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Today's Topics:

   1. Observer SW News Sept.11 (Ivo Observer)
   2. 5010 kHz Radio AIR Thiruvanandapuram state of Kerala from
      India (Daniel Wyllyans)
   3. La Rosa de Tokio para este fin de semana: la radiodifusi?n en
      Albania (
   4. 4910 kHz VL8T ABC Tennant Creek , Tennant Creek , Northern
      Territory , Australia (Daniel Wyllyans)
   5. Radio Latino now on air (Manuel M?ndez)
   6. 7590 Radio Latino, 17:40-, emitiendo (JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO)
   7. "Terceiro Fim de Semana de Escutas em OT" (Daniel Wyllyans)
   8. Fwd: [New post] RADIO LATINO ON AIR NOW, ON 7590 (Ivo Observer)
   9. Re: QSL RTE 1 Ireland 5820 kHz (Wolfgang Bueschel)
  10. JRX Logs September 11, 2015. (Jota Xavier)
  11. LVTC now on air (Manuel M?ndez)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 12 Sep 2015 08:55:41 +0000
From: Ivo Observer <>
Subject: [HCDX] Observer SW News Sept.11
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

SECRETLAND(non)   Due some problems with our audio feedline to tx on Sept.6
we take our chance to try again Radio Spaceshuttle this week Sunday Sept.13
1900-2000 on 13600 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg to SoAf English, last transmission!

SECRETLAND(non)   Extended schedule of Dimtse Radio Erena via Secretbrod
1700-1730 on 11855 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg to EaAf Afar Oromo, as scheduled
1730-1800 on 11855 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg to EaAf Arabic, new from

And unscheduled transmission of Radio Payem e-Doost via Secretbrod:
1800-1802 on 11855 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg to EaAf Farsi, September 11
1800-1845 on  7480 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Farsi, as

SECRETLAND(non)   Cancelled transmissions via Secretbrod from September 9:
Brother HySTAIRical, The Overcomer Ministry
1200-1600 on 21800 SCB 050 kW / 306 deg to WeEu English
1500-1655 on 13600 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg to SoAf English
1600-1835 on 21800 SCB 050 kW / 306 deg to WeEu English Sat
1600-1855 on 21800 SCB 050 kW / 306 deg to WeEu English Tue-Thu/Sun
1815-1845 on 13600 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg to SoAf English Sat
1815-1900 on 13600 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg to SoAf English Sun-Fri
FG Radio, Famagusta Gazette
1800-1815 on 13600 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg to SoAf En/Fr/Ge
1845-1900 on 13600 SCB 050 kW / 195 deg to SoAf En/Fr/Ge Sat
And please check today Sat, September 12 this regular program
1845-1900 on  5900 SCB 100 kW / 306 deg to WeEu En/Fr/Ge Sat

USA   Weak signal of Radio Africa Network via WRMI tx#7
from 1400 on 17790 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg to NCAf

USA(non)   Additional frequencies of Voice of America in Portuguese
1630-1700 on 11865 MEY 250 kW / 315 deg to SoAf Friday from June 28
1630-1700 on 15120 BOT 100 kW / 350 deg to SoAf Friday from June 28
1630-1700 on 15480 ASC 250 kW / 114 deg to SoAf Friday from June 28
1630-1700 on 17700 GR  250 kW / 094 deg to SoAf Friday from June 28
// frequency 13630 SAO 100 kW / 138 deg to SoAf Friday as scheduled
// frequency 17655 SMG 250 kW / 165 deg to SoAf Friday as

And more additional frequencies of Voice of America in Portuguese:
1700-1730 on 11865 MEY 250 kW / 315 deg to SoAf Friday from Sept.18
1700-1730 on 15480 ASC 250 kW / 114 deg to SoAf Friday from Sept.18
1700-1730 on 17700 GR  250 kW / 094 deg to SoAf Friday from Sept.18
// frequency 13630 BOT 100 kW / 350 deg to CSAf Daily from 17 to 18
// frequency 17655 SMG 250 kW / 165 deg to SoAf daily from 17 to 18

UZBEKISTAN(non)   Frequency change of Voice of Martyrs from September 11
1600-1730 NF  7520 TAC 100 kW / 070 deg to NEAs Korean, ex 7505 -

Ivo Ivanov

*QTH*: Sofia, Bulgaria
*Equipment*: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire
*Web: *


Message: 2
Date: Sat, 12 Sep 2015 07:43:54 -0300
From: Daniel Wyllyans <>
Subject: [HCDX] 5010 kHz Radio AIR Thiruvanandapuram state of Kerala
        from    India
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

 5010 kHz  Radio AIR Thiruvanandapuram state of Kerala from India MXS of
Coutry India OM Talk Day 09/11/2015 in 00:56 UTC sinpo 35232

RX :  Tecsun S-2000  Antenna: Long wire 3.000 Meters ( wire fence steel for
cows )

Daniel Wyllyans Nova Xavantina MT Brazil

Esteemed Daniel Wyllyans,

Greetings from Saudi Arabia!

Regarding your rare dx catch mentioned above,please note that AIR
Thiruvanandapuram  on 5010 khz,it is from the state of Kerala in India.
AIR Chennai is on 4920 khz.Chennai is the capital city of the state of
Tamil Nadu in India .

Both are adjacent states and speak
Malayalam and Tamil languages separately and respectively.

Wishing you many more exotic Dx catches on Tropical bands !!!

God bless you!
Jawahar ,Jeddah Saudi Arabia


Message: 3
Date: Sat, 12 Sep 2015 08:25:01 -0300 (ART)
Subject: [HCDX] La Rosa de Tokio para este fin de semana: la
        radiodifusi?n en Albania
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

La Rosa de Tokio es un programa dedicado a difundir el apasionante mundo de la
radio y del diexismo que se transmite semanalmente desde los estudios de LS11
Radio Provincia de Buenos Aires.

Este fin de semana dedicaremos nuestro programa a conocer la radiodifusi?n en 

No se pierdan los archivos de audio historicos con los cuales se "ilustra"
cada programa.

La Rosa de Tokio puede ser escuchada los d?as domingos de 17:00 a 18:00 Tiempo
Universal Coordinado (14:00 a 15:00 hora LU) por los 1270 Khz y en Internet por
Adem?s, una extensa red de emisoras de frecuencia modulada de toda la Rep?blica
Argentina retransmite en forma semanal nuestro programa en diferentes d?as y
La Rosa de Tokio tambi?n sale por onda corta gracias a las facilidades brindadas
por WRMI Radio Miami Internacional (
Tambi?n puede ser escuchada en cualquier momento entrando en la p?gina
ProgramasDX y haciendo "click" en
Desde este v?nculo tambi?n podr?n acceder al archivo que recaba ediciones
anteriores del programa.
La Rosa de Tokio es producida y conducida por Omar Jos? Somma y Arnaldo Leonel
Slaen y cuenta con la colaboraci?n habitual de Rub?n Guillermo Margenet, desde
Rosario y Alejandro Daniel Alvarez, desde Neuquen.


Message: 4
Date: Sat, 12 Sep 2015 08:45:37 -0300
From: Daniel Wyllyans <>
Subject: [HCDX] 4910 kHz VL8T ABC Tennant Creek , Tennant Creek ,
        Northern Territory , Australia
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

4910 kHz VL8T ABC Tennant Creek , Tennant Creek , Northern Territory ,
Australia Many MXS romantic pop style ? 23:47 UTC  The language was the
proper English or perhaps the native language with an English accent in
words sinpo 25121  Day 09/11/2015

RX :  Tecsun S-2000  Antenna: Long wire 3.000 Meters ( wire fence steel for
cows )

Daniel Wyllyans Nova Xavantina MT Brazil


Message: 5
Date: Sat, 12 Sep 2015 19:43:43 +0200
From: Manuel M?ndez <>
To: DX Listenig Digest <>
Subject: [HCDX] Radio Latino now on air
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Manuel M?ndez
Lugo, Spain

Log in Friol

ITALY, 7590, Radio Latino, now on air, 1733-1743, 12-09, Latin American and 
French songs. 24322. (M?ndez)

Enviado desde TypeMail


Message: 6
Date: Sat, 12 Sep 2015 17:46:16 +0000 (UTC)
To: "" <>
Subject: [HCDX] 7590 Radio Latino, 17:40-, emitiendo
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

??? Saludos cordiales, Radio Latino otra vez en el aire, hoy 12 de septiembre a 
las 17:40- por 7590 kHz. Desde Saca?et en Castell?n (Espa?a) con un SINPO 34443

? Jose Miguel Romero


Message: 7
Date: Sat, 12 Sep 2015 15:32:49 -0300
From: Daniel Wyllyans <>
To: DX Clube Sem Fronteiras DXCSF <>,
Subject: [HCDX] "Terceiro Fim de Semana de Escutas em OT"
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

1- 2930 kHz 05/09 02:35 UNID Pirate UNID MXS Dence 25222
2- 3122 kHz 05/09 02:55 UNID Pirate UNID MXS Dence 25122 ele desligou em
2930 kHz e comesou aqui em 3122 kHz 02:55 UTC
3- 3185 kHz 06/09 03:00 USA WWRB The Overcomer Ministry OM Pregation in
english 35223
4- 3215 kHz 06/09 03:05 USA WWCR Nashville YL CXS in English 35233
5- 3330 kHz 06/09 03:10 CAN CHU Times BIPS Times OM ANNs Indentification
6- 3320 kHz 06/09 03:15 AFS Radio Sonder Grense OM CXS News 55444
7- 4765 kHz 06/09 03:20 B Radio Integra??o relay Integra??o FM 99.9 MHz OM
ANNS Comerciais e passando v?rias musicas
estilo sertaneja . sem QRMS , talvez Radio Progueso off hoje 06/09 ?  ( Uma
das  emissoras mais fracas a ser
recepcionada no mundo em ondas tropicais ) , sobre ela ser t?o fraca de
sinal ,  eu n?o sei se h? plobemas no transmissor dela
ou se eles trabalha com o minimo de potencia , ou n?o sabem operar .. )
fico a 3.184 KM de distancia deles ., deveria receber um
sinal muito melhor .. ficou em 25111
8- 5015 kHz 06/09 03:25 B Radio Cultura de Cuiab? OM Davi Filho , Prega??o
e Ora??o 55444
9- 3200 kHz 06/09 04:40 SWZ Trans World Radio YL CXS in German Language
10- 3255 kHz 06/09 04:55 KRE Voice of Korea in Japanase ( Presumed ) OM MXS
11- 2325 kHz 06/09 09:40 AUS VL8T ABC Tennat Creek YL CXS News 25122
12- 2485 kHz 06/09 09:45 AUS VL8K ABC Katherine OM CXS News 25111
13- 2500 kHz 06/09 09:50 USA WWV Times OM BIPS ANNS ID 35222
14- 2850 kHz 06/09 09:55 KRE KCBS Pyongyang MXS Local 35333
15- 3912 kHz 06/09 10:00 CLA Voice of the People YL CXS 35222
16- 3905 kHz 06/09 10:05 INS RRI Merauke MX 25112
17- 3925 KHz 06/09 10:10 J Radio Nikkei 1 MX Pop Japanese 45333
18- 3985 kHz 06/09 10:15 UNID ( Presumed Echo of Hope al Radio 700 ) MX ,
Language ?? 35222
19- 4450 kHz 06/09 10:20 CLA Voice of the People MXS 25122
20- 4557 kHz 06/09 10:25 CLA Voice of the People YL CXS 35232
21- 4940 kHz 06/09 10:30 CHN Voice of Strait YL News 55444
22- 5020 kHz 06/09 10:35 SLM Solomon Islands B.C. OM CXS Local 35333
23- 3945 kHz 06/09 10:40  J Radio Nikkei 2 MX Normal Japanese 25232
14- 3990 kHz 06/09 10:45 UNID UNID YL Female Voices 25111
15- 2310 kHz 06/09 10:50 UNID ( VLA8 Alice Springs , Presumed ) YL talves
Talk News (N?o achei na Internet logs recentes ,
em 2310 kHz mas isso ? uma radio ... ) , escuta feita em fragmentos de
sinpo 25111
16- 4785 kHz 06/09 10:55 UNID ( Presumido Radio Caiari ) Houve uma
Portadora de sinal , mas eu presumo que ela estava sem audio ,
na parte da noite voltei a escutar e novamente eu presumo que  pareciam
tocar uma MX pode at? ser Radio Caiari com Plobemas no
transmissor ou uma nova esta?ao querendo voltar ao ar . 25222
17- 5035 kHz 06/09 11:00 B Radio Coari OM ANNS depois MX 23222
18- 5035 kHz 06/09 11:05 B Radio Aparecida OM CXS Sobre o Apostolo Pedro
19- 3480 kHz 06/09 11:10 KRE Voice of The People MX 25222
20- 4870 kHz 06/09 11:15 IDS RRI Wanema OM Talk 24222 QRM from 4865 kHz YL
from Radio Alvorada of Londrina BR VS OM RRI Wanema
21- 4885 kHz 06/09 20:30 B Radio Clube do Par? OM Narra??o de um jogo 33333
22- 4930 kHz 06/09 20:35 BOT Radio Voice America via Selebi-Phikwe ,
Botswana MX African 35222
23- 4865 kHz 06/09 20:40 B Radio Alvorada de Londrina MX 34322
24- 4820 KHz 06/09 20:45 CHN PBS Xizang , Xizang People's Broadcasting
Station , MX Regional 55444
25- 4805 kHz 06/09 20:50 B Radio Difusora do Amazonas Narra??o de um jogo /
OM 35222
26- 4800 kHz 06/09 20:55 CHN China National Radio 1 (CNR1) OM / ANNS 45444
27- 4845 kHz 06/09 21:00 B Radio Cultura de Manaus OM Narra??o de jogo em
``Rede Amazonia de radios `` escutado o mesmo jogo nas frequencias
de 4805 kHz , 4885 kHz e 4845 kHZ
28- 4775 kHz 06/09 21:05 B Radio Congonhas YL CXS sobre sabonete e
desendorante 45444
29- 3320 kHz 06/09 21:10 AFS Radio Sonder Grense MXS / OM CXS 45333
30- 4815 kHz 06/09 21:15 B Radio Difusora de Londrina OM Prega??o depois
desligamento de transmissor 4815 kHz 45444
31- 4905 kHz 06/09 21:20 CHN PBS Xizang Xizang People's Broadcasting
Station MX Talks YL 22222
32- 5025 kHz 06/09 21:25 PER MX regionale YL ANNS y Habla de una , ..`` La
situacion  en el bairro `` Radio Rebelde fuera ?
o una buena propagaci?n ... sinpo 25222
33- 4905 kHz 06/09 21:30 B Radio Relogio OM ANNS MXS 32222
34- 4835 kHz 06/09 21:35 AUS VL8A ABC Alice Springs OM CXS 35222
35- 4700 kHz 06/09 21:40 BOL Radio San Miguel MX Boliviana 35222
36- 4955 KHz 06/09 21:45 PER Radio Cultural Amauta / ID como ( Radio CVC La
voz - la Voz Cristina ) OM CXS PX Gospel
37- 4910 kHz 06/09 21:50 AUS VL8T ABC Tennant Creek OM Talk 23111
38- 3290 kHz 06/09 21:55 GUY Voice of Guiana MX in English 35222
39- 4747 kHz 06/09 22:05 PER Radio Huanta 2000 MX Peruana / Andes 45333
40- 4451 kHz 06/09 22:10 BOL Radio Santa Ana MX en voz de Hombre 35233
41- 3365 kHz 06/09 22:15 B Radio Cultura de Araraquara PX Gospel YL 55444
42- 4410 kHz 06/09 22:20 BOL Radio Eco Reyes MX Boliviana 45444
43- 4775 kHz 06/09 22:25 PER OM CXS em espanol , talves ANNS 23222
44- 4875 kHz 06/09 22:30 B Radio Roraima OM ANNS de recados as pessoas da
Amazonia 35333
45- 5010 kHz 06/09 22:35 TWN Radio Taiwan International YL / OM News 24222
46- 4925 kHz 06/09 22:45 B Radio Educa??o Rural de Tef? ANNS sobre escola e
premia??o de projetos 45333
47- 4915 kHz 06/09 22:50 B Progama F? para Vencer via Radio Anhaguera / OM
CXS Blibicos 55444
48- 4625 kHz 06/09 22:55 RUS UVB 76 BIPS e mais BIPS 35222
49- 4965 kHz 06/09 23:00 PER Radio Santa Monica ( Presumed )escuche entre
algunas palabras la palabra `` Dos `` 2 . 25111
50- 4765 kHz 06/09 23:05 TAJ Radio Tajikistan ( Presumed ) MX 24111
51- 4950 kHz 06/09 23:10 ANG Radio Nacional de Angola (Presumed ) YL Cxs
local 25111 / (Na parte de madrugada escutei com bom som )
52- 4865 kHz 06/09 23:15 B Radio Verdes Florestas OM CXS MX de final de
semana 23222
53- 4885 kHz 06/09 23:20 B Radio Difusora Acreana MX Sertanejas 33333
54- 4840 KHz 06/09 23:25 USA WWCR Nashville OM Talk in english language
55- 4810 kHz 06/09 23:30 PER Radio Logos OM Talk in spanish 24111
56- 4825 kHz 06/09 23:35 PER Radio La Voz de La Selva OM CXS MXS 25111
57- 5000 kHz 06/09 23:40 USA WWV Times OM ID BIPS 45333
59- 4990 kHz 06/09 23:45 CHN PBS Hunan ( Tentative ) OM CXS // 25111 a
Radio Apitie - Suriname off em 06/09
60- 5050 kHz 06/09 23:50 CHN Beibu Bay Radio YL CXS Local 25222
61- 5010 kHz 06/09 23:55 IND AIR Thiruvananthapuram MXS Local / OM 25222

Daniel Wyllyans ( PT 9008 SWL )

Local das escutas : Nova Xavantina MT

RX: Tecsun S-2000 e Icom IC-R75

Antena: Long wire 3.000 metros ( fio de a?o de cerca de vacas )


Message: 8
Date: Sat, 12 Sep 2015 18:39:47 +0000
From: Ivo Observer <>
Subject: [HCDX] Fwd: [New post] RADIO LATINO ON AIR NOW, ON 7590
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 2015-09-12 17:30 GMT+00:00
Subject: [New post] RADIO LATINO ON AIR NOW, ON 7590

Radio Latino posted: "RADIO LATINO ON AIR NOW, ON 7590" Respond to this
post by replying above this line
New post on *RADIO LATINO*
AIR NOW, ON 7590
Radio Latino <>
*Radio Latino <>* |
September 12, 2015 at 7:30 pm | Categories: SHORTWAVE RADIO
<> | URL:

   See all comments

to no longer receive posts from RADIO LATINO.
Change your email settings at Manage Subscriptions

*Trouble clicking?* Copy and paste this URL into your browser:
Thanks for flying with <>

Ivo Ivanov

*QTH*: Sofia, Bulgaria
*Equipment*: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire
*Web: *


Message: 9
Date: Sat, 12 Sep 2015 21:32:25 +0200
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "DXLD" <>, <>,
        "Daniel Wyllyans" <>
Subject: Re: [HCDX] QSL RTE 1 Ireland 5820 kHz
Message-ID: <0AB39A6B91504C4BA2C9E1895013F901@HNPC2>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

Is this a report before 25 October 2014 ?
Wrong transmitter location given.

WRN London - broker of RT? half hour All-African service - replaced Sentec
Meyerton by Talata-Volonondry Madgascar site,
on 25 October 2014.

B-15 request
5820 1930-2000 46,47,48,52,53 MDC=Madagascar  125 315 0 822 23456
261014 290315 Eng  MDG RT? WRN request#14235  B-15 season

> 5820 khz RTE 1 Ireland via Transmitter Meyerton South Africa

this Reception Report via Sentec Meyerton is wrong,

see 5820 kHz RT? - since Oct 25 2014 via Madgascar entry in HFCC database

A-15 request
5820 1930-2000 46,47,48,52,53 MDC 125 315 0 822 23456
290315 241015 Eng MDG RTE WRN request #15644

wb df5sx

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Daniel Wyllyans" <>
Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2015 12:29 AM
Subject: [HCDX] QSL RTE 1 Ireland 5820 kHz

> QSL received RTE 1 from  Ireland confirming listening on 5820 kHz via
> Meyerton South Africa the report was sent the following email :
> Video Listening to report reception :
> Daniel Wyllyans Nova Xavantina MT Brazil
> _
> Hard-Core-DX mailing list


Message: 10
Date: Sat, 12 Sep 2015 21:18:57 +0000 (UTC)
From: Jota Xavier <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [HCDX] JRX Logs September 11, 2015.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

JRX Logs September 11, 2015.

+4885 9/11 2340?? ? B R.Clube do Par?,Bel?m-PA,Portuguese sce;OM makes a 
football transmission game;Anns;poor broadc,35332.

+4800 9/11 2323 CHN CNR1,Qinghai,Chinese sce;YL/OM talks;very poor broadc,25432.
+4820 9/11 2335 CHN PBS Xizang,Lhasa-Baidi-TIB,Chinese sce (CNR11);YL 
talks;music pause;OM talks;slight transmitter buzz,34432.
+4905 9/11 2346 CHN PBS Xizang,Lhasa-Baidi-TIB,Tibetan 
sce(CNR11);OMs:conversation;2345 music pause;YL talks;very poor broadc,34432.

+15230 9/11 0150 CUB RHC,Quivican,in Spanish; Cuban authority makes a 
discourse,applauses;ID,0200 YL/OM presents News;fair broadc,35333.

+9605 9/11 0127 KOR KBS,Furman-SC-USA,in Spanish; News pgm "Qu? pasa en 
Asia":news abt Korea,China,India,etc;very good broadc,45544.

+7365 9/11 0135 USA R.Mart?,Greenville-NC,in Spanish; pgm "Contacto 
Cuba";ID;exceptionally good broadc,45444.
+12035 9/11 0142 USA R.Liberty,Kuwait-KWT,Pashto sce;VOA programming in pashto 
lang;OMs:conversation;YL talks;music;fair broadc,35433.

Jose Ronaldo Xavier (JRX).
Sony ICF-SW100S receiver.


Message: 11
Date: Sun, 13 Sep 2015 07:19:20 +0200
From: Manuel M?ndez <>
To: DX Listenig Digest <>
Subject: [HCDX] LVTC now on air
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Manuel M?ndez
Lugo, Spain

Logs in? Friol
Tecsun PL-880
Degen 31MS active loop antenna.

COLOMBIA, 6010.1, La Voz de tu Conciencia, Puerto Lleras, now on air, 
0448-0518, 13-09, Colombian songs, religious comments, identification by male 
and female "La Voz de tu Conciencia". 13221. (M?ndez)

Enviado desde TypeMail

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 153, Issue 13

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