Yes time zone UTC +9hrs is perfect now,

heard 7295 kHz a Russian male singer performed at 1210 UT, fade-in at
S=7  -83dBm noisy signal level, on remote unit in Moscow Russia,

but the other 7345 kHz channel is covered by 150 kW unit Serbian language
program at CRI Cerrik Albania relay site S=9+20dB in Germany and S=8 in
northern SWE / FIN remotes, - scheduled at 1200-1257 UT.

In March 2011 schedule
GTRK "Respublika Sakha"
4825 -  50 kW - RV- 725 - 2000-1600 - Yakutsk
7140 -  50 kW - RV- 726 - 2000-1600 - Yakutsk
7200 - 100 kW - RV- 729 - 2000-1600 - Yakutsk
7345 -  50 kW - RV- 727 - 2000-1600 - Yakutsk

73 wb df5sx

----- Original Message ----- From: " [dxld]" Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2016 1:46 PM
Subject: [dxld] R. Sakha on 7295 // 7345 - Re: Yakutia (Russia) on Shortwave

Hi Glenn,
May 7, heard R. Sakha on 7295 (very weak the whole time) // 7345 which was
many times stronger; 7345 had poor to almost fair reception. Heard with no
QRM  on either frequency. Easy to ID with distinctive IS and also "Radio
Sakha" IDs. Here are today's highlights:

0852: Decent level open carrier.

0900: Brief IS (Jew's harp); 3 time pips ; announcers for about 10 minutes
(news?); assume in Russian (or at times today in Yakut [a.k.a. Sakha]?).

0909-1000: Very nice music program (ballads, pop songs, etc.). 0950 clear
"Radio Sakha" ID; 0957-1000: musical montage.

1000: time pips; announcer (news?)

Thanks to Stephen Cooper for the initial info in DXLD yg
about this station!


----- Original Message ----- From: " [dxld]" Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2016 12:36 PM
Subject: Re: [dxld] Yakutia (Russia) on Shortwave from today

The announcement of the air times I know, dating back from the preparation
period, went:

— с понедельника по пятницу — 09.00 до 12.00; с 15.00 до 17.00; с 21.00 до

— суббота и воскресенье — с 10.00 до 17.00 и с 21.00 до 00.00.

Must refer to Yakutsk time I think, so that would be Mon-Fri 0000-0300,
0600-0800 and 1200-1500, Sat-Sun 0100-0800 and 1200-1500 UT, if correct.
Any other primary or at least secondary sources, anyone? [...]


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