** CHINA. Firedrake [non], June 30, with degraded propagation, before 1400 only 
13530, poor at 1338 with flutter
13970, very poor with het at 1340, none in the 12s
14700, very poor with het at 1342, none in the 15s, 16s, 17s

** CUBA. 6010, June 30 at 0510, RHC English, only with trace of modulation at 
peaks on big otherwise open carrier. Other frequencies are OK. Wiggle that 

9850, Sunday June 30 at 1240, RHC with great `Cuba Campesina` music, as I pick 
this frequency for best signal; a mistake since it`s chopped off the air rudely 
at 1255 as this transmitter will take a while to retune to 15340 on the 
`Chicago` beam. Quick retune to 11860 for the rest of it.

15340 and much weaker 15230 are the OSOB at 1305 June 30, except for both sides 
of the China radio war on 15115. Propagation continues to be much degraded. At 
1305, I can also hear 17580 fairly, but nothing on 17730; by 1307, a JBA signal 
becomes audible on 17730.

This week`s `En Contacto` after 1335 concludes with a Ruben Guillermo Margenet 
feature recorded years ago with clip of final Spanish broadcast from R. 
Budapest, on anniversary of its closure, and also the final DX program from R. 
MoscĂș that Manolo de la Rosa presented before moving back to Cuba. And note: 
the codey closing theme of En Contacto plays out complete, unusual, as the show 
must have had a bit of time to fill. Catch it on the repeats starting around 
2240v and Monday 0135 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. Sporadic E analog TV DX June 30, UT:
1455 on 2, fade-in of Televisa net-5 bug LR, with Bob el Esponja, and fade 
right back out. Had been watching snow for almost an hour; another glimpse of 
same at 1500, this time with audio too. Here we go? Still in & out weakly at 
1507 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. 13735, June 30 at 1303, open carrier with fair signal, off within a 
minute. At 1339 now there`s some broadcast with solo male singer, but very poor 
and can`t determine the language. HFCC shows R. Rossii via Moskva site at 
1330-1700, 250 kW, 267 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Dan Elyea at Okeechobee confirms to me that the final final broadcast 
of Family Radio from WYFR will be on 6115 until 0300 UT Monday July 1, followed 
by Radio Taiwan International relay in English for the last time until 

WYFR is history as of midnight EDT tonight.

DXLD yg member Dave Hughes found this 82-slide slow of someone`s visit to WYFR:

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1675 monitoring: via Tom Taylor, Hamburger 
Lokalradio says technical problems have prevented their planned 15785 tests 
today, including World of Radio; maybe next Sunday. Maybe on WTWW-2, 9930, 
sometime between 17 and 21 UT Sunday; and/or 2330v on 9930 (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

UNIDENTIFIED. 1020, June 30 at 0522 UT, QRM to semi-local KOKP Perry OK sounds 
like the deep voice of the weekend guy on Coast to Coast AM, but there are no 
1020 stations on its affiliate list in USA or Canada; no, not KDKA --- on FM in 
that market. I also thought I heard KCKN mentioned (in English), not 
necessarily from same QRM; any change in Roswell? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

UNIDENTIFIED. 1070, June 30 at 0528 UT, sounds like Roy Masters, looping N-S; 
instead of on 1090 from KAAY E-W, where he would not be on a Saturday night, 
anyway. Extensive affiliate list at 
does not show any on 1070. Could it be KLIO Wichita which has been known to 
break away from main True Oldies format at other times? No Kansas affils on his 
list. Banner ad I see at top of http://www.trueoldies1070.com/ 
is for Auto Masters, not close enough, and there is no program schedule to be 
found (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

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