Also bad performance from Meyerton sidelobe across Indian Ocean towards
Brisbane Australia SDR unit at 1445 UT Sept 21.

Nothing heard downunder of WOF 17495 kHz channel,
but 17820 kHz MEY at S=6-7 fluttery signal at -85dBm.
And also 7300 kHz on threshold NOISE leve, not easy to follow live coverage,
S=5-6 -94dBm.

It's a pity, sometimes also Sydney SDR connection works very well,
but other days the Sydney IP address changes and doesnt' functioning

and even when put the actual Sydney IP on my Kaspersky firewall 'SURE' zone,
net server gives negative replay "can't resolve host by address,
like IP tonight.

1300-1320 logged RTÉ Radio Irish football final game live broadcast.

U.K.  17495 1300-1700  WOF 300kW 158degr
In Germany S=6-7 -86 to -93dBm, not as strong, skips over Germany towards
Africa target.
In Northern Italy S=9+15dB -54dBm strength.
In southern Italy near NoAF coast / Sicily S=9+35dB -40dBm signal strength,
propper signal from Woofferton.
In Brisbane Queensland AUS S=7-8 or -83dBm.

SOUTH AFRICA   17820 1300-1600  MEY 250kW  5degr
In Germany S=5-6  -92dBm, not as strong, as espected from Meyerton downunder
In southern Italy near Sicily/NoAF S=9+10dB or -62dBm, not bad over this
large distance.
In Brisbane Queensland AUS S=7-8 or -85dBm.

Bad reception on both noted on net SDR at Rochester NY, USA.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 21)

73 wolfy df5sx
wwdxc germany

----- Original Message ----- From: "Walter Salmaniw [dxld]" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2014 4:15 PM
Subject: Re: [dxld] RTÉ Radio Irish footbal final on Sept.21

In Victoria, BC fair level on 17495 from Wofferton, and improving steadily
as dawn approaches.  14:10 UTC.  Nothing on the Meyerton frequencies, which
surprises me, as they were often better heard in past years.
73,  Walt Salmaniw

On Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 7:09 AM, [dxld] <

17495khz good signal here 1405z
17820khz fair signal here 1405z
Refrigerator Safety news at 1408z then football.
Burr Ridge, IL

----- Original Message ----- From: "'John Fisher'
Sunday, September 21, 2014 4:04 PM
Subject: Re: [DXplorer] RTÉ Radio Irish football final game ... 21. Sept.

At 1400, strong signal on 17495 and fair with fading on 17820 in Southern
John Fisher

From: Edward Kusalik [DXplorer]
Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2014 9:50 AM
To: DXplorer
Cc: odxa
Subject: [DXplorer] RTÉ Radio Irish football final game ... 21. Sept.

17495 RTÉ Radio Irish football final game 21. Sept. Noted at 13:45 hrs
with a decent signal and coming in quite well at this early hour here in

Live commentary about teams noted in particular about Manchester
United...followed with break and advertisements on Sunday Sports.

Edward Kusalik

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