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Today's Topics:

   1. Noruega sustituir? toda su se?al FM por radio digital
   2. Radio Capital de l'Empord? Honors Radio Liberty
   3. Glenn Hauser logs April 24-25, 2016 (Glenn Hauser)
   4. Ultimas escuchas (JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO)
   5. Ultimas escuchas con web SDR desde Holanda


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2016 13:03:46 +0000 (UTC)
To: "" <>
Cc: BCL News    <>,      Condiglist
        <>,   Dino Bloise    <>,
        DXLD    <>,         ""
        <>,        Noticias DX
        <>,   Onda Corta
        <>,   Playdx    <>
Subject: [HCDX] Noruega sustituir? toda su se?al FM por radio digital
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Noruega sustituir? toda su se?al FM por radio digital

Noruega sustituir? toda su se?al FM por radio digital

| ? |
| ? |  | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
| Noruega sustituir? toda su se?al FM por radio digitalEn enero de 2017 Noruega 
ser? el primer pa?s en sustituir sus emisiones de radio por FM para 
digitalizarlas, implantando tecnolog?a Digital Audio Broadcasting. #tra... |
|  |
| Ver en | Vista previa por Yahoo |
|  |
| ? |

En enero de 2017 Noruega ser? el primer pa?s en sustituir sus emisiones de 
radio por FM para digitalizarlas, implantando tecnolog?a Digital Audio 
Broadcasting.Primero fueron los tocadiscos, despu?s las cabinas telef?nicas y 
ahora les ha llegado el turno a los radiotransistores. Estos aparatos, que poco 
a poco estaban cayendo m?s y m?s en desuso, definitivamente se convertir?n en 
reliquias de coleccionistas dentro de unos meses, al menos en Noruega. El pa?s 
escandinavo se convertir? en el primero en?apagar su se?al de de Frecuencia 
Modulada (FM) a partir del 11 de enero de 2017, para sustituirla por radio 
digital.As? lo ha anunciado la ministra noruega de Cultura, Thorhild Widvey, en 
un comunicado donde?ha explicado que el?apag?n de la radio FM?se efectuar? 
implantado la?tecnolog?a?conocida como?DAB?(Digital Audio Broadcasting), 
ampliamente extendida en el pa?s, ya que m?s de la mitad de los 
hogares?noruegos?tiene un aparato con un terminal adaptado a este sistema.?Los 
  tendr?n acceso a contenidos de radio m?s diversos y plurales con nuevas 
funciones y una mejor calidad de sonido?, ha dicho la ministra, ?es menos 
vulnerable a errores en la transmisi?n en condiciones extremas, permite acceder 
a todos los canales y, finalmente, permite la transmisi?n, en simult?nea y a 
trav?s de todos los canales, de mensajes de emergencia para la poblaci?n?.
8 de cada 10 Internautas escuchan la radio online
Seg?n el gobierno noruego, actualmente el pa?s cuenta con?22 estaciones 
nacionales de?emisi?n?digital, y a?n hay espacio en su plataforma digital para 
otras 20. Adem?s estima que?la?digitalizaci?n?de sus emisiones nacionales 
de?radiosupondr??un ahorro anual de unos 25 millones de d?lares.La?tecnolog?a 
DAB?pronto?se extender? al resto de pa?ses de occidente. Esta?transici?n 
recuerda a la que hace unos a?os se produjo con la televisi?n digital terrestre 
en nuestro pa?s. Sin embargo,?mientras que la transici?n a los sistemas TDT 
solo implicaba a los televisores, las?emisiones de radio afectan a muchos m?s 
equipos y escenarios. Por ejemplo,?las?radios de los coches?o incluso de los 
smartphones. De ah? que el sector automovil?stico noruego sea el principal 
afectado por esta?transici?n, que no se producir? repentinamente, sino de forma 
gradual a partir del 11 de enero de 2017.


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2016 13:08:34 +0000 (UTC)
To: "" <>
Cc: BCL News    <>,      Condiglist
        <>,   Dino Bloise    <>,
        DXLD    <>,         ""
        <>,        Noticias DX
        <>,   Onda Corta
        <>,   Playdx    <>
Subject: [HCDX] Radio Capital de l'Empord? Honors Radio Liberty
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Radio Capital de l'Empord? Honors Radio Liberty

On March 26,?Radio Capital de l'Empord?, a small non-profit station based in 
Pals, Spain, aired a special program, ?Govorit Radio Svoboda? (?Radio Liberty 
Speaks?) and organized a photo exhibition to pay tribute to Radio Liberty, 
which was demolished on the same day 10 years earlier.

Radio Liberty was launched in 1955 in Platja de Pals, near Costa Brava in 
Girona, Spain, with the mission of ?delivering a message of hope to communist 

According to Miquel Curanta, general manager of Radio Capital de l'Empord?, one 
of the principle reasons Radio Liberty was established in Platja de Pals was 
because of the location?s latitude and longitude (41? 59? North and 3? 12? 

?The station?s 540-foot towers and antenna curtains situated at the edge of the 
sea provided an ideal launching site for shortwave signals,? he said. ?The open 
area and the water meant the signals only bounced off the ionosphere once 
before reaching the former USSR and other Iron Curtain countries with 
practically no attenuation.??

Curanta explains that Radio Liberty created many local jobs and meant a lot to 
the people of the small town of Pals. It also proved to be a source of intrigue 
since what Radio Liberty did was ?almost a secret,? thus creating curiosity 
among residents, who, not knowing exactly what Radio Liberty was, ?thought that 
missiles or nuclear submarines were hidden there.??

Radio Liberty was closed when the Spanish government destroyed the antennas. 
Looting of the electronic equipment followed. Since then the area of Pals 
beach, which is now a protected nature reserve, has been vandalized and only an 
empty structure that housed Radio Liberty remains.?

Radio Capital de l'Empord? wanted to commemorate this chapter in history by 
educating younger generations on the Cold War and the role that the Pals 
transmitter played in it.?- See more at:


Message: 3
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2016 16:26:53 +0000 (UTC)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs April 24-25, 2016
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

** CUBA. 5040, April 25 at 0432 and still at 0438, open carrier/dead air from 
RHC at S9+40 instead of Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ETHIOPIA. 7234.30, April 25 at 0424, open carrier, dead air S5-S6, 
presumably the wandering Addis transmitter, which varies both sides of 7235 

** INDONESIA. 9525.895, April 25 at 1352, VOI very weak carrier measured here 
during presumed English hour, and no hets from 9520, 9525 or 9530 (Glenn 

** MADAGASCAR. 9480, April 25 at 0412 check, APR English via MWV is on tonight, 
S9+20 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA. 7330, April 25 at 0421, pop music in English, what else but RRI for 
early-risers in Francophone France; fair signal, and LSB tuning needed to avoid 
7335 Cuban jamming and Radio Mart? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 13695, April 25 at 1436 as I tune across WRMIBS, the 
LDPOG is replaying for the n-th time his bit responding to one Glenn Hauser, 
who commented a few months ago about his shoveling more and more dough toward 
WRMI and being put on more and more frequencies, even if they don`t make sense 
propagationally; goal to be on 100 SW frequencies, etc., etc. (Glenn Hauser, 

** SUDAN. 7205.00, April 25 at 0423, open AM carrier, so Omdurman is back on 
nominal after foray to 7206.00 (and previously 7204.00; why bother?) (Glenn 

** SUDAN [and non]. 11651.255, April 25 at 0546, jammer carrier here makes het 
against 11650.0, R. Dabanga via VATICAN (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TIBET [non]. 11507, April 25 at 1357, JBA carrier, no doubt V. of Tibet, 
abutting a stronger carrier with modulation on 11505, no doubt the CNR1 jammer 
for it. Today`s Aoki shows 11507 via TAJIKISTAN at 1335-1400 following 11513 at 
1300-1335 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1822 monitoring: confirmed Sunday April 24 after 2330 
on WBCQ 9330v-CUSB, good vs storm noise from Kansas. Also confirmed UT Monday 
April 25 at 0301 on Area 51 webcast, and 0329 on WBCQ 5130-AM, fair vs storm 
noise; and 0330 on WRMI 9955, good. Next:
Mon 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 1100   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Tue 2130   WRMI 15770 to NE
Tue 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Wed 1315.5 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 2100   WBCQ 7490v to WSW
Wed 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW

** VIETNAM [and non]. 6175, April 24 at 0426, Vietnamese rock at S9+30, tail of 
VOV Spanish via WHRI; 0427:40 cut to BaBcoCk IS, 0428 cut to WHRI promo in 
English for more gospel huxter clients, as they always do next to VOV relays, 
rather incongruously, since Vietnam jams Christian broadcasters into the 
country, e.g. via Philippines; what bedfellows.

This raises the question of T8WH PALAU, a.k.a. HBN in HFCC listings, for the 
long-defunct US callsign KHBN, the WHR station which is registered A-16 for a 
number of transmissions, daily u.o.s., at least partially in Vietnamese, which 
are bound to be religious or clandestine, and surely subject to jamming. But 
HFCC language info is notoriously unreliable. Many of these are partly in 
``English``, so further research needed to narrow down any real Vietnamese 
language portions:

 9930, 1200-1230 Fri only ? we know this one is clandestine Qu? Me, so jammed? 
Please check. It would certainly seem eligible, since per WRTH 2016 page 515, 
based in France, it`s produced by Action for Democracy in Vietnam and its 
international organ Vietnam Committee on Human Rights. Qu? Me, which is also 
supposed to have a dot under the e of Me, means Motherland. However, one 
semi-hour per week is not much of a threat. Other partially Vietnamese HFCC 
entries for HBN:

 9930, 1500-1800 & 2200-2400
 9965, 2200-2400
15455, 0000-0600
15660, 0600-1100 & 2200-2300
15690, 2300-2400

Further research in Aoki shows many of these are not really on at all for the 
full registered span; and no Vietnamese via Palau except for Qu? Me, so now 
another interesting question arises: does SRV government business buying time 
on WHRI for VOV also ``encourage`` WHR not to broadcast via T8WH any Christian 
(or clandestine other than Qu? Me) programs in Vietnamese or minority 
languages? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1627 UT April 25


Message: 4
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2016 18:04:28 +0000 (UTC)
To: "" <>
Subject: [HCDX] Ultimas escuchas
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

? ?Saludos cordiales
ARABIA SAUD??? 11860 Radio Sana?a, 17:40-17:45, escuchada?el 25 de abril de 
2015 en ?rabe a locutor con comentarios,saludo a invitado "..Malecum..", 
conversaciones probablementetelef?nicas con diferentes interlocutores, 
probablementeoyentes, SINPO 34343
BULGARIA 11885 Dimtse Radio Erena, Kostinbrod, 17:25-17:30,escuchada el 25 de 
abril de 2016 en oromo a locutor concomentarios acompa?ado de m?sica de fondo 
interpretadopor piano,SINPO 24332
FRANCIA 11600 Dengue Kurdist?n, Issoudun, 17:35-17:40,escuchada el 25 de abril 
de 2015 en kurdo a locutorcon comentarios, SINPO 34343
15245 Voice of Asena, Issoudun, 17:30-17:35,?tentativa el 25 de abril 2016, se 
aprecia emisi?n con?m?sica ?tnica africana en fuerte colisi?n con el servicioen 
coreano de Voice of Korea KCBS, SINPO 32422
MALI 9635 RTV du Mali, Bamako, 17:54-18:00, escuchada el25 de abril en idioma 
sin identicficar, locuot con comentariosy segmento musical, se?al con fuertes 
desvanecimientos,m?sica africana, locutora con despedida, se corta la 
se?alabruptamente, SINPO 24211
TANZANIA 11735 ZBC Radio, Dole, 17:47-17:53, escuchadael 25 de abril de 2016 en 
swahili a locutora con comentarios,conexi?n con corresponsales, primero un 
hombre y luego una?mujer, SINPO 24422
Jose Miguel RomeroBurjasot (Valencia)Espa?a
Sangean ATS 909Antena hilo de 10 m


Message: 5
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2016 20:54:36 +0000 (UTC)
To: "" <>
Cc: BCL News    <>,      Condiglist
        <>,   DXLD    <>,
        "" <>,
        Noticias DX    <>,    Onda Corta
        <>,   Playdx    <>
Subject: [HCDX] Ultimas escuchas con web SDR desde Holanda
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Saludos cordiales
ALEMANIA 6070 Radio DARC, Rohbarch Waal, 19:54-20:00,escuchada el 25 de abril 
de 2015 en alem?n a locutoracon comentarios, locutor con ID "Radio DARC" y cu?a 
de la emisora, anuncia direci?n y Email, todo con m?sicade fondo, segemnto 
musical, tonos morse y m?sica cl?sica,SINPO 45444
ETHIOPIA 5950 Voice of Tigray Revolution, Addis Ababa-Gedja,19:43-19:48, 
escuchada el 25 de abril 2016 en idioma sin identificar, probablemente tigrilla 
a locutor con comentarios y emisi?n de m?sica ?tnica, SINPO 23442
6090 Radio Amhara, Addis Ababa-Gedja, 20:02-20:06, escuchada el 25 de abril de 
2016 en amharico a locutor con comentarios y emisi?n de m?sica ?tnica, SINPO 
IRLANDA 5835 Lase Hot Hits, 20:11-20:15,escuchada el 25 de abril de 2016 con 
emis?n de m?sica rock,SINPO 23332
6205 Magig Radio, 20:17-20:22, escuchada el 25 de abril de 2016 en ingl?s con 
emisi?n de m?sica pop y cu?a publicitaria,SINPO 34443
Jose Miguel RomeroBurjasot (Valencia)Espa?a 
Web SDRUniversity of TwenteEnschede, The Netherlands

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 160, Issue 26

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