Manuel Méndez

En 13 ago 2016 09:17, en 09:17, Marconi Radio 
<> escribió:
>On August 15, let's celebrate one year since MRI returned back on the
>on the occasion of  Ferragosto national holiday! Tune in to MRI  Thank
>for your participation!
>Every year many Italians observe Assumption Day, also known as
>on August 15. This year the national holiday of Ferragosto  (which
>celebrates the Catholic belief that God assumed the Virgin Mary into
>at her death) coincides with the first anniversary since MRI,  after 15
>years of dormancy, returned back to the airwaves  on 15 August 2015.
>Although most of Italians go to the beach (or mountains) for
>MRI will be on the air with a special broadcast as follows: from  0800
>1000 UTC  on 7700 kHz USB and from 1030 to 1530 UTC on 15025 kHz.
>To mark this anniversary, we’ll air  “Ferragosto Show”, with music,
>interviews and listener’s feedbacks.
>But that is not all. In addition to our weekly DX shows  "Italian
>Panorama" (in English) and  "Panorama Onde Corte" (in Italian),  we'll
>airing a repeat of our special programme  in Italian produced, in
>cooperation with Radio Europe  and IBC – Italian Broadcasting
>to celebrate the  role of free shortwave radio on the occasion of 2016
>World Radio Day.
>We take this opportunity to invite shortwave listeners and DXers, in
>conjunction with this Special Ferragosto broadcasts  on August 15,
>2016, to
>send your greetings in a form of audio clip (mp3-file) or  text  to
> We'll  air  and include  your
>greetings in our next MRI Newsletter.
>As usual MRI encourages reception reports from listeners. Audio clips
>(mp3-file) of our broadcasts are welcome! We QSL 100% and of course a 
> Ferragosto  QSL verification will be sent to acknowledge reports about
>reception of above mentioned broadcasts.
>Our e-mail address is: but please
>forget to include your postal address as some lucky listeners will also
>receive a printed QSL card.
>Last but not least, we need your help! If you use social networks,
>post an announcement on Facebook or send out a tweet the day before the
>broadcasts. You can also forward this message to a friend. This should
>increase our potential audience.
>We hope to hear from a lot of shortwave listeners about our special
>Ferragosto broadcasts.
>Best 73's
>Marconi Radio International
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