** BANGLADESH. 15505, June 19 from *1356:05 carrier and tone; 1358:15 change to 
Bangladesh Betar IS; final iteration stopped before complete at 1359:55 but no 
timesignal, just opening Urdu; very poor (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. 6070, June 19 at 0519, no signal from CFRX: little station leaves a 
big hole when it`s off. Harold Sellers told the DXLD yg June 18 at 2122 UT: 
``Just received this from Steve Canney VA3SC: "I just noticed CFRX was off the 
air. I e-mailed the engineer a few minutes ago who informed me the the PA Mixer 
in the transmitter was faulty and is being sent back to the manufacturer. I'll 
keep you posted when news comes in." Harold Sellers`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** CHINA. Firedrake, June 19 before 1300:
13795, fair at 1252

All the rest are CNR1 jammers instead:
17170, JBA at 1253; none in the 16s or 18s
15800, very poor at 1254; none in the 14s
13830, poor at 1256 with noise
12370, very poor at 1257

** CONGO DR [non]. 11690, June 19 at 0452, no signal detectable from R. Okapi; 
but 11700 RFI direct from France is sufficient. It appears the Okapi service is 
still suspended, as HFCC registration shows it effective only from 1 July, via 
11690 0400 0500 52E MEY 250 340 0 416 1234567 010713 271013 D 11875 French AFS 
BAB BAB 19051. Earlier info showed it supposedly resuming 1 June (Glenn Hauser, 

** CUBA [and non]. RHC missing frequencies: 6150, June 19 at 1247, just R. 
Australia, but probably a fluke as avoiding CCI is not a prime objective of 
either. 9850 also missing at 1247. Both are supposedly scheduled until 1300. 
The following frequency scheduled after 1300, 13780, is also absent at 1320 
check. 9850 & 13780 had been the transmitter suffering from wobbling and 
rumbling. Meanwhile, these frequencies are on at 1247: 9540, 9550, 11690, 
11760, 11860, 15230, 17580, 17730 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** EGYPT. 13850, June 19 at 0508, strong signal, but distorted, very suppressed 
Arabic modulation: R. Cairo, of course, as usual, prolonging many years of 
totally incompetent transmission; in HFCC as 02-07, 250 kW, 315 degrees from 
Abis. Suffers by comparison to much weaker but clearer R. Farda on 13860; see 
IRAN [non] (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN [non]. 13860, June 19 at 0509, ME pop music, fair signal and good 
modulation. I guess it`s R. Farda, and am confirmed by HFCC: 0430-0830, IBB 
Farsi, 100 kW, 92 degrees via Lampertheim, GERMANY; compare to EGYPT 13850 

** MEXICO. Sporadic E opening ramping up at tune-in 1440 UT June 19:

1440 on 2, algo with antenna south, but language not clear yet

1455 on 2, Spanish, studio discussion in and out; no bugs visible; 1457 
mentions Mazatlán, and signal improves rotating toward SW; CCI 

1504 on 2, crime news about a state, Ixtapa mentioned, which is in Guerrero

1507 on 3, f bug in LR = Foro TV from net-4, and Grupo Pacífico bug in UR, 
italic 3 in an oval, i.e. XHQ, Culiacán, Sinaloa

1507 on 4, toons from net-5, bug LR

1516 on 4, net-2 bug UR, costume show; clock 10:16 in LL. Probably XHBS-TV Los 
Mochis, Sinaloa

1537 on 4, net-2 again, photoed but bug may not show up

1541 on 5, net-5 toons, CCI from my cable leak; opening intensifies

1542 on 3, XHQ mostly clear and weak while 2 and 4 have stronger signals and CCI

1543 on 6, video starting to show here. 

1558 on 4, more attempts at photoing with net 2 bug. To be continued

** NEW ZEALAND. Since none of the RNZI `Mailbox` times are convenient or 
well-received, I go to website http://www.rnzi.com and find this:

``Latest Audio --- Audio now available in our new programmes section 
All audio is downloadable, and we will be maintaining an archive on each page. 
Dateline Pacific is now posted twice daily with full transcripts.

Change is Coming --- Over the next month we will be moving the content on this 
site to a new home at http://www.radionz.co.nz/international

The new site will allow us to keep permanent archives of audio programmes, show 
more comprehensive schedules, and will also continue to provide search access 
to over 70,000 Pacific news stories.``

Here`s the specific page for `Mailbox`, now linking audio not from two, but the 
last four programmes:
(Glenn Hauser, OK, June 18, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, June 19 at 0102, R. Chaski carrier audible until 0103:00.5* 
which is six seconds later than yesterday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. 1440, June 19 at 0524 UT as I tune by, ``Big Talker 14-40, KMAJ``. I 
don`t often hear this, and here`s why: NRC Pattern Book shows both day and 
night it aims northwest from Topeka KS, supposedly quite a side null toward 
Enid (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

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