BENIN, TWR Benin, Parakou, 1566, full data transmitter-building-generator eQSL in 1 day (!) for English email report sent to Lorraine Stavropoulos, lstavrop at twr dot org. Really a very nice eQSL, signed by Ms. Stavropoulos. A friendly verifier.

ITALY, ItalCable, 10000, date/frequency tower-transmitter collage card in 29 days for an English email report to info at associazioneitalcable dot it. Very nice card with station seal, but V/s is illegible. It cost them a 2 Euro stamp to mail the card (!).

USA, KCJJ Iowa City, IA, 1630 1kW night power, no data email from Tom Suter, General Manager, confirming my report "is accurate in all respects" in 123 days for English first-class report, US $1.00, and audio CD of transmission, plus email follow-up to Mr. Suter's email (openly posted on KCJJ website). Verification comes 1 day after email follow-up.

Well, Benin is my first transatlantic African mediumwave verified, and has seemed pretty much to be the last hurrah of the winter mediumwave DX season for me. At only 100kW, it was quite a catch, especially when 50kW 1560 WQEW Radio Disney out of New York is banging away. Benin was best heard on USB with a narrow filter. Watch for the female voice IDs and the "Your friendly voice in Africa" slogans. The show I caught was in English at 0315 (sounded like that's when they sign-on), but they went to a vernacular (Hausa?) at 0330. I believe I also heard India's 1MW powerhouse behind them in English.

ItalCable (more respectively the "Association of Friends of ItalCable") can often be heard behind WWV at night here, often drowning out PPE. The key for them are the Italian announcements, the symphonic music on the minute and a burst of FSK.

Good DX to all, and may your mailbox be ever full of QSLs!


Al Muick
Whitehall PA USA
Microtelecom Perseus / Wellbrook ALA1530P active loop
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