** AUSTRALIA. 15340, July 16 at 1225, HCJB is on with usual prélude made up of 
``about to start`` announcements looping with a medley of inspirational music 
--- bits of familiar hymns or tunes here and there, but nothing I can identify. 
My previous inquiry about the nature and source of this medley has gone 

Oh oh, at 1228 some IADs start, I suppose a problem in the long microwave (?) 
feed from Melbourne to Kununurra, which could be avoided if they axually 
stationed their people in WA and produced the programming at the site; not 
gonna happen. 1230 first English program OK for a while, but 1252 recheck 
during S Asian song, IADs again (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BOLIVIA. 6155-, July 16 at 0101, YL talk from presumed R. Fides as always 
slightly on the lo side, and this time with LAH from something much closer to 
6155.0, presumed AIR (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake July 16, before 1300:
13795, very poor at 1255

The rest are CNR1 jamming instead:
13920, fair-good at 1254 with het
14700, poor at 1254; none in the 10s, 12s, 15, 16s, 17s 

After 1330:
13920, fair at 1331 with het; none in the 12s, 14s
15115 & 15265, poor at 1332 mixing with targets, echoes
15545, poor at 1334
15570, poor at 1334; none in the 16s, 17s; 17 MHz is totally dead

** GUAM. 5765-USB, July 16 at 1154, AFN is still/again here, JBA with 
programming including some music bits (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. 15150, July 16 at 0529, VIRI very poor but audible opening 9-hour 
Arabic broadcast, 289 degrees via Zahedan. First time have heard it since the 
three nights of 1 kHz tone jamming intended for R. Dabanga but on wrong 
frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. Sporadic E MUF is struggling to surpass 55 MHz, only occasionally 
succeeding, July 15, UT:

2248 on 2, fade-in something with Spanish A&V, and right out again; antenna 

2321 on 2, another fade-in-and-out, but not before I spot a Gala-TV swirl bug 
in the LR. As outpointed before, per W9WI.com there is only one Televisa net-9 
affiliate on channel 2:
Hermosillo SO XHHMA-TV 30000 ZH 29-04-29N 110-57-35W XLIC S:Televisa 9
which it could be but no time to determine if it was coming from that far west, 
as we know it could also be another of the local Televisa channels just 
carrying net-9 at the moment, other nets at other times

UT July 16:

0040, on 2 another fade-in, but suspect English so rotate north and do find 
more weak CCI, but nothing to identify Canadianly

** MICRONESIA. 4755+, July 16 at 1158 with BFO I am tracking the JBA carrier 
for PMA The Cross to cut off circa 1159, but it doesn`t, still going past 1200. 
Their automation sometimes fails, and I expect Ron Howard would have heard it 
going much later today (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1460, July 15 at 1950 UT on caradio, KZUE El Reno [``rino``], news 
from correspondents in various states --- of México. So again hooked into the 
Radio Fórmula network from México DF, with ID in passing at 1955, says this 
show is L-V 1:30-3:30 pm and Sab/Dom 3-4 pm HC. 2000 missed local ID if any, 
but resuming news show anchored by Joaquín López-Dóriga, as in 
also mentioning a few of the many affiliate frequencies in Mexico if not 
Oclajoma. 2032 next check with song in English! From net or local? 2036 back to 
Mexican news (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 91.7, Tuesday July 15 at 1235 UT, KOSU local item in Morning 
Edition has Jennifer James talking about Bletchley Park, catching my ear, but 
somehow she worx this into comments about an exhibit at the State Fair OKC 
gallery, ``cracking the code of your life``. Outro says we may hear her again 
via KOSU website, by clicking on the podcast icon in upper right --- which 
means now we have to go thru iTunes. More and more stations are outsourcing 
their archives, a bad idea (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, July 16 at 0056, R. Chaski usual carrier, talk audible past 0101 
until 0104:23*, 5.5 seconds later than yesterday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** SUDAN [and non]. 15400, July 16 at 0528, 1 kHz tone jamming still going 
against R. Dabanga via MADAGASCAR, both very poor signals tonight, but tone 
stops about 0529.5* as usual even tho Dabanga goes another semihour (Glenn 

** U S A. 5050, July 16 at 0142, WWRB is missing, not on 3195 either. Still 
going with BS on 3185 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 11715, July 16 at 1258 big open carrier, no doubt KJES; starts a bit 
early at 1259 with kID, zipcode in English, into off-key group singing with 
guitar accompaniment --- but it`s all very undermodulated, and still so at 1330 
check. Probably sporadic-E boost but MUF did not build up to VHF channel 2 
until 1515, also from Mexico to the southwest (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

UNIDENTIFIED. 9416-9431, July 16 at 0103, huge blob of extremely strong 
distorted crud, humbuzzroar, but with traces of talk modulation cadence, more 
audible around the edges. It`s QRMing heavily 9420 Greece. I look for a match 
anywhere else on the 9 MHz band; there is something similar but much weaker 
circa 9873. 

Comparing to many other signals: it`s something Cairo could accomplish, but 
9720 dead air and 9965 almost dead air are much weaker tonight, as are all 
signals from Afroeurasia. The only thing comparable in strength and sound is 
heavy wideband and rough-sounding DRM from REE/Costa Rica centered 9630, but 
without the bits of analog modulation. I would suspect this as a spur from 
that, altho 9630 is steady.

0115-0125 a quick break for dinner which is hot and ready. When I get back, the 
blob is off, 9630 is still on. Or maybe it wasn`t off, just shifted to a 
different range, soon found 9425-9437-9443, all approx. This completely blots 
the Voz de Rusia Spanish frequency 9435. Now I have brought to the porch a 
second radio, the DX-375 which has no problem hearing the blob with whip only, 
while I tune the DX-398 around seeking a modulation match. 

On 9 MHz around 0127 I rule out CRI, RHC, REE, VOA, WHRI. At 0135 an even 
bigger buzz cuts on circa 9440, then back off, while the main buzz extends up 
to 9451 so at least it`s far enough from 9420. Off at 0137*. I take the 
opportunity to check some unrelated things. 

At 0144, I find it is back and shifted higher, 9465-9484-9490 or so, 
encroaching upon the weaker Cuban jamming of 9490 República. So far modulation 
has been talk, but now some music on and off. 0148 ranges up to 9440, then up 
to 9470, keeps jumping, back to peak 9440-9450. 

Meanwhile I have been checking other bands for a possible modulation match: 
none on 11 or 7 MHz, not even WRNO, and starting to check 6, how about RHC 
English on 6165? Before I can decide, blob cuts off at 0154*, maybe for good, 
and I don`t chase it any further tonight. 

I have heard this previously, and surely others have too. I also look thru all 
the Aoki listings on the 9 MHz band by frequency, to spot any possible source 
during the 01-02 period, especially if the listed frequency be missing, but 
nothing fits. This is so strong that it must be from close to or within North 
America. I wish to be unstumped (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 11979, UT Tuesday July 16 at 0523, the single-number CW intruder 
is back, again beating with 11980 TRT: this time the number is: seven, --... 
and I time the repetition rate at 29 per minute. So far the only other number 
heard was three, so we might draw some conclusions from that (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

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