** BOLIVIA. 5952+, July 10 at 0057, R. Pio Doce is fairly audible; 6135-, R. 
Santa Cruz has good signal; 6155-, R. Fides poor with music, all presumed but 
obvious from their off-frequency signatures and many previous logs around this 
time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 4915, July 10 at 0054, JBA carrier, somewhat less than 4885, 4925, 
etc., so suspect R. Daqui is off again, uncovering a bit of Macapá (Glenn 

** CANADA. July 10 from 0000 UT, 6m maps indicate most likely lowband sporadic 
E TV DX would develop from west, so aimed that way for Mexicali, but nothing 
ever shows. 0115 UT start rotating other direxions, and find English is in from 
the NE on channel A2 NTSC;: at 0120 it`s obviously `So You Think You Can 
Dance`, with a Fox bug in the LR, good at peaks --- but surely not a US 
lowpower station. 

It`s // KOKH-24 OKC but not synched via cable. There I can make out next to the 
Fox bug is tiny SYTYCD. 0126 on 2, different ads than on the US network, 
including at 0128 a large SAULT on the screen and ``Sainte-Marie`` on the 
speaker in a hospital ad; 0130 CTV promo, 0135 fading, another brief inbit 
around 0143, then gone. So answering my question of a few days ago, yes, 100 kW 
CHBX-TV in SSM is still on the air in analog. I`ve been getting this one since 
the `60s when it was CJIC-TV, probably a CBC affiliate then.

But network ID would not be enough, as there`s another Ontario 2 CTV 
uncomfortably close in Wiarton, 198 miles away across Lake Huron, CKCO-TV-2, 
presumably on the air too --- it was and probably still is the one with 
off-frequency video making strange CCI as previously noted, but not this time. 
The pair must produce quite a mess overwater between them or around Georgian 

** CHINA [and non]. Firedrake July 10:
7365, fair at 1304 way over CCI

No FD or CNR1 jammers higher with propagation degraded, except:
13130, poor at 1232 with music at first suspecting FD but soon talking, so 
CNR1. None in the 12s, 14s, 15s, 16s, 17s. 19m dead except for HCJB Australia 
on 15490 and 15340; after 1300 nothing but RHC 15340. Recheck 13130 just before 
1300: timesignal, few Chinese syllables and off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENIG 

** CUBA. 6000, July 10 at 0101, RHC English is still silent carrier, while 6165 
is already modulating. By 0103, 6000 is too. At least both transmitters are on 
the air, better than 24 hours earlier, but why not start modulating both on 
time? Is that too much to ask?

5025, July 10 at 0520, R. Rebelde`s enjoyable music is degraded by flutter as 
the K=5 propagation disturbance is penetrating below the Tropic of Cancer 

** EAST TURKISTAN. 9595, July 10 at 0059, classical music which I figure will 
be R. Nikkei, but no: 0100 CRI theme, Chinese ID and opening Spanish, so it`s 
the bihour broadcast, 500 kW, 269 degrees via Kashgar. The music must have been 
fill after some previous service not on this frequency. This also contradicts 
assumption in my previous 2013 log: ``JAPAN. 9595, April 5 at 0129 poor signal 
with Japanese music, must be R. Nikkei, unusual time to be getting it here`` 

** PERU. 5980, July 10 at 0053, R. Chaski carrier, some modulation until cutoff 
at 0104:51*, i.e. 5.25 seconds later than yesterday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** SUDAN [and non]. 15400, July 10 at 0511, 1 kHz tone jammer mixing with R. 
Dabanga via MADAGASCAR, but both weaker than usual in degraded propagation (at 
0518 WWV says K index at 0300 was 5; G1 and R1). Even DW English via Rwanda 
15275 is weak (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 960, not reported lately, but most nights I continue to check the 
local KGWA Enid Fox-hole of dead air at 0500-0505 UT, and more often than not, 
it still occurs. KGWA signal continues to be weaker than it had been until a 
few weeks ago, and also thankfully, no longer with the big hum it produced at 
nulls, requiring slightly offsetting the peak null position. Yet I haven`t 
heard anything new during the window. Most nights lately there has been an 
unidentifiable CCI mix of several stations during this period.

July 10, ABC News is dominating with slight reverb/echo, so it`s the usual KGKL 
San Angelo TX and KMA Shenandoah IA. Around 0503, one of them really peaks 
strongly, probably KGKL. Immediately after ABC at 0505, a few seconds before 
KGWA modulation resumes, one of them goes right into local weather, but nothing 
pinnable, and then hear KMA mentioned from the other, so the weather was 
probably KGKL. Both of them benefit from being close to the KGWA null in 
opposite direxions (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

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