BHUTAN   6034.953v  At 0210 UT on Dec 10 noted still BTN Bhutan Thimphu
program in Dzongkha - scheduled approx. 0000-0300 UT varying. Tonight (in
Europe), some 1-2 Hertz vary hopping, on odd frequency 6034.953 ... x.954
kHz, the only program on that channel. S=7 -85dBm signal strength in
southern Germany. String instrument and accompanied typical Himalaya type
singer at 0226 UT.
String instrument play also at sudden TX switch off at 0258:20 UT.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 10)

UAE/BRAZIL   5940.092  IBRA Radio (Radyo Sadaye Zindagi) via Babcock brokery
Al Dhabbaya site in UAE, 0230-0300 UT in Dari, heard at 0237 UT on Dec 10,
S=9+5dB in southern Germany. One of the odd frequency units at UAE site.

But heavy 176 Hertz BUZZ tone underneath originate from weaker signal
difference of RĂ¡dio Voz Missionaria on lowerside channel of odd 5939.916 kHz
at 0245 UT.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 10)

AUSTRIA  5970  S=9+15dB surprisingly strong signal in night skip zone in
southern Germany. Heard ORS Moosbrunn Austria outlet of AWR Punjabi program,
female voices chorus, and Indian string instrument accompanied at
0254 UT on Dec 10.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 10)

ETHIOPIA/INDIA   5950  VoTigre REvolution in Tigre, acc Aoki Nagoya list,
S=7 or -86dBm signal.

6110.015  Odd frequency hopping 4-5 Hertz up and down, unstable signal of
AIR Srinagar, mixture programme, mostly in Hindi radioplay scheduled, but
also interspersed in between by Indian subcontinent accented English segment
reading. - Underneath weaker signal of Radio Fana Ethiopia in Amharic on
even 6110.0 kHz channel.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 10)

IRAN  6145.004  IRIB Sirjan 500 kW powerhouse in Armenian language segment,
0250-0320:05 UT scheduled noted as broadband frequency signal on 18.6 kHz
wide !   S=9+15dB clean audio signal at 0316 UT on Dec 10. TX cut off midst
on IS at 03.20:05 UT.

Underneath co-channel very tiny signal of AIR Urdu on odd 6145.021 kHz,
two ladies talk at 0322 UT.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 10)

SOMALIA  7120.0  Radio Hargeysa, Somaliland ID heard at 0332 UT, before the
carrier was already on air at 0327 UT, S=7 at -90dBm signal strength. Sudden
crash start of program with trumpet hymn at 03.31:43 UTC. Holy Quran prayer
at 0334 UT.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 10)

MADAGASCAR  7395.0  NHK World Radio Japan via Talata-Volonondry MDG, in
Swahili language, at 0341 UT S=7-8 sidelobe signal into southern Germany.
At 0315-0400 UT scheduled.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 10)

EGYPT  9745.042  ODD frequency of Radio Cairo's Arabic service from Abis
scheduled 02-07 UT, noted with terrible audio format at 0349 UT on Dec 10.
S=9+10dB signal in southern Germany.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 10)

IRAN  Thanks to a tip from Ivo in Bulgaria, Zahedan tx outlets are much odd
frequencies these days.
9897.212 kHz odd, S=9+15dB signal observed here at 0356 UT, scheduled
0230-0530 UT on nominal 9895 kHz, requested from IRIB Zahedan site 500 kW at
289deg, as Arabic-West program.

IRIB issues two Arabic services these days, one directed towards Arabic
Peninsula, towards ARS, UAE, QAT, OMA, YEM, SOM, ERI;

the other beamed westwards at KWT, JOR, LBN, SYR, TUR, Palestine/ISR, EGY,
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 10)

wb df5sx

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