** ANTARCTICA [non]. 15476, Feb 15 at 1426 check, still no carrier from LRA36, 
but splash from 15480, allegedly Trincomalee, SRI LANKA site with AWR at 13-15 

** BELGIUM [non]. Hi Ludo, Have not heard TDP for some time on 17875 at 20-21 
UT. Has this been canceled, or the MSY transmitter down temporarily, or ???? 
73, (Glenn Hauser to Ludo Maes, BRB, Feb 15 via DXLD)

Dear Glenn, There is a problem with the transmitter and spare parts need to 
come from France. Unfortunately, no indication when problem will be solved. 
Kind regards, (Ludo Maes, BRB, Feb 15, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 6180, Feb 15 at 0539, RNA/RNB is still missing, but not from 11780 

** CANADA. 960, Feb 15 at 0602 UT during the local KGWA Fox-hole of dead air, 
instead of nulling the still very strong 1 kW carrier a couple miles away, I 
risk shooting thru it and turning up the volume even higher, and am rewarded by 
a mention of ``Calgary, Alberta, Canada,`` so 50 kW CFAC is penetrating at 
least this far, halfway into the USA again, despite its supposed direxional 
pattern protecting us from it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 4940, Feb 15 at 1316, slow song with guitar, probably in Chinese, 
1318 Chinese announcement and more music; as usual the SSOB from Asia, i.e. V. 
of Strait, 50 kW, 140 degrees from Fuzhou per Aoki which also shows they have 
one English show, `Focus on China`, Saturdays at 1500-1530 but that will always 
be too late for us (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake Feb 15, after 1330:
12230, poor at 1342
12980, poor at 1342
13530, fair at 1343; none in the 14s, 15s, 16s

** EAST TURKISTAN [and non]. 17650, Feb 15 at 1350, mixture of Chinese and 
French on strong signal atop IRAN in Arabic; It`s a language lesson from CRI 
and more serious than just an end-of-hour filler as on many other 
transmissions, closing at 1354 mentioning schedule including MW 1440 in Europe, 
i.e. Luxembourg which would rather relay China at night than provide any 
programming of its own. Left 17650 carrier on 1357-1400* finally uncovering 
Iran. HFCC and EiBi correctly show the 1300 hour in French, while Aoki shows 
Chinese, 308 degrees from Kashgar, or rather ``Kashi-Saibagh 2022`` (Glenn 

** KOREA NORTH [non]. 5910, Feb 15 at 1335, English ID again this Friday from 
Sea Breeze/Shiokaze from Tokyo, sounders and brief news items; marred by some 
OTH radar pulsing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 530, ``K-530-AM``, Vance AFB the last few days I have noticed with 
a weaker signal in daytime --- at home QTH easier to null out for CUBA at 
night; and when passing closer to Vance in the daytime, on caradio could even 
hear some CCI under it, KTA TIS? (Glenn Hauser, Enid, Feb 15, DX LISTENING 

** OKLAHOMA. 1020, Feb 15 at 0555 UT I happen to be tuning across semi-local 
KOKP Perry, when the stupid sportstalk is rudely interrupted by a ``Triple 
Play`` ID for KOKP, KOKB 1580 Blackwell and KOSB (105.1 Stillwater, really the 
originating station, tho sometimes they split when there are too many silly 
ballgames at once.) Timer for the ID seems to be off 5 minutes from ToH, so now 
you know when to catch it (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1650, Feb 15 at 0544 UT, KYHN ``Fort Smith AR`` is still on with 
promos only, ``Big AM 1650 . . . 10,000 watts``, ``preview of programs coming 
up``, now with heavy CCI, so believable to really be on nite power of 1,000 
watts: they are trying to fool their audience about the power, which more than 
half the time must be 10% of what they claim.

1650, Feb 15 at 1309 UT, KYHN jingle ``Arklahoma`s talk radio, 10,000 watts, 
upcoming show previews`` including some I hadn`t run across before: Charles 
Osgood File, on Aurora killer; Sooner football; Meet the Press on NBC, clip 
example re Sandy Hook. (It seems on radio there is hardly any difference 
between CBS and NBC now: I know some other `CBS` stations carry MTP.). Just 
before sunrise here and after official Ft Smith SR, signal has resurged to 
dominant (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)


** TIBET [non]. 7414, Feb 15 at 1326, V. of Tibet again on off-frequency with 
Chinese talk under hum/roar from defective transmitter; stops at 1330, brief 
tone and off at 1330:15*. Since the hum/roar always goes off at the same 
instant as the variable closing of this transmitter, it`s clearly not jamming. 

Then I look for same to appear somewhere in the 7500-7600 range. The lower part 
is obscured by overload desensitization from WWCR`s supersig with awful 
modulation boost on 7490, and there is some noise around 7536, but on BFO that 
sounds like fax. 

Meanwhile, from as early as 1328, before 7414 went off, I had been hearing a 
clean open carrier on suspicious 7548, but it never modulated past 1334. Aoki 
lists this very frequency as:
7548*VOICE OF TIBET 1330-1342 1234567 Chinese 100 95 Dushanbe-Yangiyul TJK 
06848E 3829N VOTi b12.

Wolfgang Büschel reports Feb 15: Re 7410 to 7420 kHz channel range at 1200-1330 
UT. Some comments of defective 7413.9 kHz, TJK Yangi Yul? Yes, checked this 
disturbed 7414 kHz channel for the first time today.
Never before had noted such disturbance signal, originate from Yangi Yul site. 
For example noted 7595 kHz at 1251 UT today Febr 15, Radio Free Chosun in 
Korean language, with excellent audio quality from probably Yangi Yul site in 

Voice of Tibet noted on exact 7413.9 kHz centered, contained also approx. 38x 
BUZZ disturbance peaks all 20 Hertz apart on approx. 7413.5 to 7414.3 kHz 
range! I assume is only a single transmitter?? without real strong carrier`` 

** U S A [and non]. 15565-15615, Feb 15 at 1346, VOA Greenville Spanish is 
splattering this far from 15590, plus/minus 25 kHz, including against 15610 
WEWN: Serves WEWN right for its constant spurs including 15592! 

17725, Feb 15 at 1402, VOA news by Dave DeForest at normal pace, even hurried, 
I thought, despite Kim Elliott`s info that in compensation for deleting VOA 
Spe-cial Eng-lish newscasts on the half-hour, regular VOA news at hourtops 
would be slowed, but faster than S.E. Not so at this point. 1405 into `Music 
Mix`. VOA 17725 site at 14-15 is SÃO TOMÉ followed by Botswana at 15-16.

7530, Feb 15 at 1432, VOA in English denying outrageous claims by the ChiCom 
that VOA encourages self-immolation and sends coded messages --- but then into 
Tibetan translation and discussion, as this hour only, it`s Tibetan via Tinang, 
PHILIPPINES. HFCC and Aoki agree the azimuth is 275 degrees, which is not 
toward Tibet at all, but instead Vientiane, Goa and Hargeisa! Why? So the 
ChiCom won`t jam it? Indeed no jamming was audible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 2660, Feb 15 at 0557 UT, black gospel music quite audible, presumably 
KGLD 1330 x 2 Tyler TX as usual, but I want to reconfirm it with a ToH ID, by 
when, of course, it has faded into the noise level (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1656 monitoring: WWRB on both 3195 and stronger 5050, 
UT Friday Feb 15 at 0421 with big-band music fill, 0428:35 crossfade to WOR 
1656 opening. No respectful pause necessary because no need to distance us from 
a preceding gospel huxter.

Next: UT Saturday 0230v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB. And UT Sunday 0500 on 
WTWW 5830. But don`t expect to hear WOR at any of the previously known times on 
WRMI. As of 1800 UT Feb 15, new schedule grid from WRMI not yet posted, but 
large takeover by Brother Scare has started: see separate log (Glenn Hauser, 

** U S A. 9955, Feb 15 at 1337, as promised by Jeff White last night, here`s 
Brother Scare on WRMI, at the moment atop jamming, and running 8 seconds ahead 
of huge 9980 WWCR signal; who needs both, only 25 kHz apart? At 1424, however, 
weaker with a non-BS huxter, tho no jamming audible, presumably `Words of Life` 
as previously scheduled. 

Jeff said 9955 would resume 24/7 broadcasting as a result, i.e. no longer 
breaking M-F 15-24 UT, so next check at 1517 it is again BS, not synch with 
9980, so weal signal I hear on 9955 is not overload from WWCR, but now CCI from 
RFA Tibetan via Tinian and surely ChiCom jamming. This at 15-16 only, and RFI 
Chinese via Taiwan at 23-24 are currently the only 9955 conflicts per Aoki. As 
of 1800 UT Feb 15, already the afternoon in Miami, still no updated grid yet, 
two clix away from http://www.wrmi.net --- I`ve saved the previous one dated 
January 24 for fond memories of what once was.

What about http://www.overcomerministry.org/ ? That homepage has been modified 
with this added on: ``9995 12Am EST`` --- the nincompoop buys all this time on 
WRMI and can`t even get the frequency right. Starts at 0500 UT, but when does 
it end? Off and on. And does this mean some other SW station has been dropped, 
or had he a windfall of new money coming in from his dupes? (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** U S A. 720, Feb 15 at 0552 UT, WGN Chicago with YL talkhost instead of Milt 
Rosenberg; I had run across her several times after 0600 and assumed she 
started then. Mostly she does a monolog, sometimes amusing. Yes, Milt`s 
`Extension 720` is gone from WGN! And may have been for some time. Now it`s 
Turi Ryder, UT Tue-Fri 0400-0700, as in

I used to be a fan of E-720 until Milt came out as anti-Obama. I was more 
likely to listen on rare occasions when I was on the road during those hours, 
altho always having to cope with alternating fades in & out with XEDE Saltillo, 
supposedly only 250 watts at night.

Still, it was a rare show on commercial radio, with intelligent talk on a wide 
variety of topix, and there was a huge audio archive built up over the years, 
but now searching ``Extension 720`` on the WGN website gets nothing! The 
archive should be preserved somewhere!

What happened? Searching on ``Milt`` got one significant hit:


``Extension 720 with Milt Rosenberg ends its 39-year run on December 20 with a 
final retrospective show featuring notable moments, guests and previous 
discussions that have aired on this illustrious program.

"Milt has added another rich chapter to WGN Radio’s history and we thank him 
for his service," said Jeff Hill, GSM/Interim General Manager of WGN Radio. 
"Though Milt will not be a full-time program host, he will continue to be a 
show contributor and have a presence at the station. We’re also very excited to 
add two female voices to our lineup and to Chicago radio in Carol Roth and Turi 

Rosenberg added, "I’m thankful to my listeners and I’m proud to have shared 
almost 40 years with them. We attempted to provide intelligent radio featuring 
the movers and observers of history being made as well as programs on 
established history, the popular and ‘high’ arts, and the sciences from 
cosmology to sociology – all mixed with frequent forays into more light-hearted 

Read more at 

** VIETNAM. Re my unID yesterday on 7435.3, Wolfgang Büschel replies Feb 15: 
``7435.0 kHz CRI Beijing in Chinese on even channel at 1240 UT, and odd 
frequency Voice of Vietnam 1st program on 7435.480 kHz`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

UNIDENTIFIED. 1010, Feb 15 at 0608 UT, YL singing romantic music in Spanish, 
loops NE/SW, so not the usual KXXT AZ bilingual religious cheater. Soon 
announcement I think with time as 11:09, ID mentioning an FM frequency, but all 
I could get. In the IRCA Mexican Log there is one station each in Chihuahua, 
Sinaloa and Sonora, of which the first two are possible: XELO Chihuahua city, 
Exa FM with ballad format and FM 100.9; and XEWS Culiacán, Romántica with FM 
102.5. If only I could have caught the FM frequency, but too much QRM (Glenn 

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