SOMALIA, Radio Hargeisa, 7120, full data transmitter/studio card in 12 days for English report and US $5 return postage. V/s Baldur Drobnica, Consultant. Address used: Radio Hargeisa, C/o Konsularische Vertretung of the Republic of Somaliland, Zedernweg 6, D-50127 Bergheim, Germany.

I have also seen one or two reports where the station has email QSL'ed directly. If the Republic of Somaliland ever gets recognized by the rest of the world, we may be able to send reports directly to the station. As it stands right now, I think anything sent directly to Somalia through the post will disappear and never be seen again.


Al Muick
Whitehall PA USA
Microtelecom Perseus / Wellbrook ALA1530P active loop
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