11510 came across of a empty carrier at 0343 UT, S=9+15dB basic signal,
     then silent, started again with 1026 Hertz signal tones and
     at 0400 UT with Kurdish National Anthem played by brass band.
9940 Radio Miraya FM still on air, program in progress, compared to
     11510 Kurdish station with muffeled audio,
     seemingly total different{!!} TX centers in use.
     Only fluttery S=6 signal.
11645 Voice of Greece in 03-05 UT slot strong signal at S=9+25dB level,
     but produces two spurious signals with peaks on 11609 and 11681 kHz,
     in ranges 11598-11615 and 11677-11687 kHz.
11730 NHK R Japan in Persian via Tashkent-UZB, 04-0430 UT S=8 fair
     signal sidelobe into Germany at 0404 UT.
6195 NHK R Japan in Spanish via Montsinery-GUF, S=7 backlobe to EUR.
     0406 UT Oct 31.
5865 Radio Algerienne via Issoudun, powerful S=9+45dB powerhouse,
     nice NoAF music at 0407 UT.
6160 Radio Rossii via Arkhangelsk-Murmansk in Russian at 0412 UT.
     S=9+5dB here in Germany.
6175.004  VoVietnam in Spanish, totally bad Spanish language accentuation.
     nx til 0414 UT Oct 31, via Cypress Creek Furman-SC relay site.
     S=9+10dB in Germany.

For the very first time I hear a Horn of Africa music station on 9715 kHz
around 0400-0500 UT. Noted three signals from TUNE IN at 0415 UT:
Started first with
9714.983 BSKSA Riyadh non-directional HQ sce for NE/ME.
9715.031 UNKNOWN HoA mx station, most probably from Eritrea. Music program
        was nice sounding, but much overmodulated.
        AT 0430-0431 UT heard station anncmt in Vernacular of ERI/ETH area.
        Shortly after that annmt the Ethiopian White Noise jamming action
        of 20 kHz wide jamming signal started right as 3rd accompanian.
73 wb

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