** BRAZIL [and non]. 11745, April 25 at 0223, some weak station with phone 
interview in unknown language is taking a direct hit from the RNA/RNB crackling 
spur. HFCC and Aoki show the only 11745 at any time is 02-03 RFA Tibetan via 
KUWAIT, and I think this is it rather than CNR1 jamming but which surely also 
attacks it from the other side. The matching spur on 11815 is in the clear, 
lucky it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also CUBA: 6001

** CHINA [non]. 9580, April 25 at 0134, I notice that CRI English relay via 
CUBA has a barely audible weak LAH, unlike clear // 9570 ALBANIA. Still so at 
0227 when CRI is in Chinese. 

So what could the understation be? Checking Aoki, we see a 9579 listing for PBS 
Radio ng Bayan, 500 watts in the Philippines, but this one is much closer to 
9580.0, a pitch barely enough to be audible, and we`ve not seen any reports of 
PBS for years. What else? 

KBS World Radio direct from South Korea on 81 degree antenna toward Hawaii and 
S America, Japanese until 0200, then English, likely that and probably a bigger 
collision further south. Also after 0200 is listed PBS Xizang, Lhasa, Tibet 

** CUBA [and non]. 6000, April 25 at 0236, RHC English dumps off the air for a 
second or two, maybe six times in the next minute, as I am noticing a het close 
to 1 kHz on the hi side. It`s too weak for any modulation, but clear during the 
RHC outages. 

When on, this and the other RHC English frequency, 6165, are both unreasonably 
weakened, undermodulated, and not enough to overcome the general storm noise 
level from adjacent states. The CRI relays from Cuba on 9 MHz do much better. 
Why does Arnie put all RHC`s English eggs in the one basket of 6 MHz? But he 
certainly can`t take propagational/frequency advice from me!

As for the carrier on 6001, could be: 4 kW EBC Brasília? R. Guaíba has also 
been reported lately on nominal 6000. 4XZ, Israeli Navy, Haifa has also shown 
up around here, but this is a continuous wave, not CW (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** EGYPT. 13580, April 25 at 0218, fair signal with very suptorted music, alla 
Qahira, but R. Cairo not scheduled here now: I`ll bet it`s a mis-punch for 
13850, which is missing! Supposed to start at 0200 in Arabic to N America, and 
talk which follows could be Arabic. Abis does use 13580, however, for the 
Albanian service at 1500, on same 315 azimuth, and it`s horribly distorted too.

Checking HFCC later, I see that this will collide with BBC Hindi via Uzbekistan 
at 0230-0300 on 13580; ooh.

9315, April 25 at 0228, R. Cairo frequency is producing regular bursts of 
slightly wavering hi-pitched noise in regular pattern of 10 seconds on, 2 
seconds off, way above JBM talk presumed English more audible during the 
pauses. A new kind of defect for miserable Misr.

9965.4, April 25 at 0230, R. Cairo, VG signal in Arabic, some distortion and 
whine; see also UNIDENTIFIED 9825 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 9420, April 25 at 0230 check, no signal from ERTOpen. This is now 
the rule rather than exception (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, April 25 at 0108, JBA carrier from R. Chaski,  until cutoff at 
0109:25*. This is 31.5 seconds later than last check a pentanite ago, averaging 
6.3 seconds later per. We should now be drawing close to another autotimer 
reset back closer to 0100*, only to start precessing again (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** U S A. 13557, April 25 at 0215, HIFER beacon MTI is JBA. Haven`t heard him 
in a while: Stone Mountain, GA, 5 wpm per the LWCA list on 13557.54. Any others 
audible now? Yes, on the hi side of the ISM blob:

13564, April 25 at 0217, HIFER beacon GNK with much stronger signal than MTI; 
easy copy without strain, from Madison WI (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1770 monitoring: whatever the program schedules may 
show appended to the WRMI graphic frequency schedule, the Friday April 24 
broadcast at 2130.5 was on both 7570 and 15770, just as it had been for months, 
not on 7570 only, and we are glad this is so, since 7570 is sinking into the 
noise level, much worse than 15770. Next:
Sat 1930v WA0RCR  1860-AM
Sun 0315v WA0RCR  1860-AM
Sun 2100  WRMI   15770 
Sun 2300  WRMI   11580
Mon 0300v WBCQ    5110v Area 51 
Tue 1100  WRMI    9955 
Wed 1315  WRMI    9955 
Wed 2100  WBCQ    7490v 
Thu 0330  WRMI    9955 [or 1771 if ready in time]

** U S A. 7505.4, April 25 at 0233 as I tune in, ``We`re 75-05, WRNO 
Worldwide`` and music. No we aren`t! Considerable distortion too (Glenn Hauser, 

UNIDENTIFIED. 9825, April 25 at 0226, distorted whine with fading, so not a 
local device; like spurs we have heard before from Turkey or Egypt around here, 
but there are no strong signals nearby to produce it now. 9965.4 Cairo might do 
it, but can`t match the sound, nor is there another one +140 kHz on 10105, just 
CW hams, whew. Only thing scheduled on 9825 at any time is during this hour 
only, CRI English via Kashgar, a site not known for any such problems (Glenn 

This report dispatched at 0430 UT April 25
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