** FRANCE. 13725, June 16 at 0610, RFI English is fair, S7-S9 but just my luck 
at tune in to discussion of stupid ballgames. Quality of reception varies a lot 

** KURDISTAN [non]. 11600, June 16 at 1219, music and Chinese at S5, no sign of 
Denge Kurdistanye. Listed R. Taiwan International in Amoy during this hour, 
which doesn`t get jammed per Aoki; altho Sound of Hope could also be on here 
relayiing RFA which would draw jamming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NIGERIA. 7254.944, June 16 at 0620, VON Hausa is S9+10 but undermodulated; 
at least on the air this time, as frequently AWOL (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** OKLAHOMA. 87.76 MHz, June 15 at 2019 UT, I am looking for sporadic E FM DX 
starting here on channel 6 audio, and pleased to hear a very weak signal in 
English. On the PL-880 it seems to be more like 87.76, offset plus, than 87.75 
even. It`s distorted and hard to copy but eventually hear a weather break 
concerning Oklahoma City, probably originating from a TV station meterologist. 
It`s too steady to be Es, anyway. I quickly tune thru FM band on another 
receiver and find no matches, nor on OKC TV stations. Could it be a mixture 
with a strong local AM signal? Only three of those, 960, 1390 and 1640, no 
matches. Could it be cable radiation? No such programming on analog 6 if it 
still exist. Could there be a FrankenFM in OK? Certainly none known previously. 
Not a single OK ch 6 of any sort in W9WI.com (and the WTFDA FM database is 
down). Will have to recheck whether this mystery be audible at any time (Glenn 

** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3260, June 16 at 1128, presumed R. Madang at S4 with some 
music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOLOMON ISLANDS. 5020, June 16 at 1129, SIBC presumed at S8 with some talk 
and music, ACI de 5025 Cuba (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1829 monitoring: confirmed Wed June 15 at 2100 on WBCQ 
webcast, and JBA on 7490 at 2127. Also confirmed Wed June 15 at 2330 on WBCQ 
9330.015-CUSB, poor. 

WORLD OF RADIO 1830, ready for first broadcasts Thursday June 16:
[Note: Unique Radio NSW, 3210 SW broadcasts suspended pending change of 
transmitter site]

Thu 1130   WRMI 9955 to SSE [confirmed but with pulse jamming, worse toward the 
end; tnx a lot, Arnie!]
Thu 2100   WRMI 13695 to NW
Thu 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Fri 2130   WRMI 15770 to NE
Fri 2130.5 WRMI 13695 to NW
Fri 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Sat 0630   HLR 6190-CUSB to SW 
Sat 1430   HLR 7265-CUSB to SW 
Sat 1930v  WA0RCR 1860-AM ND 
Sat 2230   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Sun 0310v  WA0RCR 1860-AM ND 
Sun 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0030   WRMI 7730 to WNW
Mon 0300v  WBCQ 5130v Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0330   WRMI 9955 to SSE  
Mon 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 1100   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Tue 2130   WRMI 15770 to NE
Tue 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Wed 1315.5 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 2100   WBCQ 7490v to WSW
Wed 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW

AND NEW!! NOW tnx to Keith Weston, podcasts via:

BTW, I have been unable to update WOR 1830 linx at 
since Angelfire has been down for several hours. But I found this at 
``We are working on upgrading your service. Will be back in a few hours`` 

** U S A. 7490, June 16 at 0000 on caradio I hear WBCQ with William Tell 
Overture, so it`s an `Allan Weiner Worldwide` unscheduled playback instead of 
the listed `Reverb Madness`. Is that gone for good? Unfortunately, I can`t keep 
listening, since last Friday night, John Carver tells me, 

``Near the end of the show, Allan was reading emails. Said he had one from the 
guy who helped him build the station. I got the idea the guy was traveling, 
vacationing or visiting in the SouthWest. Told Allan he'd just bought a SW 
station. If I recall correctly he said two transmitters and antennas. Allan 
congratulated him and said the station was the former KGES, at least that's 
what my ear heard. Any chance it was KJES? Might explain why it's not been 

I did not hear that part, and as of June 16, the huge AWWW audio archive still 
hasn`t extended beyond June 3:

It sounds like this may have been from Scott Becker, and concerning KJES, Vado 
NM, which did voluntarily close down a couple years ago. I think the 
transmitter at The Lord`s Ranch was not in good working order, but will be 
interesting if it can be revived there, or moved somewhere else, to Kiowa or 
Monticello? Did anyone else hear this with more details? 

BTW, Broad Spectrum Radio, this Thursday June 16 at 23-24 on 7490, if it`s on 
the air this week, is a special; James Branum says:  

``Dear friends, Broad Spectrum Radio is airing a special episode for Pride 
2016, in memory of those killed in Orlando and will be sending out a special 
full-color QSL card for confirmation of reception of this show. Our contact 
info can be found at http://www.broadspectrumradio.com

The program consists of a recording of the "Stand with Orlando vigil" held in 
OKC, recorded by Serena Blaiz of http://OklahomaActivist.com and followed by 
some hate-defying joyful music often played at Pride, because sometimes we need 
to dance in the face of hate and oppression.

The mp3 download of this show can be found at: 

Excerpts of this program will also air this coming weekend on local AM radio 
station KTLR [890 OKC]``

And Manfred Reiff adds there will be another special airing on Channel 292, 
Germany, 6070, Friday June 17 at 17 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1830, 

** U S A. 9395, June 16 at 0607 as I bandscan, SonPower Network via WRMI is 
starting `TruNews`. I am aghast as Rick Wiles and guest discuss how the Orlando 
massacre was a ``false-flag operation``, claiming there is NO evidence all 
those people were really killed, but instead staged by ``that jihadist in the 
White House`` to further his agenda of Taking Our Guns Away, and imposing 
martial law before his term is over. WHAT ABSOLUTE CRAP!!! How can anyone 
justify putting it on the air? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1520, June 16 at 1150 UT, KYND Cypress TX colliding with talker KOKC 
OKC and making a slow SAH of 22/minute = 0.37 Hz, plugging its website 
http://kyndradio.com and then some music. Fading out by 1153 UT. After playing 
nothing but music fill for months following the departure of the ChiCom, it 
appears KYND have developed a schedule mixing music, talk, sports. To see the 
schedule you have to watch alternating displays, including this one at the time 
I was listening: ``Showbiz and Company, M-F 6-9 am``. Lema: ``Great 
conversations and exciting programming. Your KYND of Talk, Your KYND of Music 
we are YOUR KYND of Radio. The Powerful 1520``

The ``Reaching You`` link
displays a coverage pattern map including a very minor lobe toward the NNW 
which we don`t believe (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 3210, June 16 at 1127, JBA carrier. I might have hoped it was 
Unique Radio, Australia, as ABC NT 2325 and 2485 are strong enough to produce 
some audio, except per the home page http://www.uniqueradio.info/ 

``Unique Radio is currently relocating to another transmission site and waiting 
for approval from ACMA. The existing transmission site at Halls Creek has been 
a challenge and the decision was made to cease transmission from there due to 
poor reception in much of the area and beyond. Until the new approval from ACMA 
we will continue online as usual. We are also developing a network of stations 
across Northern New South Wales and working on new ways to connect including 
streaming online. Please feel free to contact Aussie Tim today on our 'contact 
us' link, thankyou. Please Note : We are still online in crystal clear digital 
at the links below. Listen to us @ 
5685.cloudrad.io:8462 (24K AAC) or 
5628.cloudrad.io:8450 (64K MP3)
(Click links for audio and then press 'listen'``. Maybe my 3210 is a MW 
harmonic vestige, 3 x 1070? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 12350, June 16 at 1214, JBA AM carrier. Maybe a mixing product 
from two adjacent 25mb transmitters, but doesn`t work out for RHC; or harmonic 
2 x 6175? The WCY net should start at 1230 but on USB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

This report dispatched at 1709 UT June 16
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