I'm really beginning think my April 16th, 2016 0344UTC (April 15th 744pm
AKDT) reception of Radio Guinea 9650kHz was a fluke here in Alaska.

The signal at that time was pretty darn good for what it was and about as
good as anything I've heard from other DX'ers since their 2nd reactivation
a week or two ago. A nearly 8 minute recording of my reception of Radio
Guinea 9650kHz is at the bottom of this post.

Here's the thing, since they came back this second time, I haven't heard a
PEEP!! And it's not due to same/adjacent channel stations, I've gone out at
various times when Radio Guinea would've been the only thing on the channel
with no slop from anyone else on 9645/9650/9655.

A friend and I have reasoned that the April 15th/16th re-appearance of
Radio Guinea 9650kHz was a test after decades of silence.. They turned
things on to see if everything still worked good and was within spec.

Well, after a day of operations, they figured things weren't working like
it should, turned it off and being a poor 3rd world country, it took them a
few months to fix it.

We found their tower site, a line of 6 towers in a reversed arc letter "C"
right in Conarky. If those towers line up is any indication of their beam,
going Southeast... then that would explain why folks in the SE and East
Central USA are hearing it so well, off the back lobe.

Again, this is all theory.. but I'd like to think, at least somewhat right..

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