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Today's Topics:

   1. Glenn Hauser logs April 7-8, 2013 (Glenn Hauser)
   2. Re: [dxld] UNID 11595 (Glenn Hauser)
   3. log (Jorge Freitas)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2013 10:03:16 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs April 7-8, 2013
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

** AUSTRALIA. 6150, April 8 at 1316, R. Australia on new frequency so the A-13 
changes are finally in effect. Good here initially, // 9580, and missing from 
6020 and any other 49m channel as well as 11945, as expected. 1332 show about 
apps, and I notice there is some hum on 6150, unusual for Shepparton, but it`s 
synchro with 9580, so must be from there. Before 1300, 6150 will be colliding 
with Cuba`s only 49m channel in the mornings! At 1343 I also detect a JBA RA 
signal on 5940, also // 9580. 6150 is off after 1400, but 5995 is audible 
poorly at 1404. Finally find replacement for 11945, which is 12065, VG at 1408 
with documentary about Indonesia.

What I am hearing correlates with the A-13 sked version 1 in DXLD 13-13, 
 5940 1300 1700 43,44,50,51,54,55,58N    SHP 100 334  D En AUS ABC
 5995 1400 1800 51,55,56,61,64,65,76,77  SHP 100  30  D En AUS ABC
 6150 1100 1400 51,55,56,61,76,77        SHP 100  30  D En AUS ABC
 9580 1000 1500 56,60-63                 SHP 100  70  D En AUS ABC
12065 1000 1530 56,60-63,65              SHP 100  70  D En AUS ABC

** BRAZIL [and non]. 6180, April 8 at 0558 tune-in, ID for ZYH707, 980, 300 kW 
from EBC, and no mention of SW. I wonder if at any hours any more 6180 and 
11780 transmit any separate Amazonian programming? 

No more neighbor XEPPM 6185 which now closes an hour earlier circa 0500 UT due 
to imposition of DST in the other DF (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake April 8, before 1400:
17300, very good at 1348 like CRI EAST TURKISTAN 17560 17630 17650
17250, good at 1348
17170, very good at 1348
17080, fair at 1349; none in the 18s or 19s
16920, very poor at 1349
16360, very good at 1349
15970, fair at 1351
15900, very good at 1351
15610, fair at 1351 under WEWN
15570, fair at 1352 with noise jam too, het on lo side from V of Tibet
14700, very poor at 1353
13530, very good at 1353; none in the 12s
That`s a total of 12 at once. Shooting for 13 sometime.

After 1400:
15525, good at 1410 atop something not in Chinese co-channel, no hets but 
flutter. I.e. V. of Tibet via MADAGASCAR at 1400-1428 in HFCC

Before 1500:
12670, very good at 1441
13920, good at 1441
14700, very poor at 1442
15970, poor at 1442
16160, very good at 1443
17250, good at 1443
17300, good at 1443 with flutter; none in the 18s

** CUBA [and non]. 7405, UT Monday April 8 at 0554, astounding to hear NO 
jamming, and of course no Radio Mart? during its 6-hour Monday-morning break. 
But the DentroCuban Jamming Command is still at least pulsing away on other RM 
frequencies not in use: 7365, 6030, 5980.

15210-15230, April 8 at 1256, buzz from defective 15230 RHC transmitter audible 
in this range, and would be on plus side too if not blocked by other signals.

Missing frequencies April 8 at 1411: 15340, 17580; still on 17730, 13780 with 
hoary old Fidel speech, `Voces de la Revoluci?n` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** INDIA [non]. 11600, Monday April 8 at 0056, talk in unknown Asian language, 
I bet it`s a sermon, very good with flutter over some CCI; continued past 0103 
when I thought I heard ``po-russki`` mentioned, so central Asian? Apparently 
not, as Aoki shows TWR India is scheduled here, 100 kW, 131 degrees from 
Tashkent, UZBEKISTAN, in Bhojpuri M-F, Hindi on Sunday, and Nepali on Saturday. 

What about the understation? Nothing else in Aoki, or EiBi, but HFCC has a 
registration for R. Pakistan, 0045-0215, 250 kW, 118 degrees from Is`bad --- 
but lots and lots of those are wooden. Are they really on 11600 too? (Glenn 

** INDONESIA. 9526-, April 8 at 1314, VOI English is modulating better than 
usual, but still insufficient for full readability. 1325 & 1328 she announces 
the three imaginary frequencies ``15150, 9525, 11785`` both before and after 
`News in Brief`. Geez! They haven`t used 15150 or 11785 at all for years and 
years. On to `Indonesian Wonders` --- I wonders why VOI can`t ever get their 
act together? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN. 6020, April 8 at 1330, very weak carrier presumably Shiokaze on 
latest new frequency, as heard yesterday by Ron Howard, ex-6135. It was 
clashing with Australia then, but not any more, see AUSTRALIA! Coordinated? 
Just too weak now almost a sesquihour after sunrise here. 

The BI-Newsletter page from which one may access the Aoki schedules, also has 
linx to lots of other interesting stuff, not all of it current, some in English 
via the 1 thru 5 numbers at the lower left of
Including this background on page 5:

```"Why Yamata transmitters can not broadcast the program of  "Furusato no 

Currently 3 programs "Shiokaze", "Furusato no Kaze" and "Nippon no Kaze" are 
broadcast towards North Korea from VT Communications, and only "Shiokaze" is 
transmitted from Yamata. Why Yamata transmitter can not send the message of 
"Furusato no Kaze" towards North Korea? 

Japanese law on broadcasting says only NHK can broadcast "international 
service". And government controlled the license of broadcasting ? it is quite 
difficult to get the permission (license) of broadcasting promptly. 

At the opening announcement of Shiokaze, they announce call sign as JSR. 
Exactly speaking, JSR is not call sign for "general" radio stations. Shiokaze 
got a license for "special utility broadcast" ? same as Traffic Information 
Service Radio on 1620 kHz ? not for "general broadcast". 

In the case of "Furusato no Kaze", they get neither the license of "utility 
broadcast" nor "general broadcast". And NHK reject the proposal of Japanese 
government to broadcast "Furusato no Kaze" within the program of Radio Japan. 
Thus Yamata transmitter can not send message of "Furusato no Kaze."``` (Glenn 

** MEXICO. 700, April 8 at 0605 UT I can achieve a deep null on strong WLW by 
precise positioning of the DX-398, and inhabiting it is a weak signal with 
classic rock in English: ``Diana``, 0607 fade during an announcement which I 
thought included ``98`` as in an FM frequency, but maybe not. ``You Are My 
Destiny`` next, and at 0610, Spanish timecheck ``en Radio Red`` plus another 
vocal in English. Cant? shows: 
700 XEDKR Radio Red AM Guadalajara, Jal. 10,000 150
So really 150 watts now?? And maybe carrying their FM music service instead? 

** NEW ZEALAND. 9655, April 8 at 1313, RNZI is still on here instead of 
scheduled 6170 after 1300. Confused by going off DST yesterday? 9655 would 
propagate better for us, except it`s obviously still aimed at Timor instead of 
Pacific. Fair signal with flutter, interview about something medical. Checked 
6170 at 1315 but no signal there, altho it would be about to fade out anyway. 
1329, must be an off-week for `Mailbox` as something else is on 9655 this 
fortnight, narration with music mentioning Upper Hutt. Thought RNZI might 
switch to 6170 an hour late at 1400, but no, timesignal and continues 9655 with 
news, first I`d heard that Thatcher died; next stories about rheumatic fever 
and Christchurch quake damaged property problems. Yes, RNZI website today still 
shows 6170 at 1300-1650 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, April 8 at 0048, usual weak carrier from R. Chaski audible with 
BFO in the noise level; no modulation copyable but cut off at 0102:52* which 
amounts to 5.5 sex later than last nite, approx. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** ROMANIA. 11945, April 8 at 1405, RRI in Arabic now in the clear with fair 
signal, as Australia has moved to 12065. Not hearing the other HFCC-scheduled 
11945 collider, BBC Burmese via Singapore (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** SARAWAK [non]. 15420, April 8 at 1253, speech in an echoey chamber 
(longhouse?), fair with flutter; 1259.5 no other announcement but some music 
until 1300, and carrier on until 1300.6*. R. Free Sarawak in Iban, ex-15430, as 
logged yesterday by Kouji Hashimoto, Japan with IDs at 1138 & 1139, presumed 
still Sri Lanka site at 11-13, but not listed. Today`s Aoki does not have it on 
either frequency, nor is there anything in HFCC April 5. EiBi as of April 5 had 
it on 15430.

RFS itself is confused about what frequency they are on! Title of says 11600, but content on homepage says 15430. 
Listening to last two minutes of the April 8 audio file matches what I heard on 
15420 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. 21515, April 8 at 1345, REE is very poor here, but out from under 
KUWAIT 21540. Will REE stay on 21515 now? They were uncertain last week (Glenn 

** TUNISIA. 7335, April 8 at 0552 open carrier as IWT is warming up; circa 0556 
music modulation is brought up // 7275, as usual a few minutes before nominal 
*0700 per their own skeds meaning really *0600 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** TURKEY. 11698+, April 8 at 0543, good signal with ME music, what`s this? 
Makes big het against 11700 FRANCE, but that`s much weaker and can be avoided 
by tuning to the low side of 11698, which is just very slightly on the hi side. 
Soon obvious it`s Turkish music, as intended usual frequency of TRT, 11980, is 
missing! Must have slipped when punching frequency into keypad, and not likely 
to recur. Ivo Ivanov also noticed this, and it was gone after 0600, the usual 
close-time in summer of 11980. In B-season it was always easy to match the // 
of 9700 on weaker 9820, but where is the second frequency now at 04-06? 6040, 
no good here that late (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1663 monitoring: confirmed on WTWW-2, 9930, starting 
at 2328 UT Sunday April 7 (previously had been circa 2315); after a bit of 
music fill, 9930 cuts off at 0000, QSY to 5085 altho not checked until 0053 
when Ted was playing oldies. Next: Tuesday 1100 on WRMI 9955; and maybe 
Wednesday 0630 & 1430 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB altho it was missing 
last week, says Ivo Ivanov (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 690, April 8 at 0611 UT, once again dominant signal is open 
carrier/dead air from KGGF Coffeyville KS, atop talk probably KTSM C2C (Glenn 

** U S A. 930, April 8 at 0559 UT, ID before news, ``heard around the world --- 
WTAD, Quincy IL``, as it`s still the dominant inhabitant of 930 when I null WKY 
OKC, and WTAD only started appearing last week. Note one of the four very deep 
nulls in WTAD`s night pattern is at 230 degrees, with four lobes in between:
We are very close to that direxion. I bet it`s on ND day pattern and may well 
be on day power too of 5 instead of 1 kW (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15332, April 8 at 1413, strong carrier cutting on and off about 
24 times per minute, slightly irregularly; also could hear traces of Cuban 
jamming on 15330 against nothing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2013 15:27:59 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
To: Jorge Freitas <>,,   Hard Core DX <>
Subject: Re: [HCDX] [dxld] UNID 11595
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Already IDed as Democratic Voice of Burma via Armenia scheduled 2330-0030; 
apparently with transmission problems (Glenn Hauser, DXLD)

--- On Fri, 4/5/13, <> wrote:

Date: Friday, April 5, 2013, 10:13 PM



      Sat April 6, 2013, *0021-0030*, from here in Indonesia strong signal; 
talk in SeAsian language mentioning Vietnam, sort of traditional music (Ashar)

-----Original message-----

Subject: [dxld] UNID 11595 [1 Attachment]

11595 05/Apr 2325-2345 UNID. Carrier with distorted modulation and 
unintelligible. Weak signal in my QTH. In SDR Twente, very good carrier without 
modulation. (Jorge Freitas-B)


Jorge Freitas



Message: 3
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2013 16:58:50 -0700 (PDT)
From: Jorge Freitas <>
To: "" <>,      Hard Core DX
        <>,        ""
Subject: [HCDX] log
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

11595 08/Apr 2345 ARMENIA (Relay), Dem Voice Burma in Burmese. Interviews, 
comments by phone. Very weak signal. (Jorge Freitas-B)?

11935 08/Apr 1919 INDIA, All India Radio GOS in English. Local music. At 1920 
Yl quick talk, then?religious music(?). 33433. In // 13695 signal almost local. 
(Jorge Freitas-B)

11685 08/Apr 1855 BULGARIA (Relay),?The Overcomer Ministry in English. Om with 
religious preaching. At 1858 full Id by Om. At 1900 end of transmission. 33433 
(Jorge Freitas-B)

11615 08/Apr 1905 ESPANA, REE in English. Om presents newscast.?At 1906 ID. 
35443 (Jorge Freitas-B)

15215 08/Apr 2320 UNID in Asian language. Gospel music. AT 2320 Yl talk. Eibi 
says in the previous half hours: 15215  2200-2300  USA Adventist World Radio  M 
 FE  /GUM-a. HFCC says: 15215 2300 2400 18,27,28  DHA  500 315  0 218 1234567 
310313 271013 D                  UAE ADM ADM  2309  UAE. At 2331 anthem and Om 
talk. I believe in AWR. At 2335 The program continues with apparently the same 
language. 34433 (Jorge Freitas-B)

15415 08/Apr 2338 AUSTRALIA, R Australia in English. Traditional interviews. 
35333 (Jorge Freitas-B)

15630 08/Apr 2342 GREECE, Voice of Greece in Greek. Chat in the studio by Yl. 
34333. // 15650 with 45444 (Jorge Freitas-B)


Jorge Freitas

Local time -3 UT
Feira de Santana Bahia? 
 38?58?W - Brasil
Degen 1103 - All listening in mode of filter Narrow the 4 kHz.
Dipole antenna, 16 meters - east/west
Escutas (listening, my blog):
The best of Brazilian music:
A bit of my city: 

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 124, Issue 9

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