** BOLIVIA. 6105.35, UT Friday April 8 at 0011, JBA carrier, suffering from 
6115 WWCR splash, lessened by LSB tuning. Probably R. Panamericana, and perhaps 
activated to cover a silly ballgame? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 6180.58, April 8 at 0014, RNA is S9+40 and now on in our evenings, 
perhaps 24h. Includes weak lo het from 6180.70, apparently self-generated 
parasite spur 120 Hz (2 x 60) away from peak, which Wolfgang Büschel has also 
detected (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHAD. 6165, April 8 at 0522, RHC again with that LAH caused by RNT a few Hz 
away, but much weaker and can`t copy anything from it. (Also: no signal on 6115 
now from Congo, or Japan) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 11820, April 8 at 0039, YL poor at S4 in Cantonese: must be CRI as 
scheduled this hour only via Xi`an; ISO/EiBi/SIL/HFCC abbr. for lang. is Yue. 
At 0050, JBA signal on 17490 must be same service, Beijing site.

11989.98, April 8 at 0041, heartfelt song at S6, even an hymn? 0044 
announcement in Khmer and Mandarin, so it`s no hymn but certainly CRI Cambodian 
as scheduled this hour only via Nanning site.

17559.97, April 8 at 0050, poor S3 signal in Mandarin: scheduled this hour only 
is IBB in Cmn via Tinang, Philippines, so probably I`m getting a CNR1 jammer 
against it. Only significant signal on 16m now after Australia on 17840 (Glenn 

** CUBA. 9805, April 8 at 0021, S4 pulse jamming against nothing, the 
reactivated A-16 Radio Martí frequency, but in use only at 10-13 UT, and it 
would be totally out of character for OCB/IBB to turn it on at a completely 
different daypart --- but if you`re absolutely paranoid about any contrary 
views getting thru to the repressed Cuban People, you can`t be too careful. 
Meanwhile any other legitimate users of same frequency should need to avoid it 
(HFCC has only KBSWR at 09-11, 16-17, 22-24, possibly exaggerated spans) (Glenn 

** CUBA [non]. 7210-LSB, April 8 at 0034, N1NR, Nelson Roig in PA, with a KE4 
also in Spanish discussing how Seven Mile Beach on Gran Caymán is prettier than 
Varadero, absolutely nothing but sand as white as sugar. These guys go on and 
on with anti-Castro comments, also around sunrise, tho not checked or heard 
then lately. Someone remarked that ``pirates`` were active on this frequency, 
but these are licensed hams (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EAST TURKISTAN. 9800, April 8 at 0022, S8 stilted Spanish talking about 
Mexico`s UNAM. Chex as CRI, or rather RIC, via Kashgar at 23-01 (Glenn Hauser, 

** EGYPT. 9965.059, April 8 at 0017, R. Cairo carrier, just barely modulated 
(in Arabic presumably) with whine, for a change almost on-frequency, instead of 
way above or below (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 9934.95, April 8 at 0020, ERT is whining away from center carrier 
here, but music can also be heard, // 9420 in the clear.

9934.965 approx., April 8 at 0458, ERT still whining and not much other 
modulation on carrier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 870, April 8 at 1207, YL in Spanish greeting a new day, typical of 
XETAR Guachochi, Chihuahua, but 1209 TC sure sounds like ``5:09`` instead of 
6:09. Chih. is supposed to be on DST of UT -6 now. Into three mañanitas songs, 
more typical XETAR fare, but certainly not limited to them. XETAR is also a 
daytimer, but presumably would be opening now at 6 am local (not 5 am). I guess 
the timecheck was a mistake by her or me.

Is there another NW Mexican on 870? Yes, XEFIL, Mazatlán, Sinaloa, 1000/250 
watts per IRCA Log, but it`s also on MDT of UT -6. Rotating the DX-398, I find 
that WWL is still in if I null the XE and vice versa, but XE is fading at 1219. 
Around 1205 I had had SS on 650, probably XETNT in Sinaloa, but nothing much 
else on lowband. Sunrise here: 1207 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NEWFOUNDLAND [and non]. 2598-USB, April 8 at 0055, S4 YL voice in French, 
which per Canadian CG website
is, starting at 0048, MCTS Placentia, VCP via St Lawrence site (in SE Nfld 
Island), with ``Technical marine synopsis, forecasts and wave height forecasts 
for marine areas: 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237 and 238. Weather and Wave 
height forecasts for marine area 213.`` 

And nothing about it being bilingual like some other entries. Routine check of 
the CCG frequencies around sunset here, not really expecting to pull them thru 
increasing spring noise level, but also:

2749-USB, April 8 0056, also S4 signal but sounds slightly weaker, in English. 
This one is, starting at 0040, MCTS Sydney, Nova Scotia, VCO via Port Caledonia 
site, with ``Radiotelephony --- Technical marine synopsis and forecasts for 
marine areas: 209, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 231 and 232. Wave height 
forecasts for marine areas: 209, 213, 214, 215 and 217. Notices to Shipping in 
areas Cape Breton Shore (covering Cabot Strait to Banquereau Bank), Gulf of St. 
Lawrence, Newfoundland South Coast, P.E.I. and Miramichi Bay. Notices to 
Shipping revising the position of every reported offshore exploration and 
exploitation vessel`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NEW ZEALAND. 15720, April 8 at 0051, RNZI poor S3 in English, but at least 
confirmed back on the air. 

11725, April 8 at 0504, RNZI is VG at S9+20 with news, after absence last night 

** ROMANIA. 9730, UT Fri April 8 at 0023, RRI in English, something about 
Denmark, outro as `Travelers` Guide`, and next show, `Guests on Radio Romania 
International`. Only // is 11800, unchecked yet (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** TIBET [non]. 11513, April 8 at 1321, carrier with no ACI, no doubt current 
outlet of V. of Tibet via TAJIKISTAN, altho no modulation audible (Glenn 

** TIBET [non]. 18980, Fri April 8 at 1322, JBA carrier, which chex as the Tue 
& Fri 13-14 UT frequency of RFA Tibetan via KUWAIT, or could be CNR1 jammer 

** U S A. 13564, April 8 at 0048, I can barely make out GNK, slow CW IDs vs 
CODAR swishes. I scan the 13550-13570 Part 15 band almost every day at various 
times with no results lately, poor propagation, or lack of operation by all the 
beacons which are listed? GNK is in Madison WI, last logged Jan 19 and Dec 11 

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1820 monitoring: Thu April 7 at 2100, WRMI 13695 
resumes Brother Scare after an ID break, instead of WOR. I go to computer to 
e-mail Jeff White about this, and when I recheck at 2123, now WOR is playing, 
at a point indicating the playback started at 2100 except it wasn`t radiating 
at first on 13695. Jeff checked his logs which indicated WOR did air on time 
--- we are both confused. He says,

``We can't figure out how that could have happened. But anything's possible I 
guess with equipment that is quite old. I can say, though, that we have bought 
and are installing a new audio matrix with computer-controlled audio switching 
which should eliminate this type of problem. Making all of the connections is 
going to be quite a job. Can't say how long it will take yet, but it's in the 

And I replied later, ``Jeff, Another anomaly: checked 7730 UT Friday April 8 at 
0030 and it was TOM // 7780, 7570 etc., etc., etc., instead of World Music as 
on your skedgrid. Of course, I hope that by UT Monday when you have put WOR in 
at 0030, 7730 will really be playing System D. 73, Glenn``

WOR confirmed Thu April 7 at 2329+ on WBCQ 9330v-CUSB. Measured at 2357 on 
about 9329.89. Next:
Fri 2130   WRMI 15770 to NE
Fri 2130.5 WRMI 13695 to NW
Fri 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Sat 0630   HLR 6190-CUSB to SW [or off air this week and next?]
Sat 0700   Unique Radio 3210 NSW low-power
Sat 1400   Unique Radio 3210 NSW low-power
Sat 1430   HLR 7265-CUSB to SW [or off air this week and next?]
Sat 1930v  WA0RCR 1860-AM ND 
Sat 2230   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Sun 0310v  WA0RCR 1860-AM ND 
Sun 0830   Unique Radio 3210 NSW low-power
Sun 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0030   WRMI 7730 to WNW [new]
Mon 0300v  WBCQ 5130v Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0330   WRMI 9955 to SSE  
Mon 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 1100   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Tue 2130   WRMI 15770 to NE [new]
Tue 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Wed 1315.5 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 2100   WBCQ 7490v to WSW
Wed 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW

** U S A [and non]. 11580, Fri April 8 at 1321, WRMI with World Music, but now 
mixing about equal level with some Asian station --- i.e. KTWR GUAM in 
Vietnamese until 1330 (except Sat to 1345). By 1348 recheck, now the problem is 
strong ACI from 11585, which is also KTWR from *1345. By 1425, WRMI 11580 is in 
the clear but weakening, still World Music, and on 9955, different World Music, 
African at the moment, both instead of scheduled Brother HyStairical after 1400 

** U S A. 7489.97-AM, S9+30, UT Fri April 8 at 0000, WBCQ opens classic SF 
drama from NBC and Galaxy Magazine, `(X Minus 1)`, but only for one minute, as 
it`s really the new show hosted by J. J., `Reverb Madness` or is it `Rebirth 
Madness`, or even `Reefer Madness`? probably the first one but somewhat 
mumbled, since it appears to be about classic rock music, starting at 0003 with 
Dick Dale and ``Let`s Go Trippin```. Still not entered on the WBCQ website 
schedule so I can`t spell title for sure. During this hour it replaces repeats 
of `Allan Weiner Worldwide` from last Saturday or earlier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 5050, April 8 at 0004, WWRB is S9+40, during some gospel huxter. 
Since my last report about rants from Frantz, I`ve received a couple emails 
from Dave, April 6-7, (edited here only for style):

``We will use 5050 till the fall. We start WWRB free speech broadcasting at 
6:55 pm ET with our interval signal. We are open to ALL faiths & religions, 
political groups, left, right, center. What ever? WWRB is nothing more than a 
RF transmission provider: We take no sides in programming content. 

We no longer provide ANY charity flights on our aircraft. The airplanes do not 
move unless the entire flight is paid for: FULL commercial charter rates apply. 
We provide zero subsidies and not interested in 'tax deductible' receipts. We 
will however 'Pray' for free --- Just like we have heard for the last 20 years 
whenever we have needed ANY kind of assistance. We have changed formats on WWRB 
and our airtime is open to all``.

I don`t recall ever hearing an interval signal from WWRB, so must be sure to 
catch that at 2255 UT (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1220 kHz, appropriately at 1220 UT April 8, ads for Table Rock 
Community Bank, and for Ed`s Heating & Cooling, loops NE/SW or so --- love it 
when I hear unique local ads! Bank name leads to Kimberling City, Stone County, 
Missouri, with a branch in Branson, so KOMC, 1000/44 watts U1, Branson MO which 
is just east of Kimberling. Ed`s Heating & Cooling is not quite so unique, but 
there is such a biz in Branson (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1540.056, April 8 at 1227 UT, persistent het against 1540.00 KXEL, no 
doubt from KGBC Galveston TX, as previously identified, and still audible just 
about any time at night (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** YEMEN [non]. 11860, April 8 at 1247, Republic of Yemen Radio, back up to S9 
good signal level but fading to S5, with traditional ME song and orchestra, 
voice which I associate with Umm Kulthum, but can`t be positive it`s she. 1259 
ID mentions ``Yemeniyah``, theme music, Arabic ``mission statement``, into talk 
by YL. If anyone can hear this around 1517 (not likely me), that`s the current 
sunset time for Sana`a, in case they resume any Maghrib calls-to-prayer. Yet, 
no Turkey audible before or after 1300 on 15450 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

UNIDENTIFIED. 774, April 8 at 1156, JBA carrier peaking WSW on the DX-398, and 
still at 1207, presumably 50 kW 3LO Melbourne (only other DU possibility a 5 kW 
NZ). True bearing of Melbourne from here is 249 degrees. Precisely WSW would be 
247.5. No other 9-kHz carriers found except:

1548, April 8 at 1158, JBA carrier loops westward, most likely 50 kW 4QD 
Emerald, Queensland (alto there are two NZ at 1 kW or less on 1548). True 
bearing of Emerald from here is 264 degrees. It`s inland west of Rockhampton. 
Sunrise here: 1207 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 1589.944, April 8 at 1230 UT, by coincidence another persistent 
carrier against 1590.00 stations is making virtually the same 56-Hz pitch het 
as KGBC Galveston TX does above 1540, but I have never been able to pull 
anything more from this one to ID it. Also audible just about any night. Can`t 
be too far from here, and not KVGB KS nor KWEY OK. Several possibilities in TX 
and MO (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 11435-USB, April 8 at 1316, most active frequency of 
Indonesian(?) QSO pirates, with bits of music looping battling with different 
callers. At 1319 two tones repeated over and over. Also weaker voices on 11440, 
11450 USBs (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1904 UT April 8
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