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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Glenn Hauser logs September 22, 2013 (Wolfgang Bueschel_DF5SX)
   2. Glenn Hauser logs September 22-23, 2013 (Glenn Hauser)
   3. Glenn Hauser logs September 23-24, 2013 (Glenn Hauser)
   4. A DX quiz!! (Zacharias LIangas)
   5. Quiz (a corexion ) - need  replies!!! (Zacharias LIangas)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 14:23:20 +0200
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel_DF5SX" <>
To: "DXLD" <>, "HCDX"
Subject: Re: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 22, 2013
Message-ID: <99CD3F9C4164416B8220B4975816DA49@HNPC2>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

CUBA  RHC La Habana log of Sept 23 at 1145-1205 UT:

11960 kHz, no new frequency, NO REAL TX broadcasting channel today !
Only tiny spurious program 'fog' on S=2-3 -115dB level, spur of 11860/11760
kHz fundamentals, visible on Perseus remote screen in NY / MA / Toronto

Very tiny little SCRATCHY spur on 9497 to 9502 kHz, maybe some
intermodulation of 9540/9550 kHz channels at the TXion site ...

 6000 and 9550 kHz S=9+15dB
 9540 less, only S=7-8 level.
 9850 S=9+15dB in Eastern North AM.
11690 S=7-8 in Eastern North AM.
11760 S=9+15dB in Eastern North AM. Bust most disturbed RHC channel of all,
      hit heavily by CRI English sce co-channel frequency.
11860 S=9+30dB strongest signal in North AM.
15230 tiny S=6 backlobe in Eastern North AM,
      little stronger at Toronto CAN target.
17580 S=9+10dB, much stronger than 15230 19 mb outlet.

vy73 wb df5sx

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Glenn Hauser" Sent: Sunday, September 22, 2013 6:47 PM
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 22, 2013

CUBA [and non]. 11760, Sunday Sept 22 at 1208, not Arnaldo Coro but Arnie
Coro, Science Editor with a 'Breakthru' bit in English, something about
Ecuador, which I don`t listen to but instead immediately check out all the
other RHC frequencies whether any others are in the wrong morning language:

No, all Spanish: 17580, 15230, 11860, 11690, 9850, 9550, 9540, 6000 (and
still nothing on alleged 11960). 1211, Arnie already finishes, but "back
next week, same time, same frequencies", which I seriously doubt as RHC
slopperation is not so predictable.

BTW, 11760 has a slow SAH of 40 per minute = two thirds of one Hz, i.e. vs
CRI English via Kunming, Commies vs Commies. 1244 check, 11760 in music, but
not // Spanish with other music. 1300 check, 11760 still in English. 1314
still separate music.

15340, Sunday Sept 22 at 1307, RHC is missing, audiblizing HCJB Australia
with subcontinental music, heavy flutter, unusual for them. 15230 RHC always
weaker but certainly audible.
(Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST, Sept 22)

CUBA [and non]. 6165, Sept 21 at 0059, RHC open carrier is already on with
hum. In this case some hum may be caused by CCI from CHAD which is
significantly on the low side to produce a LAH, but MUCH weaker than RHC
here. I notice that Bill Bingham in RSA hardly hears any QubaRM on 6165 when
he gets Chad.

11960, Sept 21 at 1136 & 1238, no sign of RHC on alleged new frequency,
unless it`s the JBA carrier despite very strong RHC signals on 11760 and
11860. No further reports of 11960 received from Ivo or Wolfy or anyone.
Possibly was a one-shot; there is after all a spare transmitter which was
taken off 17730 a few weeks ago, and that might also account for my hearing
RHC on 9500 yesterday morning, but not today, assumed to be a spur from
9540. Arnie playing games?
(Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST, Sept 21)


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 08:49:45 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
To: "" <>
Cc: "" <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 22-23, 2013
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** BANGLADESH. 15105, Sept 23 at 1229, very pleased to hear the BB IS, as I`ve 
not been able to get their English broadcast in months; usually band is still 
dead this early. Maybe the due north/south equinox terminator is helping. But 
it`s only very poor, heavy flutter but good modulation. Will they open with an 
off-time signal on the half hour too? Yes! Ends at 1229:54; sign-on with same 
theme as for 1400 Urdu; 1239-1243 ``news commentary`` about taxes and 
reluctance to pay them, 1243 ``This is the external service of Bangladesh 
Betar``, vocal music; 1250 talk punxuated by same music bits, unsure topic but 
mentions Supreme Court; 1253 mentions ``something special`` but what? 1257 
suggests washing hands with soap & water. 1258 song; 1259 YL sign-off with P O 
Box until next English transmission on 7250; brief tone, open carrier and off 

Today I should have a chance to compare the off-timesignal for the 1400 
broadcast; will it match? 15505, on at 1356 with VP signal worse than 15105 was 
today, then tone; 1357:43.5 starts IS; but NO timesignal, opening Urdu at 
1359:47.5 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CAMBODIA [non]. 13850, Sept 23 at 1307, Cambodian here with fair signal, 
apparently RFA ex-13845, so now it causes ACI instead of CCI to weaker 13845 
WWCR. I was checking 13845 earlier at 1231, finding it clear of QRM, but not 
yet noticing any 13850; yet there were several good signals from China on 22m. 
13850 presumably still via SRI LANKA. Perhaps someone at WWCR and/or IBB 
noticed my several reports last week of the collision, tho no one will ever 
acknowledge this (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHAD [non]. 6165, Sept 23 at 0050, no RNT tonite, but a JBA carrier: Aoki 
shows on the air at this time: CNR6 Beijing (too late), Myanmar (maybe), R. 
Logos, Bolivia (not believed active on this frequency) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** CHINA. Firedrake Sept 23, before 1300:
7470, poor at 1247 with CCI; the best bet for it now; rest CNR1 jam:

13830, fair at 1235 with CCI; none in the 12s, 13s, 15s, 16s, 17s, 18s

** CUBA. 15230, Sept 23 at 1228, RHC with big buzz atop Spanish audio which 
also seems to be breaking up, hard to tell. Same if not worse at 1327, 1352 
chex; hasn`t anyone at the station noticed they have a slight problem with this 
transmitter? Of course not!

11760, Sept 23 at 1249, RHC back in Spanish today instead of English yesterday. 

Still nothing on 11960, and now Wolfgang B?schel has followed up:

``RHC La Habana log of Sept 23 at 1145-1205 UT: 11960 kHz, no new frequency, NO 
REAL TX broadcasting channel today! Only tiny spurious program 'fog' on S=2-3 
-115dB level, spur of 11860/11760 fundamentals, visible on Perseus remote 
screen in NY / MA / Toronto target.``

And he also refers to my previous logs of RHC around 9500: ``Very tiny little 
SCRATCHY spur on 9497 to 9502 kHz, maybe some intermodulation of 9540/9550 kHz 
channels at the TXion site``. 

No, if those two were intermodulating there would be an echo on the spur; 
presumably from separate sites so IM not possible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** GREECE. 9420, Sept 23 at 0101, traditional ERA IS lives on, but ID as 
``Ellenik? Radiophon?a``, Beethoven`s Ninth downbeat and ID as Trita Programma, 
then classical piano music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 11740 & 11985, Sept 23 at 0055, I am all set again with both the 
DX-398 and DX-375 on the porch with separate random wires, to compare the two 
frequencies of the AIR Sinhala service. Indeed they are not synchronized: 11985 
is a couple words behind 11740 and 11985 also has hum. This time, instead of 
cutting off at 0100 sharp, 11740 continues along with 11985 during music. 11740 
is GOA and 11985 Delhi-Khampur. So why is the program feed from Delhi studio 
getting to Goa first? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. 15240, Sept 23 at 1228, VIRI IS, very poor, weaker than e.g. Turkey 
15450 with its own IS. 15240 had just completed the 1200 Hebrew broadcast, 500 
kW, 259 degrees from Kamalabad. That should have been interesting: someone in 
Iran can speak Hebrew yet toe the anti-Israel line of the regime (Glenn Hauser, 

** KUWAIT. 15515, Sunday Sept 22 at 2004, western pop/rock music, just like R. 
Kuwait ordinarily plays on 15540 during the English bisesquihour, but which is 
missing today! Little doubt this is RK on wrong frequency, but which is on 
their schedule at 05-10 in Arabic. R. Australia also starts 15515 at 2000, 50 
degrees from Shep, but no CCI noted, and RA would not be playing music at TOH. 
As in DXLD 13-37, Manikant Lodaya, Karnataka, South India, also heard RK 
English on 15515 instead of 15540, Sept 6 at 1800. Kuwait`s correct Arabic 
frequency 17550 also audible poorly with ME Music now at 2005 Sept 22 (Glenn 

** MEXICO. 660, Sept 23 at 0512 UT, partial ID includes an FM in .7 and maybe 
``La Lupita``, but these point to two different possibilities in Cant?:
660 XEACB La Lupe + FM 98.9????? Cd. Delicias, Chih. 3,000 1,000
660 XEAR? La Mexicana + FM 101.7 Tampico, Tamps.???? 5,000 1,000

** MEXICO. 680, Sept 23 at 1212 UT, PSA for something in Sinaloa, then SHVA ad 
or promo, 1213 ``Noticias en Punto``, 6:14 timecheck, ``en el valle del 
Yaqui``, then detailed estado del tiempo (weather report). So this is again:
680 XEORO La Mera Jefa + FM 93.7 Guasave, Sin. 1,000 500

** MEXICO. 700, Sept 23 at 1205 UT, romantic music, ID thrice only as ``La 
Poderosa``, more music, dominant until 1215 fading down, 1218 gone, but right 
back up playing choral NA at very odd time, apparently very short version; 1219 
bit of a song mentioning Chihuahua, but incomplete, IDs for XEGD 700 y XHGD 
90.3, ``Sistema combo desde Parral``; ``Buenos d?as, con XEGB, La Poderosa`` 
singing ID, back to music. Cant?:
700 XEGD La Poderosa + FM 90.3 Hidalgo del Parral, Chih. 5,000 1,000.
No, he shows the FM is really XHEGD, following the usual pattern if the added 
FM four-letter XH-- call is already assigned somewhere else (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** MEXICO. 720, Sept 23 at 1209 UT, low-key conversation, 1211 mentions Extremo 
720, music break; Cant? still hasn`t corrected the extra zero on the night 
720 XEJCC Extremo 7-20 Cd. Ju?rez, Chih. 1,000 1,0000 [sic]

** MEXICO. 850, Sept 23 at 1150 UT, Milenio Radio dominant with news, such that 
I can only hear KOA by nulling this; makes SAH about 5 Hz:
850 XEM Milenio Radio + FM 103.7 Chihuahua, Chih. 5,000 500

** MEXICO [and non]. 960, Sept 23 at 0502 UT, during local KGWA Fox-hole of 
dead air, amid QRMix I hear the 4 descending chimes of XEW, previously matched 
to XEK in Nuevo Laredo; Cant?: 
960 XEK La Estacion Grande Nuevo Laredo, Tamps. 5,000 1,000
0503 something playing ``Let It Be`` in instrumental band version, not 
necessarily XEK. I`ve continued to monitor the pentaminute KGWA Fox-hole which 
still happens almost every night, but hear the same old stuff, ABC news 
echoing, etc., from KGKL/KMA, so not reported. XEW/XEK chimes are rare enough 
to be notable (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** VATICAN. 17530, Sept 23 at 1352, VOA Somali again with short / longpath 
echo. Route of long path: skirts the Red Sea thru Port Sudan, exits Africa at 
Meregh, Somalia, all-water across the Indian and Pacific Oceans, near Macquarie 
Island south of New Zealand. We must be close to the boresight from SMG, 
maximizing the echo, yet more signal directly off the back (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

UNIDENTIFIED. TP carrier search Sept 23 at 1158-1200 UT: JBA on 594, 693, 747, 
774, 972, 1053: usual Japanese, Korean suspects. 774 was noticeably strongest 
but still not enough for audio (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1549 UT Sept 23


Message: 3
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 19:57:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
To: "" <>
Cc: "" <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 23-24, 2013
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** CHAD. 6165-, Sept 24 at 0046, good signal but low modulation with music, 
presumed RNT back on all-night. Offset frequency is low by about the same 
amount, as CKZN below 6160, making almost same pitch on 5-kHz BFO steps. 
0101-0102+, 6165 still in clear with RHC not on yet, hilife music tho 
previously I have heard ID and news atop this hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** INDIA. 11740 & 11985, more anomalies from AIR, whose Sinhala service is 
supposed to run at 0045-0115 via Goa and Khampur sites respectively, and which 
axually happened correctly UT September 23 when in last report I confirmed that 
11985 was a couple words behind 11740, before and after 0100.

But tonight, UT Sept 24, the two are totally separate! 11740 at 0054, fluttery 
talk, intonation sounds French! And so do a few words. Is it possible that 
Sinhala could sound this way, or maybe the announcer is Franco-Sinhalese? AIR`s 
only known French broadcast is at 1945-2030 for Europe. 0059 into music which 
runs over hourtop (bottom to them). (No, there is no other station listed on 
11740 at this time, let alone in French.)

11985 at 0054 is NOT // 11740, but a 1 kHz tone. At 0057 I am hearing a 
higher-pitched tone, 2 kHz? From 0058 AIR IS as if it`s the start of a service, 
not the middle of one, and I can still hear the tone under. 0100 IS stops and 
now I can hear the hi tone better; ID starts ``Yih All India Radio``. Or 
``Yeh`` as in Hindi, per WRTH, but I again suspect this is the scheduled 
0100-0200 Sindhi service on wrong frequency, wrong program feed plugged into 
11985. Hey, maybe someone at master [sic] control is mixing up Sindhi and 
Sinhala since they start with the same three letters? RHC has some competition 
in the anomaly department (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KUWAIT. 15540, Sept 23 at 2020, JBA carrier presumed Kuwait, back on nominal 
English frequency instead of 15515 yesterday; earlier at 1929 could not even 
detect 15540, let alone 15515 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980+, Sept 24 at 0048, R. Chaski carrier amid noise and splash from 
5990 CRI via CUBA; slightly hi in frequency compared to the masters of 
precision on the Greatest of the Antilles. Clearer after 0100 without 5990 
QubaRM, until self-demolition during music at 0105:00.5, which is 11 seconds 
later than last check 48 hours before. 

Having surpassed the 0105 mark, it shouldn`t be too long before the timer gets 
reset to slightly before 0100 to begin another precession cycle. The last reset 
was on July 21 as in DXLD 13-30 after it had reached 0105:44* on July 20, so if 
that pattern holds, it will be another 8 or 9 days till the next one; I had 
previously calculated it would be on October 4. 

I hardly need Aoki to tell me what I am hearing on 5980, but checking it now:
5980 Radio Chaski 2200-0103 1234567 Spanish/Quechua PRU
5980 Radio Chaski 1000-1500 1234567 Spanish???????? PRU
No attempt to publish power, azimuth, location or co?rdinates altho we know 
it`s in Urubamba. I wonder if he is advancing the sign-off time by one minute 
every 11 or 12 days according to my observations? If so, is a bit behind (Glenn 

** U S A. 5110- CUSB, UT Tue Sept 24 at 0053, guy with strange accent and 
turning R`s into W`s keeps making anti-abortion points, refers to Matthew XXIV. 
Must be something new on WBCQ but not from Area 51. Yes: 

Mo 5110 08:00PM 09:00PM ET 0000 0100 UTC Christian Media Weekly News
Mo 5110 10:00PM 11:00PM ET 0200 0300 UTC Christ Kingdom Ministries
according to
but what about the hour in between? 0107 check, now it`s an unscheduled 
broadcast of `Marion`s Attic` and she is playing music boxes with no 
scratching! Rather than 78s, a polka and then something from 1877y. Wish I had 
time to keep listening, preferably online. Will this be reliable, or just an 
ad-hoc bonus filler at the moment?

BTW, Larry Will of Area 51 notified me at 0205 UT Monday Sept 23: ``Extra 
airing of WOR 1687, Monday 0240 on 5110. Glenn, I have an extra 30 minutes or 
so this evening so WOR 1687 will get an extra airing at 0240 or so on 5110 this 
evening. Regards, Lw`` 

== Tnx, but unfortunately I did not see this until almost two hours later, so 
could not get the word out. Apparently `Pirates Week` nominally an hour from 
0200 this UT Monday, ran short (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7555, Sept 24 at 0106, KJES, The Lord`s Ranch, NM, is certainly still 
here and inbooming with Spanish kids praying and repeating. It was missing 48 
hours ago and unchecked 24 hours ago (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5085, Sept 24 at 0110, WTWW-2 is off; I know it was on with BS when I 
tuned across before 0100. 

Regarding my recent comments, George McClintock informed me Sept 22: US SW 
stations are not required to maintain a public file, because they do not have a 
City of License; no frequency or modulation monitors are required either, 
unlike AM stations, but most SW stations have them anyway. He maintains that 
the latest WTWW spurs I reported must have been receiver-produced, since he 
could not hear them within 0.5 to 1 mile of the site (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 1680, Sept 24 at 0017 UT on caradio, along another trip to and from 
squirrel haven, I`m hearing classic country instead of business radio. This 
X-band frequency is dominated around here by KRJO, so another format change 
from Monroe? Sometime last year they went from ``Old School`` soul music to 
Business, often // 1660 Kansas City with Bloomberg. 

Yes! After adstring including one mentioning John Kennedy, who is Louisiana 
State Treasurer, 0021 ID as ``Country Legends 16-80`` and also as Classic 

Still dominant back on the porch with DX-398 at 0111, TennErn with ``16 Tons``, 
then ``Classic country is like salt & pepper --- makes everything better with 
just one shake --- Country Legends 16-80, KRJO``. Change since the 2013 NRC AM 
Log went to press in August, anyway. 

I suppose this is the source, altho it says nothing about on-air affiliates 
rather than webcasting:

Own website is still named NEWS RADIO 1680 AM but the live 
does bring up country music and soon the same slogans I have just logged (Glenn 


Message: 4
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 09:04:35 +0300
From: Zacharias LIangas <>
To:;,,,,,,, ;
Subject: [HCDX] A DX quiz!!
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain

Please reply to

replies requested  for this  survey 

QUestion 1 : listening to  a very far station as eg RTM Sarawak 9835 of a 
distance of 
9000 km  with main signals of S7 with minima of S2 and maxima of S9 for 1-2 
hours per 
day and main SINPO 34233 do to local QRN do yu think it is  DX or listening? 
Question 2 : Listening  to MW local relays of national  radio station that 
require only 
WM loops to be  heard. and mostly for news.  DX or listening? 
Quesion 3: Listening to  a pirate of S6 max on local nights. Daylight reception 
requires big MW loops and still with strong  local noise .DX or listening? (all my pages )


Message: 5
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 09:08:16 +0300
From: Zacharias LIangas <>
To:;,,,,,,, ;
Subject: [HCDX] Quiz (a corexion ) - need  replies!!!
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain

Please reply to

Replies requested  for this  survey QTH  is Thesaloniki 40N 23E 

Question 1:Listening to  a very far station as eg RTM Sarawak 9835 of a 
distance of 
9000 km  with main signals of S7 with minima of S2 and maxima of S9 for 1-2 
hours per 
day and main SINPO 34233 due to local QRN. Do yu think it is  DX or listening? 
Question 2 : Listening  to MW local relays of national  radio station that 
require only 
MW loops as my basketnea or AN200 
antenna-review) to be  heard ,and mostly for news.  DX or listening? 
Quesion 3: Listening to  a pirate of S6 max on local nights. Daylight reception 
requires big MW loops as my basketena 
(  and still with strong  
local noise 
.DX or listening? (all my pages )

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 129, Issue 25

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