toronto 

** CANADA. 9555, Oct 22 at 0521, VOV relay on correct frequency tonight, 
starting language lesson. It is of course a Vietnamese lesson, presented in 
English, not an `English lesson` as I misspoke on WOR 1639. Less than a week to 
go before it`s all over from Sackville (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANARY ISLANDS. 10 meters has been wide open lately, especially between 
Europe and North America, with huge swaths of blue lines on the map, still Oct 
22 at 1615 check:

28450-USB, Oct 21 at 1924, EC8CQ is trying to work thru a pileup:

Pedro (Peter) López Santana
P. O. Box : 57
Santa Brígida, Las Palmas 35300
Canary Islands

Says QRZ.com. 11m freeband, 12, 15 and 17 m hambands were also very active, but 
I just made four representative 10m logs from Alaska to Venezuela to Brazil to 
Canary Islands, qq.vv. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [and non]. Firedrake October 22, after 1300:
15555, good at 1306
 9780, fair at 1325 atop something, no doubt another RTI Chinese 
 9680, fair at 1322, vs. one other station in Chinese, presumably RTI; lacking 
RRIndonesia, and no CNR1 jamming either which would have matched 9845 and 
countless other frequencies

After 1330:
None in the 11s, 12s, 13s, 14s
15570, good at 1331 with flutter, het on lo side
15525, poor at 1331 with noise, het on lo side;
none in the 16s, 17s, 18s

15523, at 1333, some modulation making it against FD and noise on the hi side: 
presumably V. of Tibet, via Tajikistan, unseems Chinese but it could be either 
language. Aoki has it on lots of split frequencies in this area, but not 15523

After 1400:
17560, fair at 1405 with flutter, SAH from V. of Tibet, Madagascar

** CHINA. 9730, 9760, 9765 are all poor signals from CRI English, Oct 22 at 
1325, report about a concert in Uzbekistan. Per Aoki the sites are Beijing, 
Kunming, Xian, respectively, overkill (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 15190, Oct 21 at 1912 check, a JBA carrier, presumably 
PHILIPPINES and not R. Africa, as at same time Nigeria DRM is roaring on 
15115-15125. One would expect R. Africa to be on the air at this hour, 
especially on a Sunday. Have not heard it for a while now at this or any other 

On Oct 18, Harold Frodge, MI, said he had not heard it since Oct 13 at 1727. 
The last time I heard it was Oct 10 until 2020:20 in French! After the looping 
problem, as in DXLD 12-41 (Glen Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUIANA FRENCH. 11995, Oct 22 at 0519, ho hum, Montsinéry is still gone wild 
with unnecessary carrier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 13640, Oct 21 at 1938, ME music, fair signal and much better than 
Kuwait 13650; this is AIR Arabic service at 1715-1945, 500 kW, 300 degrees from 

13695, Oct 21 at 1939, Indian classical M&W duet vocal music, good with 
flutter, almost as good on // 11670, as AIR is making it well, trans-polar from 
the middle of their night. 13695 is not on the non-updated HFCC schedule at 
this hour, but 11670 is 500 kW, 320 degrees from Bengaluru. Aoki has 13695 as 
AIR GOS in English, 1745-1945, 500 kW, 280 degrees from Bengaluru, same for 
11670 except 325 degrees.

15045, Oct 22 at 1258, weak AM signal just barely modulated, probably AIR 
Burmese service ex-listed 15040 from Delhi/Khampur site, until blasted away by 
*1300 DRM centered on 15050, which is also Delhi/Khampur! Could Jose Jacob or 
other S Asian monitors confirm this scenario? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** INDONESIA. 9526-, Oct 22 at 1308, VOI is barely modulated with YL news in 
English, insufficient. 9680, Oct 22 at 1322, RRI seemed to be missing; see 

** INTERNATIONAL VACUUM. I could not drag myself out of bed before dawn Oct 21 
to witness the Orionid meteor shower peak in the angstrom-band, but before 1230 
UT I looked for an open FM frequency for some possible meteor scatter DX --- 
guess what: on the DX-398 there is not a single open frequency --- either CCI 
or ACI on every one of them. Of course, a more selective receiver and a 
direxional antenna might have found a few. On TV channel 2 monitored during the 
daytimes or evenings, I have seen hardly any bursts, no more during the shower 
peak dates than previously at random(?) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INTERNATIONAL VACUUM. CNN, via Suddenlink Cable here, Oct 21 at 1730 UT, 
interrupts `Fareed Zakaria GPS` midway for ``breaking news`` about the spa 
shootings in Wisconsin. This is the second week in a row that this has happened 
to the 17 UT repeat of FZGPS, and it has also happened several times before. 

Come on! This is a quality program with important insights, but blast it away 
at the drop of a handgun! What do we gain by pre-empting for sketchy 
information at least half an hour earlier than necessary?? It`s inconvenient 
for me to catch or even record the original GPS airing at 14-15 UT vs other 
Sunday morning pubaffs shows, but it seems I will have to start doing that. 
Would mad gunmen PLEASE time your Sunday slaughters a little bit later in the 
day? Axually it happened a sesquihour earlier, but was not ``breaking`` in CNN 
terms until now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. 13750, Oct 22 at 0519, fair in Russian, so must be IRIB as scheduled, 
500 kW, 321 degrees from Kamalabad so also USward. Then strumusic (Glenn 

** KURDISTAN [non]. 11510, Oct 22 at 1458-1501 another try to detect any site 
change for V. of Kurdistan, from Bijeljina to Bulgaria, as Ivo Ivanov reports: 
no break in transmission audible, nor precise frequency shift, but very weak 
signal seems to surge slightly at 1500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KUWAIT. 15540, Oct 21 at 1915 rock music, as R. Kuwait English is audible 
very poorly instead of not at all. I continue to wonder how reliable this 
service is even in Europe over a totally night path now at 18-21 (Glenn Hauser, 

** MADAGASCAR [and non]. 15497 approx., Oct 22 at 0512, extremely distorted FMy 
spurblob, suspect R. Dabanga since missing from 15400, and then found to be // 
but slightly ahead of 11650 via VATICAN; and I didn`t have to wait long for a 
``Radio Dabanga`` spoken or sung ID to come thru. It seems the Talata relay, 
which RNW is turning over to a local enterprise, is way out of whack, and this 
has happened before; see DXLD 12-31 for July 26 at 0450 on 15540-15560, 
seemingly Madagascar despite Dabanga also being scheduled on UAE 15550. Now 
it`s all-Africa on 19m, with 15580 VOA, 15120 VON. (I am filing this under 
Madagascar since it`s really about the transmitter site, not the SUDAN [non] 
programming) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 1170, Oct 22 at 1241 UT, Spanish mentions Chihuahua, and then a song 
about it, but not the state anthem. In KFAQ Tulsa null, where often at night I 
can hear Mexican music, but never IDed which of the nine stations listed (two 
of which are allegedly daytimers). Trouble is, there are none in Chihuahua. At 
sunrise here I would pick the mostly likely pair from Cantú as:
1170 XEMDA La Ley   Monclova, Coah. 1,000 500
1170 XERT  Ke buena Reynosa, Tamps. 5,000   D
Another clue: makes 160/minute SAH with KFAQ, i.e. two and two-thirds Hz. Now 
if we only had a reference with such frequency precision

** MEXICO. 1570, Oct 22 at 0545 UT, XERF, caught tail of promo announcement 
about digital radio plans, ``No se realizarán de noche a mañana``, and HD/iBoc 
is gratuita once you have a receiver for it. I assume this refers to AM rather 
than FM, as IMER is converting all its stations to IBOC, but good to know they 
will turn it off at night! Or is this a national rule applying to all XE IBOCs 
on AM? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MOROCCO [and non]. 9579.12+, Oct 22 at 0521, nothing but het audible between 
this, Médi Un, Nador and 9580.0, Africa No. Un, GABON. Could this be a plot by 
MU to damage the ratings of competitor ANU? Even 5 kHz apart was too close for 
them (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 960, UT Monday Oct 21 at 0500, KGWA Enid dead air pause, mainly 
occupied by ABC News with an echo, so KMA and WERC? Ads amid included 800 
numbers: at 0502, 1—888-987-3232; and at 0504, 1-800-895-8835. These lead to : 
ADT Security Services; and no clear hit. I suppose they were national ads 
anyway with no local clues (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1120, Oct 21 at 1911 UT check, KEOR is still on the air per DF 
toward Sperry, but just unmodulated carrier. Oct 22 at 1247 UT, still/again OC 
over KMOX at the moment, but the latter regains a bit (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX 

** OKLAHOMA. 31-3, KXOK Enid third subchannel which started carrying Azteca 
America earlier this month, Oct 21 at 2218 UT has again lost it to black screen 
and silent audio, altho signal meter shows it is still being radiated. Oct 22 
at 1920 UT check, it`s back, and equally via the adjacent weaker non-broadcast 
intercity relay transmitter on RF 32, also remapping as 31-3 (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** ROMANIA. 11795, Oct 21 at 1941, mailbag in Spanish is just mentioning Yimber 
Gaviria, Colombia, then someone in Tucumán. RRI is F-G, reading other reception 
report letters, e.g. Mexico, with musical bridges, I think from by Jean Michel 
Jarre --- is it ``Oxygène`` or ``Equinoxe``? Both really great music I 
recommend to hear in full. IIRC, `Media Network` employed this too. Also on 
weaker // 9700. Besides seasonal frequency changes, RRI will be moving all its 
broadcasts one UT hour later from Oct 28, as if the entire world were going off 
summer time like Romania will be! How incestuous and provincial. Does not apply 
at all to Central or South America (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1639 monitoring: 9955, Oct 22 at 0522, the UT Monday 
0500 WRMI broadcast is at more or less equal level with the DentroCuban pulse 
jamming, first one atop, then the other. Tnx a lot, Arnie! Another airing is 
Tuesday at 1100.

Also on Hamburger Lokalradio, Germany, Tuesday at 0930 on 5980 via Kall. Thomas 
Völkner confirms this is still on the air, but for the last time as the 
contract ends with the A-12 season. The 7265 broadcasts on Saturday via Goehren 
will continue in B-12 at the same UT, 0630 and 1630 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 15610, Oct 21 at 1915, WEWN English, missing in the morning, is back 
on with a vengeance, huge signal accompanied by spur hash field out to 
plus/minus 20 kHz, peaking at plus/minus 9 and 18 kHz, i.e. forcing us to 
sidetune above 15630 for Greece.

15615, Oct 21 at 1358, WEWN English is missing again, an hour after it was 
supposed to start here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Re the 530 kHz relay of NOAA Weather Radio, KEC59, Wichita: I got 
this reply from Robert Payton of NOAA: ``The station is located in north east 
part of Wichita near intersection of hwy 81 and 96. If you are on radio it is a 
function of the radio station not the National Weather Service``. But I am not 
sure if he is really referring to the location of 530 kHz or 162.55 MHz (Glenn 

** U S A. 930, Oct 22 at 0531 UT, WKY OKC is more easily nulled than usual, and 
there is something in English quite readable at that position: ``Relevant 
Radio``, with item about an open house Oct 24 at St. James Hospital; then 
addresses mentioned in River Forest, Willowbrook, Catholic Charities, 
relevantradio.com --- direct searches go right to WAUR in Sandwich IL, near 
Chicago, and 
confirms it`s the only 930 station they have, originating out of Green Bay, 
apparently. NRC AM Log shows night power 4.2 kW is axually more than day power 
of 2.5 kW, but night pattern is even more direxional north toward G.B., so 
would hardly expect it to occupy the WKY null way down here to the SW in OK. Is 
it out of whack, nondirexional perhaps? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VENEZUELA. 28416-USB, Oct 21 at 1922, YV5RED, CQ DX, VG signal but with 
background noise on his mike, then working KI7DG. QRZ.com lists:

Rafael Gianni

UNIDENTIFIED. 15430, Oct 22 just as I tune in to a snippet of music, cuts off 
the air at 1401. Then a couple of split-second carrier cut-ons, gone again. 
Nothing is scheduled here immediately before or after 1400 in Aoki, EiBi or 

UNIDENTIFIED. 15500, Oct 21 at 1914, open carrier with slow fades. Nothing 
scheduled anywhere near this time in HFCC or Aoki, but EiBi has 15500 as a 
possible 24-hour frequency for Sound of Hope and Firedrake (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

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