** AUSTRALIA. 12085, Dec 30 at 1327 check, this RA frequency is once again much 
stronger than // 12065, which is the normal situation; after their being equal 
on Dec 28, and reverse on Dec 24 --- as if antennas were being exchanged. 
What`s going on at Shepparton?

Very degraded propagation Dec 31 at 1310 UT, 2016 having arrived in DST AET, 
poor on 12085, only fair on 9580, but improves an hour later  (Glenn Hauser, 

** BRAZIL. 4885, Dec 30 at 0705, very poor signal in Brazuguese, as R. Clube do 
Pará apparently signs on now at 0700, rather than 24h, and is already off again 
by our evenings (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 6m Es maps showing activity all day Dec 29, just out of reach, over 
eastern USA, northern, northwestern, so I never see anything on channel 2, or 
hearing anything on 88.1 --- until almost midnight local, UT Dec 30:

0536 on 2, fade-in weak video and audio with music

0542 on 2, Spanish ad, promo a program at 6 de la tarde, but can`t catch a 

0543, ``SIPSE``, mentioned as one word, so that points right to one of my 
regulars, XHY-TV in Mérida, Yucatán. (And my antenna is also pointed that 
way.); no more seen after 0546. Then I check the 6m map and see one ham contact 
line across Texas to correlate with DX from this direxion. 

Probably the last time I will ever see it with the apagón analógico looming, 
but will no longer be an obstacle to further Latin American TVDX from the same 
bearing across Central and South America, I hope (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** NEW ZEALAND. 11724.99, UT Wed Dec 30 at 0650, RNZI good with discussion of 
virtual reality, which turns out to be part 1 of the `TED Radio Hour`, as 
outroed at 0657 --- No US SW station dares to serve as a true public radio 
outlet, so TG for NZ! DRM is also grinding away circa 11690 (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** OKLAHOMA. 1120, Dec 30 at 1925 UT, Spanish, with OSU PSA and 918 area code, 
so KETU, Sperry/Catoosa/Tulsa, La Ketú is back on following yesterday`s outage 
(more reliable now that it`s not just music fill, but still subject to absences 
for no particular obvious reason like power failure) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** OKLAHOMA [non]. 1460, KZUE El Reno is still AWOL, Dec 30 at 1919 UT on 
caradio: power still out following Dec 26-27 icestorm. Instead weak mix of 
skywave signals, one with football talk.

1460, Dec 30 at 1929 UT, ESPN Radio and at 1930 UT CCI from station mentioning 
Burleson, missed ID for an FM; 1953 UT C&W music. 

Burleson and C&W is certainly KCLE a.k.a. Cleburne TX; nearest ESPN on 1460 is 
KXPN, 5 kW ND in Kearney NE. (KCLE used to be ESPN till it flipped to The 
Outlaw last May; KBZO Lubbock TX is ESPN, but Deportes, i.e. Spanish).

KZUE is still missing Dec 30 at 1812 UT check (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** OKLAHOMA. 91.7, Dec 31 at 1702-1721 UT, KOSU provides us with 19 minutes of 
dead air instead of NPR news and Hear & Now (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING 

** OKLAHOMA. FM bandscan on caradio, Dec 30 at 1955 UT finds several stations 
still absent following Dec 26-27 icestorm:

 88.3, K202BY, Enid, Family Radio still off (since November icestorm)
 89.1, K206CA, Enid, Oasis, still off
 90.5, KGVV, Goltry, off
 93.7, KSPI, Stillwater off? Weak signal with C&W, probably something else, 
maybe a mix
 95.7, KXLS, Lahoma/Enid, still off
 98.1, WWLS, The Village, apparently off again
106.7, KTUZ, Okarche, off, no Spanish
107.1, KNID, North Enid, still off

Next check 22 hours later, Dec 31 at 1755 UT, this time on the hand-held PL-880:

 88.3, K202BY, Enid, Family Radio, still off
 89.1, K206CA, Enid, Oasis back on talking about Tulsa ministries
 90.5, KBVV, Goltry, still off
 93.7, KSPI, Stillwater, off
 95.7, KXLS, Lahoma/Enid, still off
 98.1, WWLS-FM, The Village, is on but low power, e.g. much weaker than 98.9, 
 99.7, KNAH, Mustang, unheard, nor Wichita Spanish in 99.9 LPFM ACI
100.5, KATT, OKC, off; had been on yesterday
101.1, algo weak, Stillwater or Woodward missing?
105.7, KRDR, Alva on, but once again failing to ID in the 10 seconds before 
1800:00 UT provided by ESPN
106.7, KTUZ, Okarche, back on in Spanish
107.1, KNID, North Enid, still off
(Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOLOMON ISLANDS. 5020, Dec 30 at 1325, JBA carrier from SIBC, on late once 
again. Ron Howard says was because of typhoon warnings.

5020, Dec 31 at 0724, detectable JBA carrier this early in Cuba splash, and 
still on at 1308, 1356 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. 15500, Thu Dec 31 at 1507, S9+20 open carrier with some fading, 
continuously past 1600+; presumably REE, the only station listed here, but 
supposed to start programming from 1500 only on Saturdays & Sundays; perhaps on 
NY eve, the ops at Noblejas are confused. Ivo Ivanov has also heard REE 
transmitters running carriers at odd times like 0900+ (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** TURKEY. 11815.04, Dec 31 at 1501, very poor signal, unseems Japanese, and 
off-frequency, so likely TRT Emiler TURKEY in Turkish as scheduled 14-17 UT at 
300 degrees USward, rather than NHK at 09-17, 235 degrees oppositeward. I was 
hoping to hear some New Year celebrations from 2016, just arrived in Japan 

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1805 monitoring: confirmed at 1433 Dec 30, the Wed 
1415.5 broadcast on WRMI 9955, no jamming. Also confirmed Wed Dec 30 at 2200, 
on WBCQ 7490.00, right on time and right on frequency.

WORLD OF RADIO 1806: ready for first broadcasts Thu Dec 31:
Thu 1230   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Thu 2100   WRMI 7570 to NW
Fri 0200   WBCQ 9330-CUSB to WSW
Fri 2130   WRMI 15770 to NE
Fri 2130.6 WRMI 7570 to NW
Sat 0730   HLR 7265-CUSB to SW
Sat 1530   HLR 7265-CUSB to SW
Sat 2030v  WA0RCR 1860-AM ND? 
Sun 0415v  WA0RCR 1860-AM ND? 
Sun 0900   WRMI 5850 to NW 
Mon 0400v  WBCQ 5110v-CUSB Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0430   WRMI 9955 to SSE  
Tue 1200   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 1415.5 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 2200   WBCQ 7490v to WSW

** U S A. 5085, Dec 30 at 0703, `Midnight[sic] in the Desert` is already 
resuming after a [news?] break, Heather again, subject nuclear storage sites, 
via WTWW-2 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1110, Dec 31 at 1350 UT, Qur`an bits alternating with talk 
(translation?) in non-Arabic language, maybe Punjabi or Urdu, from 50 kW KVTT 
Mineral Wells (Metroplex) TX (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1520, Dec 31 at 1336 UT, C&W music making slow SAH atop KOKC OKC, 
then ID ``1520 AM KYND`` from Cypress TX, ``now living in Londale`` (?? I don`t 
find any similar place in greater Houston) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. 1540.08, Dec 30 at 1310 UT, het upon dominant signal KXEL on the 
R-75. I measure it down to here, and on the DX-398 it`s about two clix (80 Hz) 
above KXEL, furthermore looping NNW/SSE, just right for KGBC Galveston TX, and 
with South Asian music; 1316 UT YL in English welcomes us mentioning 106.1 --- 
so that clinches it, KGBC reported in RadioDiscussions to have replaced G&E/CRI 
relay with ``Hum Tum Radio`` // 106.1. WTFDA Database has no such 106.1 listing 
for TX, but this one is in the market:
K291CE KLTN-HD3 106.1 SUGAR LAND TX 0.19 kW 29.4456 95.2855 Spanish
KLTN is full-power on 102.9 in Houston, ``regional Mexican`` format. By 1318 
UT, KEDA is gaining on 1540 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1540, Dec 31 at 1329 UT, R. Jalapeño is dominant signal, ID in 
Spanglish from KEDA San Antonio, with a constant LAH: manœvering the DX-398, I 
am trying to decide whether KEDA is the one off-frequency, to the hi side. No, 
it`s further east, like from KGBC Galveston as I thought yesterday, tho I can`t 
pull any South Asian audio from it today. By 1348 UT, KXEL is starting to 
appear, and making a sub-audible het with KEDA, i.e. both very close to 
on-frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Caradio bandscan Dec 30 starting at 1918 UT finds skywave in play 
half a sesquihour after local mean noon, including:
1620, at 1918 UT, ``The Zone``, i.e. KOZN Bellevue (Omaha) NE
1510, at 1921 UT, football game, fades up and down, KCTE Independence MO, also 
with lo het, so must be on its off-frequency transmitter now. This het is just 
a bit higher-pitched than the one on 1540, at 1928 UT
1540, at 1921 UT, low audible het, like I was getting at sunrise from KGBC 
Galveston TX (vs KXEL IA likely)
1660, at 1921 UT, sports talk, probably KWOD Kansas City KS, tho ND and TX are 
also sports
1700, at 1922 UT, sports talk about Iowa over TexMex music, i.e. KBGG Des 
Moines IA and KKLF Richardson TX.

See also separate logs: OKLAHOMA [non] 1460; USA 700, 1360 (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** U S A. 700, Dec 30 at 1923 UT on groundwave, Spanish religion, so KHSE Wylie 
TX. so far heard only in Spanish despite broadening format to ETHnic (Glenn 

** U S A. 1360, Dec 30 at 1926 UT, plugging AM-820, covering the state of Ohio, 
Catholic call-in from EWTN. I.e. the former WOSU disposed of by Ohio State, now 
WVSG with 6.5 kW in the daytime. But this 1360 is KPHN El Dorado KS, close 
enough for marginal groundwave but stronger than usual so some boost from 
skywave? Holding its own against the local KCRC spur/het from 1390 (Glenn 

** YEMEN [non]. 11860, Dec 30 at 1429, R. Sana`a in music at S9+20, usual very 
good level; 1437 goes to dramatic echoey speech, and CCI from IBB Kuwait 
audible under; 1439.5 to chanting music; 1441:56 cut to Maghrib, sunset call to 

Very different reception Dec 31, as WWV reported:
``Geophysical Alert Message
Solar-terrestrial indices for 30 December follow.
Solar flux 102 and estimated planetary A-index 4.
The estimated planetary K-index at 1200 UTC on 31 December was 4.
The estimated planetary K-index at 1500 UTC on 31 December was 6.
Space weather for the past 24 hours has been moderate.
Geomagnetic storms reaching the G2 level occurred.
Space weather for the next 24 hours is predicted to be moderate.
Geomagnetic storms reaching the G2 level are expected.``

11860, Dec 31 at 1308, JBA carrier from R. Sana`a; improved to only poor by 
1422; 1439 very poor with CCI from IBB Kuwait; cut to Qur`an for Maghrib call 
to prayer at 1443:28.5.

Two days ago this happened at 1441:22.5, so now 2 minutes and 6 seconds later. 
Gaisma.com shows today`s sunset in Aden at 1444 UT; Sana`a, 1443, so today`s 
timing neatly splits the difference between the two main cities; both to shift 
4 minutes later in one week (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1833 UT December 31
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