re 10 / 15 MHz Italian Pirate time signal,

but both have an inaccuracy of amateurish minus 5 Hertz.
The of at least 50 percent task must indeed lie in the standard frequency
accuracy rate like US WWV, WWVH,
or RMW 4996, 9996, or 14996 kHz down.
73 wb

----- Original Message ----- From: "Günter Lorenz" <>
Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2012 12:37 PM
Subject: AW: [dxld] Unidentified Italian Time Signal Station on 15000

ITALY, 15000, Unidentified Time Signal Station, 0855-0906 and 1104-
16-12, classic music and male announcements in Italian 1104: "dodici e
quattro, quattro secondi",  "dodici e quattro, ... secondi",
"dodici e quattro, ventinove secondi", "1112: "dodici, dodici e
diciassette secondi", "dodici, dodici e trentuno secondi  . Seems like
Italcable on 10000 kHz but different because no identification at 00 and
the beep seconds announcement are erratic, no at 00, 10, 20 seconds, but
at 04 17, 31, seconds, etc. Good signal. 34333. (Méndez)

This IS Italcable (see 10 MHz). The owner has reported the activation of 15
MHz yesterday to
From their web page  "Segnale Orario
S.IP 15 E' attiva la stazione amatoriale e sperimentale della radio
trasmittente sulla frequenza 15MHz Modulazione d'Ampiezza, 24 ore su 24 il
segnale orario Italiano, Locator: JN53DV."


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