Bolivia, 6134.832, Radio Santa Cruz, 2333-2359,  Noted a live broadcast of
SP comments and 

music.  The music is basically MOR type.  At 2354 a canned ID over music,
"Radio Santa Cruz".

Signal steadily improves as the time passes ending up at a good level when
station dropped.

(Chuck Bolland, July 13, 2013)


Peru, 4810.012, Radio Logos, 0040-0050, As usual, noted a program of mor
music.  Signal was

weak and low in the noise.  No other details identified.  (Chuck Bolland,
July 14, 2013)


Unident, 4940, 0100-0130,  At tune in, noted a female singing opera style.
By 0105, singing

stops and a male talks until 0113.  Can't ID the language except to say it
doesn't sound like

Spanish or Chinese.  I want to say it sounds like Russian, but my hunches
are usually wrong,

so I will just let that hang out there.  At 0115 more high class music is
heard and that continues.

Signal never improved and remained at a poor level.  (Chuck Bolland, July
14, 2013)


Unident, 4957.982, 0124-0135,  noted an AM carrier on this freq, but didn't
hear any audio.  

Signal was fair.  (Chuck Bolland July 14, 2013)


Peru, 4774.946, Radio Tarma, 0140-0150,   Noted typical music with yelping
and cheering

during the music by a number of males.  During the music, believe I heard
live IDs by

a male. After each tune, live SP comments by male.   Signal was poor.
(Chuck Bolland, July 14, 2013)



26N 081W





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