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Today's Topics:

   1. (no subject) (Glenn Hauser)
   2. Glenn Hauser logs April 22-23, 2013 (Glenn Hauser)
   3. Help about Radio Technical Man? (Artur Fernandez Llorella)
   4. Radio Pakistan continues drive into digital age (Jaisakthivel)
   5. Et?n Corporation Announces Availability of ZoneGuard Weather
      Radio (Jaisakthivel)
   6. LOgs 19.4 (LIAGKAS ZAXARIAS)
   7. Logs 20.4.13 (LIAGKAS ZAXARIAS)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2013 09:59:12 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] (no subject)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** BANGLADESH. 15505, April 23 at *1356:19, BB carrier on and quickly adding 
hum and tone; 1357:12 switch to IS which we get to hear longer than usual today 
for 2+ minutes; mis-timesignal ends at 1359:47.5, opening Urdu. Poor with heavy 
flutter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [and non]. 11990, April 23 at 1257 like yesterday, Russian tune-up 
tones, prior to VOA Chinese via Novosibirsk, along with fast SAH, no doubt from 
ChiCom jammer about to pounce but no modulation yet. 1300, 5+1 timesignal and 
add CCCCCCI [Chinese Communist Chinese language co-channel interference] (Glenn 

** CHINA [and non]. 12000, April 23 at 1257, mix of Chinese and a song; the 
Chinese is CNR1 since it`s // 11825 jammer in the mix. As noted yesterday, V. 
of Vietnam is also here alternating Chinese and Russian until 1330, and it 
seemed strange that CNR1 jamming was running against VOV in either language. At 
1300, CNR1 programming is atop 12000 with some hum. At 1418 recheck, 12000 poor 
in Chinese not // 11990 CNR1 jammer. At 1422, noted the CNR1 jammers on 15525 
and 15570 were not // 12000 or maybe way out of synch with it.

Sei-ichi Hasegawa has reported to the DXLD yg: ``CNR started a NationUrgent 
Radio with an earthquake of Lushan, Ya-an, Sichuan. National Urgent 
Radio-Lushan Emergency Radio, 24 hours on 9800, 12000 kHz and FM 92.7 MHz. 
Ya-an CNR1 24 hours on 639 kHz and FM 99.1 MHz. This broadcast is co-production 
of CNR, Sichuan TV & Radio, Ya-an PBS and Lushan TV & Radio`` 

I was also checking 9800 a few minutes before 1300, but could not pull anything 
between WHRI 9795 bigsig, and Cuban jamming on 9805. WHRI off after 1300, and 
at 1303 all I can get on 9800 is a poor carrier with no modulation audible; 
still some jamming on 9805, and 9795 now bears a much weaker signal in 
Japanese, i.e. Radio Thailand.

These have already been added to Aoki as of April 23, with my comments: What is 
the ID of NUR in Chinese? Or is it just CNR1 as implied by new Aoki entries:
 9800 CNR 1 National emergency broad 0000-2400 1234567 Chinese 100 217 
12000 CNR 1 National emergency broad 0000-2400 1234567 Chinese 100 217 
[both:] Shijiazhuang 723 CHN 11428E 3804N CNR1 a13 Apr. 22- 

And that answers my next question about transmitter site. But why? CNR1 is 
already ubiquitous, to say the least, all over China and most of the world. 
There is no point in adding these unless there is special programming on them. 
Maybe part of the time it`s Lushan Emergency Radio (and how is that ID in 
Chinese?), or the other co-producers, filling the rest with CNR1? 

Wolfgang B?schel explains: ``From Shijiazhuang towards Lushan, Ya-an, Sichuan, 
distance is 1370 kilometers at 230 degree angle. Azimuth from Shijiazhuang is 
real 217 degrees. Propagation distance would fit with good volume in 31 and 25 
mb`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake, April 23 circa 1330, except there is no Firedrake jamming 
heard on its traditional mostly OOB frequencies but instead still CNR1 

13920, very good at 1328; none in the 12s
14700, poor at 1330 with flutter
14980, very good at 1330
15195, fair at 1335: vs RFA Tibetan via Tajikistan at 11-14
15610, poor at 1333 under WEWN, plus propeller noise
15800, good at 1332
16100, very good at 1335, reverb apart from 14980
16160, fair at 1335, no reverb vs 14980
16920, good at 1337, reverb apart from 14980
17250, JBA at 1338; none in the 18s, 10s 
17450, fair at 1337

After 1400, not a complete search, more CNR1 jamming:
15525, fair at 1422
15570, good at 1422 with flutter

** CUBA. 11860, April 23 at 1301, RHC Spanish is just barely modulated, while 
11760 is at normal level, but with squeal. 1417 recheck, now 11860 is OK. Never 
a new day without some new anomaly (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** DIEGO GARCIA. 12759-USB, April 23 at 0058, JBA music no doubt from AFN 

** INDIA [non]. 15390, April 23 at 1344, gospel harmony in unknown language, 
1345 announcement and more; fair signal but declining. Aoki shows it`s Athmeeya 
Yatra Radio (Gospel for Asia), 250 kW, 85 degrees from Nauen, GERMANY, with 
huge selexion of obscure minority languages whose speakers are targeted for 
Christianization, i.e. Tuesdays 1330-1345 Nockte, 1345-1400 Kokborok. From 
EiBi`s exhaustive readme list of langs:
NOC   Nocte / Nockte (India - Assam, Arunachal Pr.: 35,000)
KBO   Kok Borok/Tripuri: India (0.7m)
Are these unchurched heathens snowed by anyone bothering to broadcast to them? 

** MEXICO. 560, April 23 at 0554 UT after music, ID as ``La Tremenda``, 
dominant unless nulled when US stations can be heard, i.e. XESRD, Santiago 
Papasquiaro, Durango, 10/1 kW per Cant?.

I was wondering about the derivation of this strange name; no info on that in 
Wikipedia, but I do learn it is a town about the same size as Enid but four 
times as high; many emigrants from there are in Chicago. In the news lately for 
kidnapping. Googling, I don`t find the name Papasquiaro applying to anyplace or 
anyone else (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** MEXICO [and non]. 580, April 23 at 0549 UT, promo for ``Noticias Rancherita 
del Aire``, singing ID for same, live DJ with timecheck and 26 degrees; often 
dominant over opposite WIBW Topeka KS with which it makes a 2 Hz SAH, i.e. 
XEMU, Piedras Negras, Coahuila, 5/2.5 kW (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 660, April 23 at 0500 UT the Mexican NA is playing, followed by dead 
air, open carrier with background hum surging to foreground. So we know the big 
hum being heard here is from a United States of Mexican rather than United 
States of American. Next will have to tune in a few minutes earlier to 
determine which one. Apparently they leave on not only the carrier after 
sign-off, but also the Optimod which stupidly brings up the hum on the circuit. 
Tonight it`s worse than usual, with slow pulsing too. 0548 recheck I think it 
is off, but fades back in along with another Spanish station still modulating. 

My hunch is that the hummer is XEFZ in Monterrey NL, which is usually the 
dominant Mexican on this frequency; but based solely on the schedule hours in 
the 2012 IRCA Mexican Log, which cannot remain totally accurate after 
publication: it`s 24 hours as are XEEY Aguascalientes and XEAR Tampico, while 
these close at 0600: XEACB Ciudad Delicias (which I have also heard before), 
XEWX Durango; while the others sign off at some other time. However altho 
presented in UT, those schedule times probably apply to winter non-DST rather 
than now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1610, April 22 at 1921 UT at a quiet location with caradio inside 
Enid, I can still hear a weak hum, no doubt from WQCL720 at Great Salt Plains 
State Park, contrary to yesterday`s assumption that they had finally turned it 
off. What a waste (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 7325, April 23 at 1249, not even a carrier from Wantok 
Radio Light. While it may be too much to expect something from its 1 kW every 
day even with no CCCCI, I still wonder if it`s off the air today (Glenn Hauser, 

** PERU. 5980, April 22 at 0057, R. Chaski carrier as usual detectable weakly 
in the noise level, including storms in the next county to the north, Grant. At 
0100 can tell it`s Spanish; 0101 music while 5990-CRI Cuba English splash is 
still overrunning; 0101:45 the sounder we have heard so many times, then 
Spanish talk somewhat muffled; 0102:50 fanfare and presumed devotional capsule 
--- but I missed the turnoff, tuning around elsewhere, got back too late at 
0104:40 when it was already off, which should have occurred at approximately 
0104:10. Our streetlite fires on at 0107, earlier than it would have if the 
sunset were clear instead of clouded (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9330-CUSB, April 22 at 1902 check, WBCQ is now on after absence 
earlier in the day, who else but Rod Hembree promoting, who else, but Jesus 
Christ; 15420-CUSB also on and stronger with the androgynous anapaestic 
preachperson from Fence Lake NM (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 690, April 23 tune-in just before 0500, KGGF Coffeyville KS is 
playing taps, and then dead air, open carrier, making slow SAH with news 
understation presumably KTSM. So this indicates KGGF is deliberately signing 
off at local midnite, but not turning off the carrier. Since they are licensed 
for fulltime, why not burn up 5 kWh for 5 hours or however long it takes before 
resuming programming? But what a waste: they could be modulating at no extra 
cost with *something*. Next I will have to tune in a few minutes earlier than 
that for what they say at closing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** UZBEKISTAN [non]. 17510, April 23 at 1309 W&M in Turkic language, fair 
signal, gone at 1337 recheck. Aoki shows it`s BBC Uzbek via OMAN. Normally 
jammed by the ChiCom but apparently not propagating today (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** VATICAN [non]. 7305, April 23 at 0150, the Greenville carrier is on prior to 
Vatican Radio relay; 0209 check in Spanish, only fair signal; 0232 check in 
French! Spanish supposedly is half a sesquihour until 0245. Ed Insinger in NJ 
had noted this previously and contacted VR about the anomaly. Reply explaining 
how a substitute satellite stream has to be picked up for this was in DXLD 
13-16. Sergio Salvatore of VR frequency management also said after 0230 it 
could be in English, Armenian or Russian which we have not heard yet. It seems 
what they need to do is run the Spanish service intact at original timing of 
0145-0230 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2013 10:02:52 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs April 22-23, 2013
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** BANGLADESH. 15505, April 23 at *1356:19, BB carrier on and quickly adding 
hum and tone; 1357:12 switch to IS which we get to hear longer than usual today 
for 2+ minutes; mis-timesignal ends at 1359:47.5, opening Urdu. Poor with heavy 
flutter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [and non]. 11990, April 23 at 1257 like yesterday, Russian tune-up 
tones, prior to VOA Chinese via Novosibirsk, along with fast SAH, no doubt from 
ChiCom jammer about to pounce but no modulation yet. 1300, 5+1 timesignal and 
add CCCCCCI [Chinese Communist Chinese language co-channel interference] (Glenn 

** CHINA [and non]. 12000, April 23 at 1257, mix of Chinese and a song; the 
Chinese is CNR1 since it`s // 11825 jammer in the mix. As noted yesterday, V. 
of Vietnam is also here alternating Chinese and Russian until 1330, and it 
seemed strange that CNR1 jamming was running against VOV in either language. At 
1300, CNR1 programming is atop 12000 with some hum. At 1418 recheck, 12000 poor 
in Chinese not // 11990 CNR1 jammer. At 1422, noted the CNR1 jammers on 15525 
and 15570 were not // 12000 or maybe way out of synch with it.

Sei-ichi Hasegawa has reported to the DXLD yg: ``CNR started a NationUrgent 
Radio with an earthquake of Lushan, Ya-an, Sichuan. National Urgent 
Radio-Lushan Emergency Radio, 24 hours on 9800, 12000 kHz and FM 92.7 MHz. 
Ya-an CNR1 24 hours on 639 kHz and FM 99.1 MHz. This broadcast is co-production 
of CNR, Sichuan TV & Radio, Ya-an PBS and Lushan TV & Radio`` 

I was also checking 9800 a few minutes before 1300, but could not pull anything 
between WHRI 9795 bigsig, and Cuban jamming on 9805. WHRI off after 1300, and 
at 1303 all I can get on 9800 is a poor carrier with no modulation audible; 
still some jamming on 9805, and 9795 now bears a much weaker signal in 
Japanese, i.e. Radio Thailand.

These have already been added to Aoki as of April 23, with my comments: What is 
the ID of NUR in Chinese? Or is it just CNR1 as implied by new Aoki entries:
 9800 CNR 1 National emergency broad 0000-2400 1234567 Chinese 100 217 
12000 CNR 1 National emergency broad 0000-2400 1234567 Chinese 100 217 
[both:] Shijiazhuang 723 CHN 11428E 3804N CNR1 a13 Apr. 22- 

And that answers my next question about transmitter site. But why? CNR1 is 
already ubiquitous, to say the least, all over China and most of the world. 
There is no point in adding these unless there is special programming on them. 
Maybe part of the time it`s Lushan Emergency Radio (and how is that ID in 
Chinese?), or the other co-producers, filling the rest with CNR1? 

Wolfgang B?schel explains: ``From Shijiazhuang towards Lushan, Ya-an, Sichuan, 
distance is 1370 kilometers at 230 degree angle. Azimuth from Shijiazhuang is 
real 217 degrees. Propagation distance would fit with good volume in 31 and 25 
mb`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake, April 23 circa 1330, except there is no Firedrake jamming 
heard on its traditional mostly OOB frequencies but instead still CNR1 

13920, very good at 1328; none in the 12s
14700, poor at 1330 with flutter
14980, very good at 1330
15195, fair at 1335: vs RFA Tibetan via Tajikistan at 11-14
15610, poor at 1333 under WEWN, plus propeller noise
15800, good at 1332
16100, very good at 1335, reverb apart from 14980
16160, fair at 1335, no reverb vs 14980
16920, good at 1337, reverb apart from 14980
17250, JBA at 1338; none in the 18s, 10s 
17450, fair at 1337

After 1400, not a complete search, more CNR1 jamming:
15525, fair at 1422
15570, good at 1422 with flutter

** CUBA. 11860, April 23 at 1301, RHC Spanish is just barely modulated, while 
11760 is at normal level, but with squeal. 1417 recheck, now 11860 is OK. Never 
a new day without some new anomaly (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** DIEGO GARCIA. 12759-USB, April 23 at 0058, JBA music no doubt from AFN 

** INDIA [non]. 15390, April 23 at 1344, gospel harmony in unknown language, 
1345 announcement and more; fair signal but declining. Aoki shows it`s Athmeeya 
Yatra Radio (Gospel for Asia), 250 kW, 85 degrees from Nauen, GERMANY, with 
huge selexion of obscure minority languages whose speakers are targeted for 
Christianization, i.e. Tuesdays 1330-1345 Nockte, 1345-1400 Kokborok. From 
EiBi`s exhaustive readme list of langs:
NOC   Nocte / Nockte (India - Assam, Arunachal Pr.: 35,000)
KBO   Kok Borok/Tripuri: India (0.7m)
Are these unchurched heathens snowed by anyone bothering to broadcast to them? 

** MEXICO. 560, April 23 at 0554 UT after music, ID as ``La Tremenda``, 
dominant unless nulled when US stations can be heard, i.e. XESRD, Santiago 
Papasquiaro, Durango, 10/1 kW per Cant?.

I was wondering about the derivation of this strange name; no info on that in 
Wikipedia, but I do learn it is a town about the same size as Enid but four 
times as high; many emigrants from there are in Chicago. In the news lately for 
kidnapping. Googling, I don`t find the name Papasquiaro applying to anyplace or 
anyone else (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** MEXICO [and non]. 580, April 23 at 0549 UT, promo for ``Noticias Rancherita 
del Aire``, singing ID for same, live DJ with timecheck and 26 degrees; often 
dominant over opposite WIBW Topeka KS with which it makes a 2 Hz SAH, i.e. 
XEMU, Piedras Negras, Coahuila, 5/2.5 kW (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 660, April 23 at 0500 UT the Mexican NA is playing, followed by dead 
air, open carrier with background hum surging to foreground. So we know the big 
hum being heard here is from a United States of Mexican rather than United 
States of American. Next will have to tune in a few minutes earlier to 
determine which one. Apparently they leave on not only the carrier after 
sign-off, but also the Optimod which stupidly brings up the hum on the circuit. 
Tonight it`s worse than usual, with slow pulsing too. 0548 recheck I think it 
is off, but fades back in along with another Spanish station still modulating. 

My hunch is that the hummer is XEFZ in Monterrey NL, which is usually the 
dominant Mexican on this frequency; but based solely on the schedule hours in 
the 2012 IRCA Mexican Log, which cannot remain totally accurate after 
publication: it`s 24 hours as are XEEY Aguascalientes and XEAR Tampico, while 
these close at 0600: XEACB Ciudad Delicias (which I have also heard before), 
XEWX Durango; while the others sign off at some other time. However altho 
presented in UT, those schedule times probably apply to winter non-DST rather 
than now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1610, April 22 at 1921 UT at a quiet location with caradio inside 
Enid, I can still hear a weak hum, no doubt from WQCL720 at Great Salt Plains 
State Park, contrary to yesterday`s assumption that they had finally turned it 
off. What a waste (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 7325, April 23 at 1249, not even a carrier from Wantok 
Radio Light. While it may be too much to expect something from its 1 kW every 
day even with no CCCCI, I still wonder if it`s off the air today (Glenn Hauser, 

** PERU. 5980, April 22 at 0057, R. Chaski carrier as usual detectable weakly 
in the noise level, including storms in the next county to the north, Grant. At 
0100 can tell it`s Spanish; 0101 music while 5990-CRI Cuba English splash is 
still overrunning; 0101:45 the sounder we have heard so many times, then 
Spanish talk somewhat muffled; 0102:50 fanfare and presumed devotional capsule 
--- but I missed the turnoff, tuning around elsewhere, got back too late at 
0104:40 when it was already off, which should have occurred at approximately 
0104:10. Our streetlite fires on at 0107, earlier than it would have if the 
sunset were clear instead of clouded (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9330-CUSB, April 22 at 1902 check, WBCQ is now on after absence 
earlier in the day, who else but Rod Hembree promoting, who else, but Jesus 
Christ; 15420-CUSB also on and stronger with the androgynous anapaestic 
preachperson from Fence Lake NM (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 690, April 23 tune-in just before 0500, KGGF Coffeyville KS is 
playing taps, and then dead air, open carrier, making slow SAH with news 
understation presumably KTSM. So this indicates KGGF is deliberately signing 
off at local midnite, but not turning off the carrier. Since they are licensed 
for fulltime, why not burn up 5 kWh for 5 hours or however long it takes before 
resuming programming? But what a waste: they could be modulating at no extra 
cost with *something*. Next I will have to tune in a few minutes earlier than 
that for what they say at closing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** UZBEKISTAN [non]. 17510, April 23 at 1309 W&M in Turkic language, fair 
signal, gone at 1337 recheck. Aoki shows it`s BBC Uzbek via OMAN. Normally 
jammed by the ChiCom but apparently not propagating today (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** VATICAN [non]. 7305, April 23 at 0150, the Greenville carrier is on prior to 
Vatican Radio relay; 0209 check in Spanish, only fair signal; 0232 check in 
French! Spanish supposedly is half a sesquihour until 0245. Ed Insinger in NJ 
had noted this previously and contacted VR about the anomaly. Reply explaining 
how a substitute satellite stream has to be picked up for this was in DXLD 
13-16. Sergio Salvatore of VR frequency management also said after 0230 it 
could be in English, Armenian or Russian which we have not heard yet. It seems 
what they need to do is run the Spanish service intact at original timing of 
0145-0230 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

[sorry, I hit Send too soon; every message must have a subject; didn`t 
yahoomail once intercept such lapses before sending? Dispose of the unknown one 
which is identical -- gh]


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2013 21:05:33 +0200
From: Artur Fernandez Llorella <>
To: hard-core-dx HCDX <>
Subject: [HCDX] Help about Radio Technical Man?
Message-ID: <dub118-w12eba0824644754de3f49fff...@phx.gbl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Does anybody know any valid contact info for the Dutch pirate station Radio 
Technical Man?
My report sent to Box 65, NL-7260 AB Ruurlo has been returned.
Thanks in advance!



Message: 4
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2013 13:28:30 +0800 (SGT)
From: Jaisakthivel <>
To: ardic <>
Subject: [HCDX] Radio Pakistan continues drive into digital age
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Radio Pakistan, which has embraced web technology over the past five years, 
made not one but three new technological leaps on Monday.
Radio Pakistan Director-General Murtaza Solangi inaugurated three projects 
which would allow the country?s national radio service to report better from 
outdoor locations, broadcast its world services via the web, and interactively 
update the public on the upcoming elections.
The projects ? a satellite communication system, internet streaming of the 
radio?s International Services and a dedicated elections website ? were 
launched at the National Broadcasting House in Islamabad.
The satellite communication system includes an earth station located inside the 
Radio Pakistan building and a digital satellite news gathering (DSNG) mobile 
van, capable of bidirectional communication and editing.
Ghulam Mujaddid, technical adviser to the director-general, said the DSNG van 
will improve Radio Pakistan?s reporting from outlying areas. ?Before this, we 
used to use standard telephony for outdoor communications,? Mujaddid said. 
?Satellite communication will improve the quality of signals received from the 
The DSNG is also capable of sending audio and video feeds from the field 
directly to a control room in the radio?s headquarters, he said. Earlier, the 
international services, which include broadcasts in 11 world languages and an 
Urdu World Service, were only available on shortwave radio.
Now, thanks to satellite transmission, people in 38 countries from South Asia, 
the Middle East, Africa and Europe can use receivers to tune in to these 
services. The services are also available on the internet, where listeners can 
stream and listen, just like radio stations in the West.
Solangi said the satellite communication system would help Radio Pakistan save 
Rs7 million of its costs of running generators for shortwave communications and 
of leasing broadcast media from the Pakistan Television. Radio Pakistan?s 
dedicated elections website will provide interactive constituency maps, 
election-related news, code of conducts and elections results among other 
things, Solangi said.
?The elections web portal will serve as a resource for journalists and 
researchers reporting on and monitoring the elections,? he said. During his 
address, Solangi also listed the achievements of the radio service. digitised 
old radio archives and established a web presence through its website.
?Today, we have listeners of Radio Pakistan, readers who visit our website and 
even viewers who watch our online video content,? Solangi said. ?We are not 
traditional radio anymore, now we are emerging as a multimedia company.?
Published in The Express Tribune, April 23rd, 2013.?
Jaisakthivel, ADXC, Tirunelveli, India


Message: 5
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2013 13:37:27 +0800 (SGT)
From: Jaisakthivel <>
To: ardic <>
Subject: [HCDX] Et?n Corporation Announces Availability of ZoneGuard
        Weather Radio
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Weather alert clock radio enables users to be alert, informed and safe during 
unexpected weather situations Et?n Corporation, a leading creator of 
high-performance, eco-minded consumer products, announces the American Red 
Cross ZoneGuard weather alert clock radio. Building upon Et?n's successful line 
of preparedness products, the sleek new ZoneGuard features S.A.M.E. technology 
and an advanced visual and audio alert system to alert you to impending severe 
weather in your area. The ZoneGuard is now available for purchase at Radio 
Shack and 
Knowing that minutes can make all the difference in emergency situations, Et?n 
combined AM/FM clock radio, NOAA weather alerts, S.A.M.E. technology and - for 
the first time - visual light alerts to create ZoneGuard. The S.A.M.E. system 
enables users to enter their county code for local pending weather advisories, 
watches and warnings. Up to 25 individual locations can be programmed into the 
ZoneGuard ensuring users are up-to-date about pending danger in their 
surrounding area. Integrated LED lights flash red for warnings, orange for 
watches and green for advisories issued in one of the set local zones; in 
conjunction, a loud audio alert will sound. 
"Our goal at Et?n is to educate and help the public be as prepared as possible 
before a disaster hits," said Esmail Hozour, CEO of Et?n Corporation. "With top 
forecasters predicting an above-average 2013 Atlantic hurricane season, the 
ZoneGuard comes at a crucial time to help consumers be more prepared than 
The ZoneGuard features an elegant, compact design with a stand and wall-mount 
options, making it convenient to incorporate into any room in the house. With 
the ability to stay powered via both AC adapter and AA batteries, ZoneGuard 
ensures you always have access to potentially life-saving information. 
Continuing Et?n's long-standing partnership with the American Red Cross, 
ZoneGuard helps promote the American Red Cross message of preparedness by 
giving a portion of each sale to the organization. The Et?n and American Red 
Cross by Et?n ZoneGuard is now available at Radio Shack and for MSRP 
For more information about Et?n, The ZoneGuard and the entire product line, 
visit Et?n's website at 
About Et?n Corporation 
For more than 25 years, Et?n's vision has been to create consumer products that 
keep people prepared, informed, entertained, and on-the-go. Our commitment to 
high design, efficient energy sources and innovative technologies enables us to 
create award-winning products that empower you, in your world. For more 
information on Et?n Corporation, please visit SOURCE: Et?n 
Corporation, Copyright Business Wire 2013 +++++++++++++++++Jaisakthivel, ADXC, 
Tirunelveli, India


Message: 6
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2013 08:42:07 +0300 (EEST)
Subject: [HCDX] LOgs 19.4
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"; format=flowed

Logs 19.4.13
9510 EMR via IRRS 0809  with old songs 25534
9677 V talisitan 1514  with music , overloaded with bad modulation and S7
11650 R Teos 1515   with OM talking in Russian and qrm from  11645 many 
mentions of Christos id 1531 with meter band \
9835 RTM 1544  with traditional dances S4 11665  with a different program , 
negaraku at 1600 with S7 . that time  9835  is blocked  by9830 by RL ???? of a 
S20 signal
9475 R A 1554 with talks and songs S3 QRM by DRM on 9480 S7
12105 Dialogue 1602 with introductory messages ID  and comments
11610  R Sharooqa  stopped in this freq????  Nothing  found !!
11600 R Libya with ID before 1642 S9
9750 NHK 1642 with discussions S9 35323  At 1545  with an enka song 32322
7515  1658 an opera song YL with North Korean pronunciation and 1700  back to 


Message: 7
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2013 08:43:31 +0300 (EEST)
Subject: [HCDX] Logs 20.4.13
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"; format=flowed

9690  Tatarstan Awazy 0643 with journal , mentioning Ibrahim Rulman with talks 
related to tatars S7  
15070 the amateur  with FM modulation is back !  with S9 and old folk song
15240 R A 0649 S1 this day
11765  SRDa 0658 just marginal this time S3  peaks IS  tones freqs on 07600 now 
with some QRM by BB 11770  BBC S7
11865 N Korea 0700 with talk sin Japanese S1 at max and immediately with opera
7265 H L R 0705 with old ballad and OM in awful English and signal ca S4 . At 
0745  marginal
12130 Mashaal 0716 mentioning Taliban S5  with buzzer in LSB
1179  once again  off for ca 2 days !!!
1215 CRI via Albania 0723  with news in Eng S4 on the 16 H antena
9480 EMR not on 6150 (which is full of local  QRN) . S0 but on clear freq . 
tested also with magnetic loop wth a ca S3-4 signal, and touring the house for 
better signal  , using DE1103 mixed with local QRN . song ?urgent?  and OM also 
mentioned facebook . no reception time  has been  noticed (but ca 0849?)
15120  V oN on ca 0853 with their  ?weekly program? description . tested  with 
mag loop

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 124, Issue 24

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