UNID (PERU?) – 4984.14 (down from .16 the day before), unid Andes
station heard again this morning 12/28  from 1047 tune-in to 1124
fade-out.  (Previously speculated *1100 thus incorrect.)   Pretty good
signal strength at tune-in but awful background static --
atmospherics, not local electrical noise -- making speech copy very
difficult, and only could be understood.  At tune-in, ecstatic,
deliriously excited OM in rapid-fire SS, seemingly preaching -- which
will certainly fit if this turns out to be the Pentecostal station,
Voz Cristiana, Chilca (Huancayo), Peru.  At around 1055 YL in eco with
musical theme and apparent station anmts, mentioned ‘emisora’.  Caught
ad for what seemed a zapateria at TOH.  With signal gradually fading,
was able to hold onto this until about 1124, musical pgm, with
religious songs based on OA folkloric melodies but also other tunes
which seemed pure Andes “musica profunda”.  Tlks re “la Biblia”.
Should be able to ID this very soon, with better signals expected now
that earlier s/on likely in the mornings. (Perry, Illinois)

BOLIVIA – 5952.46, Radio Pio Doce, Llallagua,  12/28 with best signal
heard in long time, strong and QRM-free from 0005 – 0033 tune out.
Signal lost a bit of its punch by the end, as some grayline
enhancement dropped away.   Entire time was an OM and YL with news
program in Aymara (though, say, maybe ~10% was in SS, mainly the
phone-in correspondents).    At 0029, CP folkloric musical blast and
clear anmt for “Arusquipiri!”, presumably the pgm name.  Then funny SS
canned ad by vy bassy-voiced OM dialoguing with cutesy lady in baby
voice.   After musical theme, pgm continuing.  Nice listening level,
overall.  (Perry, Illinois)

Ralph Perry, Wheaton, Illinois
Drake R8B;  Japan Radio NRD-545;  Eton E1;  Hallicrafters SX100
Dentron Super Tuner + Ameco PLF-2 + Palomar P-408 +Quantum Phaser
antenna unit (customized for tropical bands)
335-foot bidirectional BOG  150 deg/330 deg) for LA/SE Asia
DXEngineering RPA-1 preamp
Phased Longwire + Small Loop

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