QSL Lowland Radio 6395 kHz
Lowland Radio, 06-Sep-15, 6395 kHz, 15:30 ~ 15:25 UTC. Detailed eQSL
received on 13-Sep-15 for report to radiolowl...@hotmail.com
Logged via WebSDR - University of Twente
Sandipan Basu Mallick‎Indian / DX Club International


QSL Nippon no Kaze (Abductions of Japanese citizens by North Korea) via WHR
Radio T8WH 9975 kHz
PALAU: Clandestine station Nippon no Kaze (Abductions of Japanese citizens
by North Korea) relayed via World Harvest Radio, Koror and logged on May
23, 2015 in Korean on 9975 kHz at 1505-1530 UTC. Full data QSL card came
today via regular mail in response to an email report sent to w...@lesea.com
 Kanwar Sandhu‎Indian / DX Club International


 QSL Radio Quadzilla 6305 kHz
Radio Quadzilla, 03-Aug-15, 6305kHz, 18:00 - 18:25 UTC.eQSL received on
03-Sep-15 for my report to quadzi...@europe.com
Logged via WebSDR - University of Twente

Sandipan Basu Mallick‎ / Indian DX Club International


QSL Radio Technical Man 6285 kHz
Radio Technical Man, The Netherlands, 22-Aug-15, 6285kHz, 22:57 - 23:20
UTC. eQSL received on 27-Aug-15 for my email reception to
kopier_werkpla...@eijgenhuijsen.nl via Gertie Klinkhamer

Sandipan Basu Mallick‎Indian /  DX Club International

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