Cat and mouse play, 11650 / 11645 kHz check on June 8th:

UNID  {? Babcock Al Dhabbya-UAE bcast ?}   11650  Heard a TWR interval
signal at end of bcast UNID Arabic like HOA program, noted S=9+30dB or
stronger here in Germany.

Seemingly this bcasts is now veiled in HFCC public database file ?

Or something went wrong on Babcock/TWR Africa edit on HFCC database.

Until May 22nd noted 11710 kHz entry of Babcock DHA TWR Africa program,
but missed on June 2nd database now.

Previously I read always 0330-0345 UT entry on 11710 kHz, disturbed by RAE
odd 11710.8v frequency whistle whine audio ...

Was formerly Babcock brokered TWR Africa sce program to Ethiopia/Eritrea
HOA target, in Sun-Mon-Fri Amharic/ Tue Oromo / Wed-Thur Sidamo languages.

When checked PNW/FPU services R Tamazuj / R Dabanga on 11645 /11650 kHz,
noted an engineering test tone procedure on 11650 kHz at 0434 UT, with two
tones +/- 1002 Hertz each sideband, S=9+20dB in Germany. Could be rather
Sudan jammer 5 kHz up.

Now I see HFCC entry moved from 11645 to 11650 kHz, but PNW/FPU services ARE
STILL on 11645 on June 8th. Cat and mouse play so far ...

FRANCE/MADAGASCAR/VATICAN STATE  R Tamazuj monitored June 8 at 0400-0429 UT
7315 from Talata-Volonondry MDG relay site,
     S=8 signal in MA and KY-USA remote sites.

11645 from SMG Vatican Radio relay site, S=8-9 in USA remotes.

13800 from TDF Issoudun site, S=8 poor in MA / KY-USA SDR units.
     S=9+15dB in Germany.

13800.013 odd frequency service from Talata-Volonondry Madagascar, many
breaks of Radio Dabanga on air, when TDF ISS 13800.0 signal left at 0429 UT,
before Madagascar took over late around 04.31:40 UT. Noted 11 kHz wide MDG
signal, no jamming when start. When checked again at 0446 UT noted whine
whistle jamming tone hit Dabanga on a like garden fence frequencies row on 7
peaks on upper side band
13809.620 kHz

and only 3 whistle peaks on lower sideband
and a weak dimmly wobbling {strange UTE signal?} on 13796.990 kHz.

11645 from SMG VR relay site, 10 kHz wideband signal, S=9+30dB here in
central Europe.

And at 0510 UT still the carrier on next channel 11650.002 kHz,
plus two whistles +/- 1002 Hertz apart distance, S=9+30dB signal.

From 0530-0558 UT replaced by SMG Vatican Radio facility outlet on even
13800.0 kHz instead, and same jamming signals from Sudan, as mentioned

The Talata-Volonondry MDG 13 Hertz odd transmitter moves to 13765.013 kHz
and is used for Vatican radio program in Portuguese language
then from 0530 UT on June 8th.

... all a bit un-usual procedures this morning.


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