** ARGENTINA. 11710.75 approx., Dec 17 at 0150, RAE carrier measured here, amid 
heavy QRDRM from India 11710-11715-11720, and RAE itself seems undermodulated. 
I`m checking this because two reports from MARE Dec 6 put it about 1 kHz 
higher: 11711.82. I suspect they influenced each other incorrectly, as I`ve 
never noted RAE on the hi side of 11711. I had also measured it Dec 13 on 
11710.74 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 11747, Dec 17 at 0153, RNA/RNB spur from 11780.1 is JBA instead of 
TIA. 11747 & 11813 spurs both audible at 0546 Dec 17. 

6180 at 0155 Dec 17 has a JBA carrier, probably CRI English via Kashgar, and 
RNA off. At 0549 recheck Dec 17, no signal at all on 6180 while 11780 inbooms 
plus spurs.

11747 & 11813, Dec 18 at 0708, both spurs are very poorly audible; now 6180 is 
on in Portuguese but very poor (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 9725 & 11935, Dec 17 at 0153 check, no signal from RB2, Curitiba, 
recently reported reactivated on these SW frequencies. Suspect schedule is 
limited and/or irregular. Nor do I hear it circa 1330, but little from Brasil 
makes it here in our mornings on 25m (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1752, DX 

** CHINA [and non]. 9495, Dec 17 at 1514, CNR1 jammer with heavy CCI, i.e. per 
HFCC, IBB Chinese-Mandarin via SAIPAN at 15-16. Aoki says it`s RFA. 

9440, Dec 17 at 1514, same clash as on 9495, CNR1 jammer, also vs RFA Saipan.

9495, Dec 18 at 1523, again heavy CCI between CNR1 jammer and RFA (Glenn 

** COLOMBIA. 5910, Dec 17 at 0600, 1 AM timecheck, ID only as La Voz de tu 
Conciencia, back to music, poor-fair. Would others logging this frequency 
please NOT refer to it as ``Alcaraván Radio`` unless they axually announce as 
such. Also please note how to spell CONCIENCIA! 

The other LVC, 6010, Dec 17 at 0602 different music with het and stronger; 0603 
ID also as La Voz de tu Conciencia. 5910 tends to get desensitized by supersigs 
from WWCR 5890 & 5935 surrounding it. Sometimes they are super in the 
nightmiddle, sometimes not (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** CUBA. 11760, Dec 17 at 2003, I`m tuned to the first English broadcast of RHC 
following the 1700 UT speeches by Press. Obama & Castro about normalizing 
relations. Mentioned only briefly as top story in news but afterwards until 
2020 plays complete Raúl speech with English voice-over. Unless I zoned out, 
there was *no* mention of the anonymous US spy released, and only one mention 
of Alan Gross --- it was all about The Cuban Three Fifths being released and 
rapprochement with the USA.

11950, Dec 17 at 2059, Cuban NA plays with CCI, Spanish music, and by 2107 
talking about Los Cinco; still can`t reach RHC website for schedule, but WRTH 
2015 reminds us that 11950 was originally in B-14 only at 12-14 and for Mesa 
Redonda at 00-01; in fact there isn`t supposed to be any Spanish between 19 and 
22! Nothing on 17730, the Spanish-to-Europe frequency, so moved here, or 
another mistake? Or rather, 17730 not supposed to start until 2200 in B-seasons.

At 2100, 11760 is already in French, while 11880 is dead air, but by 2108 both 
are French // (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1752, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN [non]. 11925, Dec 17 at 1425, NHK via PALAU, soft piano jazz fill, vs 
ACI from 11930 Cuban jamming; 1427 plug essay contest, ``How Radio Japan 
changed my life``, deadline Dec 24; see website for details (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** NEW ZEALAND. 11685-11690-11695, Dec 18 at 0707, DRM noise from RNZI, but NO 
signal in AM on 11725! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OMAN. 15140, Dec 18 at 1444, RSO English hour with sounds of running water, 
birds chirping, and ``Time for Current Affairs`` but no further talk, so maybe 
outro instead of intro; poor signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. 9620, Dec 16 at 2042, SW is reactivated from Spain! Only for 
Sillyballgame coverage, poor signal, and also on very poor // 12030. At 2230 
both are still on, now with news, and 9620 much better; 2259 outro `Cinco 
Continentes`, ID for Radio Exterior de España, timesignal, then domestic ID as 
Radio Nacional de España, `Servicio Informativo`, until cutoff at 2306.3*. 

News broke earlier today Dec 16 that the SW service would resume on Dec 18, 
(tnx Marty Delfín, Madrid, for press about it), but it really started right 
away at least on a test basis. 

There had been a lot of contradictory info about the times and frequencies for 
the revived service, apparently confusion over timezones; and registrations 
exceed axual usage. We quoted one complicated version from Ivo Ivanov on World 
of Radio 1752. 

But it boiled down to this simple schedule, per REE`s own website
--- only four frequencies: 

``Radio Exterior de España emite su programación desde las 19 hasta las 23 
horas, Tiempo Universal Coordinado, de lunes a viernes, y de 15 a 23 los 
sábados y domingos. Las frecuencias de emisión y las zonas de cobertura son las 
- África y Atlántico sur, 11685 Khz, banda de 25 metros.
- América del sur, 11940 Khz, banda de 25 metros.
- América del norte, 9620 Khz, banda de 31 metros.
- Oriente Medio e Indico, 12030 Khz, banda de 25 metros``

** SUDAN [non]. 15550, Dec 18 at 1512, no sign of R. Tamazuj via VATICAN, 
leaving WJHR USB in the clear. Must not be on, as another Vatican transmitter, 
15100 R. Veritas relay, is in well. Did they move off 15550? (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** U S A. 9305-USB, Dec 17 at 1516, Texas Army MARS net, informal discussion of 
coax, propagation forecasting, advantages of circular polarization; no IDs 
until 1524 fonetikaly as TXL and 6JN, on to talk about critical frequency 
contours over the state of Texas, ionosondes; to resume on Friday. 1531 another 
pair in contact with abbr`d calls, THN and 6TG. 1538 calling a full ID: AAA6TXL

Here`s a Region 6 Army MARS Net schedule dated Dec 18:
showing AAA6TXL as NCS at 1401 UT on Fri & Sat, but Dec 17 was Wed when the NCS 
is listed as AAA6TXX. Frequencies of course are encrypted, as they are such 
sensitive information. 9305 must be M137 or M116. Googling around for info on 
this, also found a related paper:

** U S A. 13563 & 13564, Dec 18 at 1512, HIFER CW beacons GNK and SZX in WI and 
IL are JBA, aside ISM hash on 13560 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** U S A. 21285-USB, Dec 17 at 1440, ``QRZ Europe up 5``, quick contest 
contacts replying only ``59MD``, never gives his own ID until 1446, ``W1AW 
Portable 3``; at 1511 says he is in Maryland, now working US stations rather 
than Europeans. Pileups, as this is part of the all-year ARRL Centennial 
marathon, countless hams desperate to earn a certificate for working all 
states, not just any station, but those designated W1AW, even tho their 
connexion to the original ARRL in Newington is tenuous (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1751 monitoring: confirmed UT Wednesday 0401 on Global 
24 via WRMI 9395, but signal is now very poor, still so at 0426, and no 
comparison to RMI on 9955.

Confirmed Wed Dec 17 at 1415 on WRMI 9955, good signal. 

Confirmed Wed Dec 17 at 2200 on webcast of WBCQ 7490v; and at 2201 on webcast 
of Global 24, 9395.

1751 confirmed UT Thu Dec 18 at 0431 on WRMI 9955 (1752 was not finished yet).

WORLD OF RADIO 1752 monitoring: would have aired first at 1330 UT Thursday Dec 
18 --- but 9955 and all other WRMI transmitters (7570, 9395, 11580, 11825, 
15770, 17790) are off the air. What`s wrong?

Next, maybe:
Thursday 2201 on Global 24 via WRMI 9395
Friday 0030 on Global 24 via WRMI 9395
[UT Friday 0430v on WWRB 3185: assumed canceled, no file sent them]
Friday 2130 on WRMI 7570 (only frequency on NW antenna) & 15770
Saturday 0730 & 1530 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB
Saturday 1000 on WRMI 5850
Sunday 0231 on KVOH 9975
Sunday 2300 on WRMI 11580
Monday 0400v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB
Monday 2201 on Global 24 via WRMI 9395
Tuesday 1200 on WRMI 9955
Wednesday 0401 on Global 24 via WRMI 9395
Wednesday 0730 & 1530 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB
Wednesday 1415 on WRMI 9955
Wednesday 2200 on WBCQ 7490v
Wednesday 2201 on Global 24 via WRMI 9955

** U S A. 9395, Global 24: for the rest of the year, at least, to be on WRMI-6, 
the 50 kW Wilkinson unit ex-Hialeah, and on a hi-takeoff-angle antenna beamed 
181 degrees, all combining for useless reception in most of North America. Dec 
17 at 0152 it`s very poor to just barely audible. Meanwhile, 11825 BS is 
blasting in as usual. 

Dec 17 at 1420 check, cannot hear 9395 at all! Anyhow, no QRM for 9400 
KURDISTAN [non] which is fair and clear. Dec 17 at 1515, still no signal on 
9395 --- is it totally off or totally unpropagating?

Dec 18 at 0431, nothing audible on 9395 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 17790, Dec 17 at 1438, no signal from R. Africa Network via WRMI. By 
24 hours later, all WRMI frequencies missing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. 9930 & 5085, Dec 17 at 0156, both WTWW-2 frequencies are off, no Xmas 
music, while 9475 is on, and so is 12105 very poor with Russian vs CODAR. 5085 
is still off at 0552 Dec 17. 9930, Dec 18 at 1520, Skater`s Waltz, 1522 
Sleigh-Ride, with hum and lo-fi. WTWW transmitters are really not suitable for 
music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 11550, Dec 18 at 1518, no signal from WEWN, with one transmitter 
down, still VG on 12050 and 15610 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 3200, Dec 18 at 0154, JBA carrier, suspect the oldtimeradio 
pirate which sometimes shows here amid WWRB and WWCR (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

UNIDENTIFIED. 15306-SSB, Dec 18 at 1356, intruders, 2-way in colloquial 
Spanish, frequent ``puta-madres`` still going at 1441 then stops (Glenn Hauser, 

UNIDENTIFIED. Ch A2 NTSC, Dec 18 at first check 1533 UT, some Es video weakly, 
but nothing more in next few hours. Es maps show MUF higher to the NE than the 
S, so maybe Canada (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1810 UT December 18
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