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Today's Topics:

   1. Glenn Hauser logs July 27-28, 2013 (Glenn Hauser)
   2. Re: [BDXC-UK] "Babcock" test transmission - 7325 kHz
      (Wolfgang Bueschel_DF5SX)
   3. Radio Times's 90th anniversary celebrated in exhibition


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 08:20:38 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
To: "" <>
Cc: "" <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs July 27-28, 2013
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** CHINA. Firedrake July 28, before 1300:
13795, good well atop victim CCI at 1248. 

All the rest are CNR1 jammers, with operatic Chinese vocal music:
13480, good at 1249, unusual spot tnx SOH; none in the 12s
13530, good at 1249
14700, very good at 1251
14750, good at 1251
15195, poor-fair with flutter at 1251
15250, poor with CCI, het at 1252
15870, poor at 1253; none in the 16s, 17s, 18s

** CUBA. Chances are high that at any given moment something will be amiss at 
RHC: July 28 tuning 49m at 0528 I find: 6165 has CCI and SAH, from what, Chad? 
6125 is undermodulated as usually the case. 6060 is OK. 6010 is open 
carrier/dead air until modulation cuts on at 0529 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** MEXICO. 690, July 28 at 0544 UT, break in music for ``La R-G`` promo for 7-9 
de la ma?ana show. XERG, Monterrey NL, allegedly 1 kW at night. Nothing much 
from KTSM El Paso, and the KGGF open carrier seems still to be there (Glenn 

** OKLAHOMA. 530, ``K530AM``, Vance AFB, Enid --- finally on July 27 I have a 
chance to find out its coverage radius on a caradio --- surprisingly far for 
alleged 10 watts, but of course with band-bottom daytime groundwave advantage. 
It`s quite audible as far as I-35 east of Enid, i.e. about 30 miles, and still 
audible at Guthrie, 40 miles, powerline noise permitting; finally losing out 
around Edmond, 55 miles, just north of OKC. On US 81 south of Enid, it reaches 
at least as far as Okarche, 45 miles.

Noticed some new(?) PSAs in the rotation about swine flu and bird H1N1 flu, but 
still the equally unlikely threat in Oklahoma from hurricanes, plus the 
perpetual booster-seat one (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 1020, July 28 at 0111, KOKP Perry is in open 
carrier/dead air. A few minutes earlier I had heard its sibling station on 
1580, KOKB Blackwell with a ``Triple Play`` slogan. It`s not unusual for one or 
the other of this slipshod pair to be mute. Normally // also the FM in 
Stillwater, they are capable of splitting for different stupid ballgames. 
Before KOKB came back in, I was getting a gospel huxter from some other 1580 
with skywave well before sunset here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1400, July 27 before 1700 UT, I notice that KREF Norman is off the 
air; back on with sports talk at next check 1715 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** OKLAHOMA. 1490, July 27 before and after 1700 UT, KMFS, Guthrie, Jimmy 
Swaggart`s station is in open carrier/dead air, a great improvement (Glenn 

** OKLAHOMA. 89.3, July 28 around 0100 UT on US 81 between Dover and Hennessey, 
closest to Loyal and the transmitter site of KIEL, NO signal. In Enid I 
discovered this new station a few weeks ago, but not always audible there and 
this confirms it is off the air, or at least not on the air all the time. 

Earlier along I-35 around Guthrie, I was hearing rock music for a few miles on 
89.3, presumed KALU at Langston University, still on air in mid-summer. WTFDA 
FM db shows KALU is 150 watts, while KIEL is 75 kW --- NO, per FCC FM Query, 75 
kW is just an application; licensed now for 6 kW (at the moment operating with 
zero); I should think 75 kW would be too much to be allowed due to KALU only 50 
miles away. And there are a few other 89.3s in OK (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** OKLAHOMA [non]. 102.3, July 27 at 1717 UT in the OKC area I am checking for 
the GCN pirate which had been here for a while, but not heard; instead weak 
signal from ``Lake FM``? WTFDA FM db gets a hit by searching only on the 
frequency and lake: ``KWFS-FM 102.3 WICHITA FALLS TX 100.0 137.0 33.5351 
98.3232 4AAC KWFS Artist/Title 102.3 BLAKE FM COUNTRY``. I might also have 
heard KRMG from Tulsa`s recently added 50 kW FM from Sand Springs, but that 
would be news/talk, and 102.3 also bears 100 kW KWDQ Woodward (Glenn Hauser, 

** PERU. 5980, July 28 at 0100v, R. Chaski check missed for once, but that`s 
OK, as I had just attended the Peruvian Independence Day festival in OKC (Glenn 

** SOUTH AFRICA. 6190, July 28 at 0531, news in English, poor with splash from 
Brasil 6180, BBC of course via SOUTH AFRICA, listed 10 degree azimuth. Unseems 
// 7355 Ascension or way out of synch, but after 0532 ID they do match 
programming altho still not synched. Haven`t heard 6190 in quite a while, but 
not surprising as 7285 Sonder Grense via Meyerton is a regular, much better on 
275 degree azimuth; both 100 kW (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 6095, Sunday July 28 at 1305, VOA Radiogram tones. To see what`s been 
sent, and for info about upcoming transmissions, refer to 
roger in Germany also posts extensive reports, the latest being:

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1679 monitoring: confirmed on WTWW-2, 5085, UT Sunday 
July 28 at 0000 just after frequency change, instead of 2330 Saturday on 9930. 
If you don`t hear it at 2330, always check 0000. Also confirmed at 0400.5 UT 
Sunday July 28 on WTWW-1, 5830. Next: Sunday 2330v on 9930 (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** U S A. 6115, UT Sunday July 28 circa 0245, WWCR is gone again from this 
frequency which was on with #4 programming the night before; maybe in use 
weeknights only? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1620, UT Sunday July 28 at 0119, Prof. Michio Kaku with `Science 
Fantastic` call-in show to 866-323-2538. He answers questions about science 
phoned in to his answering machine at any time; at the moment about dark 
matter. Mostly dominant signal but drops off at 0130, local sunset? FCC AM 
Query shows 0130 UT is the July sunset time for WTAW College Station TX, when 
it must cut from 10 to 1 kW; in August will be 0115. 

Then a WTAW ID, College Station TX, but not sure if that was the Kaku station 
until checked his affiliate list, yes 6-9 pm CDT Saturday:
All stations air it at some time on Saturday or Sunday, one, two or three 
hours. Says he is on 130 stations plus SiriusXM. Also delivers a promo for 
supporting advertisers on his and other shows on ``this station``. (Instead of 
an axual commercial.)

It`s nice to hear a talk show with some genuine educational value on commercial 
radio. But this is hardly sufficient compensation for WTAW propagating 
anti-American, anti-science cretins Beck, Limbaugh and Hannity full-time to the 
tune of 44 hours per week. ``We Talk And Whine``? I suppose WTAW picks up Kaku 
since it`s in a college town with some intelligent people. 

Is Michio on KAKU-LP, 88.5 in Kahului HI? No, nor any Hawaiian station. That`s 
OK; he`s not from Hawaii, but per Wikipedia:

``Kaku was born in San Jos?, California to Japanese immigrant parents (with 
Tibetan DNA ancestry). His grandfather came to the United States to take part 
in the clean-up operation after the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake [citation 
needed]. His father was born in California but was educated in Japan and spoke 
little English. Both his parents were put in the Tule Lake War Relocation 
Center, where they met and where his brother was born.

At Cubberley High School in Palo Alto, Kaku assembled a particle accelerator in 
his parents' garage for a science fair project. His admitted goal was to 
generate "a beam of gamma rays powerful enough to create antimatter." At the 
National Science Fair in Albuquerque, New Mexico, he attracted the attention of 
physicist Edward Teller, who took Kaku as a prot?g?, awarding him the Hertz 
Engineering Scholarship. Kaku graduated summa cum laude at Harvard University 
in 1968 and was first in his physics class. . .`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

UNIDENTIFIED. 11979, July 28 at 0520-0521+, another no-show for the 
single-digit CW intruder, just weak Turkey 11980. It used also to be active 
around 2100, not rechecked. There could have been/could also be various other 
times for it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)


Message: 2
Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 18:54:36 +0200
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel_DF5SX" <>
To: "DXLD" <>, "HCDX"
Subject: Re: [HCDX] [BDXC-UK] "Babcock" test transmission - 7325 kHz
Message-ID: <DDF73BB3212C4B2CB43B3008C18EB81C@HNPC2>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="Windows-1252";

WOF 7325 registered at 1900 UT, so parked the feed line and TX test at 1457
UT already.

17745 1600-1730 47E  WOF 250 135 Und G BAB EDC Sudan Radio Sce Darfur
 7325 1900-2000 27SE WOF 300 140 Fra G BAB  RTI - Radio TAIWAN INT.

Or is a trainee program for young ingenieurs at Woofferton,
to handle the operational switch schedule,
as happened from time to time,
as retired David Porter_former_WOF_G4OYX explained last year.

73 wb

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Alan Roe" <>
Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2013 5:50 PM
Subject: Re: [BDXC-UK] "Babcock" test transmission - 7325 kHz

> ... Which reminds me that I heard a similar test transmission this
> morning on 17745 kHz from tune-in at 1012 to abrupt off at 1021. Same
> e-mail address for reports. The short snippets this morning also
> included a brief excerpt of the familiar Babcock IS.
> Alan Roe (Teddington, UK)
> On 28/07/2013 16:07, Stephen Howie wrote:
> Just tuned in to a test transmission in progress on 7325 kHz at 1457
> utc. Consisted of short snippets of various kinds of music and
> recorded announcements of "This is a test transmission" and giving an
> email address of
> <> to send reception reports
> to. Abruptly off at just after 1501 utc.
> I can't see any HFCC registration for this frequency but previous
> tests heard giving the same email address were identified as being
> from Babcock at Woofferton
> Stephen H


Message: 3
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 18:04:08 +0800 (SGT)
From: Jaisakthivel <>
To: ardic <>
Subject: [HCDX] Radio Times's 90th anniversary celebrated in
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

The Queen, triumphant in this 60th summer since the coronation, does have to 
admit defeat in one corner of British cultural life. Doctor Who has now been 
the subject of more front cover features on the Radio Timesthan even the 
monarch during the listings magazine's 90 years.

The history of the publication, which began life in 1923 when radio was a 
fledgling medium, is to be marked in a free exhibition starting Friday 2 August 
at the Museum of London. The displays will feature many early covers and tell 
the story of British broadcasting, from the BBC's first radio transmission in 
London to the modern multi-channel offering.

More on?
Jaisakthivel, ADXC, Tirunelveli

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 127, Issue 31

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