** ALBANIA. 7470, Nov 7 at 0229, R. Tirana is JBA with IS, so has stayed here 
for a week now, ex-7425, where the Greenville leapfrog is just as strong/weak 

** ARGENTINA. 15345.17, Nov 6 at 2216, RAE has an S9 signal, but it`s just 
barely modulated, can`t determine the language, but should be Spanish (Glenn 

** BRAZIL. 15325, Nov 6 at 2215, no signal from R. Gazeta, which had been 
reported reactivated with futebol, by Cassio Secundino Borges Santos Secundino 
on Nov 3 but without specifying the time heard. Argentina is S9 on 15345.17 at 
this time, and a JBA S3 signal on 15190.00 may not be R. InconfidĂȘncia since 
it`s not off-frequency altho nothing else scheduled (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** EGYPT. 9900 & 9800, Nov 6 at 2229, no signals from R. Cairo English to 
Europe, on the usual or alternate frequency. Don`t think that propagation is 
that bad, so off? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 530, Nov 7 at 0637 UT, EZL music from R. Enciclopedia 
(overdue for a new name), CUBA, can be heard without K530AM Vance AFB QRM if I 
null the latter, far enough away from the 10?-watt pointless TIS, still playing 
in rotation same old stale off-topic PSAs from Ad Council as in previous years. 
If not completely nulled, makes fast SAH, as reactivated K530AM is slightly 
off-frequency to low side. If there is ever an emergency at the base, I`ll be 
listening whether the nonsense is overridden for something useful (Glenn 

** OKLAHOMA. 960, Nov 7 at 0727-0730+ UT, local KGWA Enid is open carrier/dead 
air with some hum, and nulling it as much as possible at 0729 UT I can hear one 
or two English stations, but no ID. The ones I used to get most in the midnight 
Fox-hole were KMA IA and KGKL TX. No telling how long before or after this KGWA 
was dead (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non?]. 6080, Nov 7 at 0627, very strong open carrier, as VOA is about 
to start; 0630 recheck with rock music, evidently JIP as this is Saturday, 
instead of news, and as everyone knows, nothing ever happens on weekends. 
Registered as SAO TOME as I noted in Oct 30 log, and still as such in latest 
HFCC B-15 info. However, this is so strong that I am now suspecting that 
Greenville is substituting, perhaps for maintenance at Pinheira; also that 
should have been on continuously from 0500 to 0700 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1798 monitoring: confirmed Friday Nov 6 
after 2130 on WRMI 15770 & WRMI 7570. The latter continues to be the better one 
here now. NOT confirmed Friday Nov 6 at 2330 on 5850, where had been for a few 

The WRMI frequency/program grid has now been updated to show this slot occupied 
by R. Ukraine International and // 11580 which is what I was hearing at 2357 
check, but cut off in progress at 2359:30 for Keith Perron ID, and 0000 Nov 7 
into RSI in Slovak. 

Another WOR broadcast dropped is Sunday 2300 on 11580. 

WOR also NOT confirmed Saturday Nov 7 at 1538-1557 on 7265-USB Hamburger 
Lokalradio; Utwente SDR is getting nothing but S Asian music from CRI Kashgar. 
(Last week WOR was well atop.) 1540 during talk segment I can now hear another 
station under but unsounds like me! Aoki shows Azad Kashmir Radio, 100 kW from 
Pakistan is also on 7265 at this time, but suspected it was imaginary. Next for 

Sat 2030v  WA0RCR 1860-AM ND?
Sun 0415v  WA0RCR 1860-AM ND?
Mon 0400v  WBCQ 5110v-CUSB Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0430   WRMI 9955 to SSE  
Tue 1200   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 1415.5 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 2200   WBCQ 7490v to WSW

** U S A. 9955, WRMI revised program grid as of Nov 6 shows R. Eslovaquia 
Internacional in Spanish not only at 1130-1200 daily except Sundays, but also 
at 1330-1400 M-F! So my logs last few days of RSI in ``wrong`` language Spanish 
instead of English at 1330 are now contradicted by the schedule, as if 
intentionally changed, tho doesn`t make sense. Presumably R. Prague at 
1300-1330 except Sundays remains in English; it`s shown as R. Praga Mon-Thu at 
1100-1126 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** U S A. 7490.00, Fri Nov 6 at 2214, WBCQ seems right on-frequency during 
`Behaviour Night` = ancient music recordings, and VG signal with no BBC 
Thailand QRM audible. If/when WBCQ fades, skips over part of N America, BBC 
will likely appear (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN [non]. 7425, Nov 7 at 0229, Vatican R IS is JBA from Greenville 
leapfrog of 7305 over 7365, about to close; while ALBANIA remains escaped to 
7470, but not any stronger, with propagation degraded (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

UNIDENTIFIED. 5925, Nov 6 at 1315, very poor talk in unknown language, marred 
by humwhine seemingly self-imposed. HFCC shows only thing is CNR from Beijing; 
Aoki says it`s CNR-5, but also lists Voice of Vietnam-2 during this hour (Glenn 

UNIDENTIFIED. 17805.50-USB, Nov 6 at 2220, very poor 2-way INTRUDERS, probably 
in Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1612 UT November 7
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