** BRAZIL. 6160, April 11 at 0526, severely out of whack RNB transmitter 
supposed to be on 6180, is still cutting on and off multiple times per second 
with bits of modulation, and still spreading out to 6148 and 6170 or so. I 
meant to mention in the original report that the center of the mess was and is 
about 6160. Jorge Freitas has forwarded my report to EBC, so perhaps something 
will be done about it now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BURMA [non]. 9335, April 11 at 1328, nice IS of bells, unique to this 
service? Occasional IDs in English ``This is Radio Free Asia``; good with 
flutter; 1330 sign-on Burmese service in English, then into Burmese. It`s at 
1230-1430 via TINIAN (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 11640, April 11 at 1250, Firedrake music jamming, fair-good mixing 
with target which per Aoki is: RTI in Chinese at 10-14.

12910, April 11 at 1338, CNR1 jammer, good with flutter
13795, April 11 at 1337, CNR1 jammer, fair, vs RFA Tibetan via Kuwait
13830, April 11 at 1337, CNR1 jammer, good
15115, April 11 at 1336, CNR1 jammer, good with CCI from target
15195, April 11 at 1336, CNR1 jammer, good with flutter = 15265
15265, April 11 at 1336, CNR1 jammer, good with flutter
16100, April 11 at 1333, CNR1 jammer, good with flutter 
None in the 17s, 18s, 14s (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA [and non]. 13710, April 11 fair at 1338, AIR GOS news in English 
concluding with a sports item and something about China; 1339 ``main points 
again`` in ancient BBC style; 1340 Comméntary about Ukraine, with credit to 
writer and reader. Same audible underneath WRMI`s Brother Scare on 9690, but 
nothing heard on third // 11620. 13710 is Bengaluru, to be QRMed by CRI English 
Kashgar by 1400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. 25900, April 11 at 1526, poor choppy signal with deep fades, but 
music definitely there from Radio Magic Eyes, Moscow on its Friday-only 
broadcast; long talk segment between W&M from 1528, back to music at 1540.5; to 
reduce local noise level on the porch, I go inside and find a power strip to 
turn off, which helps a bit; 1548.5 resumes talking, 1556 song. Really more 
readable in AM mode than with SSB. Even a native would have trouble making out 
the Russian, and I don`t recognize the music. Any, it`s still active on the 
same frequency, contrary to earlier plans.

On the DX-398 with offset BFO, MTUCI again seems very slightly on the hi side 
of 25900 compared to WWV 5, 10 or 15 MHz; but matches WWV on 20 MHz, so such 
assumptions are questionable, as WWV is surely exactly on each frequency, 
whatever the receiver may think. Also matches JBA signal on 25000, maybe the 
reactivated WWV if not MIKES (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1716 monitoring: confirmed on WWRB, 5050 (AM and not 
3195), UT Friday April 11 starting at 0329:15; the preceding preacher stopped 
at 0328:40 followed by a quick live ID by Dave, and respectful silence for 
about a semiminute until WOR was again upcut with the billboard in progress, 
and initially overmodulated but soon turned down. Also once again the webstream 
was at a very low level but usable with the volume turned way up. Next: 
Saturday 2330 on WTWW, 9930; UT Sunday 0030 on WRMI, 9495 – but usually 
previous edition; UT Sunday 0401 on WTWW, 5830 (with dropoffs the last two 
weeks); UT Monday 0300 on Area 51 via WBCQ, 5110v-CUSB; Tuesday 1100 & 
Wednesday 1300 on WRMI, 9955 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1000, April 11 at 1220-1223 UT, `Mike & Mike` on ESPN Radio, quite 
audible with KTOK OKC nulled, and slow SAH. Usually this points to KKIM gospel 
huxter in Albuquerque, but not today (yet), instead WMVP in Chicago; others 
thence still propagating such as the 1200 Spanish. WMVP day pattern goes mostly 
east, but with lesser lobe to the west unlike at night (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 1050, April 11 at 1223 UT, YL with calendar of events in Sedalia, 
atop the QRM, i.e. KSIS in MO, non-direxional with 1 kW day (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

UNIDENTIFIED. 1140, April 11 at 1226 UT, `La Que Buena`` slogan by SHVA, 
Mexican music. Is this KCXL Liberty MO during its sunrise Spanish service? Or 
is it KLTK Centerton AR, previously heard in Spanish with slogans ``La Más 
Mexicana`` and ``Radio Las Américas``? Suspect the former, based on following:

Searching on ke buena ktlk leads to a yellowpages.com listing for 105.5 in 
Rogers AR, but the WTFDA FM Database has no 105.5 in Rogers itself, nor any 
Arkansawyer with such a slogan; and none of the 11 AR stations (including 5 
translators) are in the NW corner near Rogers. 
Of course, it could really be across a border in MO or OK. KLTK`s website, not 
easily found, but locatored as
does not include Ke Buena or Que Buena among its slogans. Autolaunches audio so 
I let it run a while, and at 1740 UT hear an ID for ``1380-AM, Radio Las 
Américas, para todo Tulsa``, also something about perros. 1747 UT alternate ID 
as ``Radio Las Américas, 11-40``. The website has nothing visible about 1380 or 
Oklahoma, but months ago we were also hearing 1380 mentioned on 1140, so must 
be simulcast on KMUS as suspected. Yes, found website of the same design for 
that also with a doggy subtext:
which also autolaunches audio, and where there must be such supermarkets too. 
Yes: four of them in Tulsa, and one in Rogers: tail wagging the dog? (Is there 
a 105.5 around Tulsa or Muskogee? NO.) At 1801 legal ID in accented English for 
``KMUS, Sperry-Tulsa, Oklahoma``. Then local news headlines for Tulsa, and for 
Arkansas by same announcer, Carlos Raúl Paredes. But I digress. Back to 
regional-Mexican-music at 1804.

YP info could well be outdated too. Wikipedia is way outdated for KLTK 1140, 
indicating it`s newstalk in English. Radiolocator.com shows studio address not 
in Rogers or COL Centerville, but on Walton Blvd in Bentonville AR (Glenn 

This report dispatched at 1812 UT April 12

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