From Hobart, Tasmania, Australia - welcome to the DX Extra. It’s a show
about the shortwave and radio hobby featuring news, reviews, pirate radio
and anything in-between. We’re on shortwave and also as audio on demand at
the website www.hriradio.org

In show 32 this fortnight:

   - Clandestine Shortwave Summer Schedules
   - How jazz over VOA shook the Soviet Union
   - Radio Biafra expansion
   - Odd American Shortwave Pirate Audio
   - US Amateurs get new bands
   - And pirate radio news and logs.

To read the transcript,* LISTEN *OR *DOWNLOAD* the podcast simply head to:

*DOWNLOAD* directly at: Archive.org
Read the transcript at: Google Docs
Join us on Facebook at: facebook.com/dxextra Over 715 likes!
Join us on Twitter @hobartradiointl
Subscribe to the RSS feed <http://www.hriradio.org/feeds/posts/default>

*Hear us on the radio (SW + FM):*
*FM:* World FM New Zealand 88.2FM Thursdays at 4h30UTC
*SW:* Channel 292 6070kHz Saturdays at 16h00UTC
WRMI Radio Miami International 9955kHz Sundays 3h30-4h00UTC
WBCQ Area 51 5110kHz Monday 3h30UTC (Sunday 8.30PM US PT)
Also via Radio Spaceshuttle World Service and on occasion Premier Radio.

Kind regards,

Rob Wise.
*Hobart Radio International - The Voice of Tasmania*
North Hobart, 7002 Tasmania, AUSTRALIA
Web: hriradio.org Twitter: @hobartradiointl Facebook: facebook.com/dxextra
Hobart Radio International is a shortwave community service relayed across
Europe, North America, South America and New Zealand and features the *DX
Extra* and *The Buzz* shows!
Like what we do? Donate
we can afford more airtime and cover more regions of the world.
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

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