6015 *0258'45-0326 TNZ Radio Tanzania, Dole, 06/01, Swahili, short musical fragment, pause, OM talk with musical pauses, OM public speech - fair and better with Urumqui in the background and CRI on 6020

7120 *0329'09-0347 SOM Radio Hargaysa, 06/01, Somali, national anthem, 0330'25 OM talk with ID and site address, Quran singing and reading, 0345 OM talk with some ID, Horn of Africa music- almost good with fading and local noise

6180 0707-0727 B Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 06/01, Portuguese, OM talks including one phone call from listener at 0726, nice Brazilian songs - almost good with fading, local noise and CW QRM, // http://www.ebc.com.br/sobre-a-ebc/veiculos-da-ebc/radios/radio-nacional-da-amazonia with 33 seconds delay

9765 0937-1005'05 NZL Radio New Zealand National, Rangitaiki, 06/01, English, Wayne's Music program with Wayne Mowat, jazz music and and pop songs of the middle of the last century, time pips and Radio New Zealand news and weather report at 1000 - almost good with slight fading and local noise, // http://www.radionz.co.nz/audio/live/national/adaptive.asx with 24 seconds delay

11520 1135-1205 USA EWTN, Vandiver, 06/01, English, Crossing the Goal show with OM dialogue and many ETWN announcements, 1202 next show from Ireland called Celtic Connections - almost good with slight fading and local noise, // http://www.ewtn.com/ then Radio, then Listen Live and then EWTN Radio with 3 seconds delay only

15250 1219-1230'16* ARS BSKA, Riyadh, 06/01, English, YL talks, instrumental Arabic music, final YL announcement and western pop song - fair and better with local noise and slight fading

7250 1320-1344'36* BGD Radio Bangladesh Betar, Dhaka, 06/01, Nepali, OM talks, Bangla songs, 1343'41 final OM announcement with postal and site addresses - strong and almost good with noticeable transmitter hum and slight QRM from both sides

9780.1 1405-1434 YEM Radio Yemen, Sana'a, 06/01, Arabic, OM and YL talks with mentions of Syria and Darfur, fragments of Arabic songs, etc. - fair with QRM from 9785 (CRI and TRT), // 6135 almost good

4750 1701-1706'48* BGD Radio Bangladesh Betar, Dhaka, 06/01, Bengali, OM news and comments - fair with fading and local noise

11600 1928-1948 LBY Radio Lybia, 06/01, Arabic, short OM/YL talks with IDs, modern Arabic songs, 1944'15 OM talk with guitar music in the background - strong, but fair only due to deep fading and local noise

2485 2035-2045 AUS ABC Northern Territory, 06/01, English, YL/OM talks - poor with local noise, // 2325 weak-poor under local noise, and 4835 poor-fair

Location: North-East part of the St.Petersburg city
Receiver: Drake R8A
Antenna: long wire (30 m)
All time in UTC
Audio samples of these logs are here: 


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