As a further update...

The Kaito USA ebay sales man Jason under the multimeter_depot user name
replied to me again saying "We only ship to the 48 states"

That is pretty low class and shoddy business practices. USPS Priority Mail
in a flat rate box costs no more to Alaska, then it does to say, Kentucky
or Maine.

Funny, I can go to Kaito's own website order the same radio and have it
shipped via USPS Priority Mail to Alaska.

I know multimeter_depot is the ebay side of Kaito USA based upon the
receipt I got from paypal, showing me where my money went.

The owner of Kaito USA and I traded a few emails and desptie me telling him
twice I'd placed the order anyways, he asked, "So, did you yet place the
order with us or not?"

I've let everyone i know on multiple websites, email lists and facebook
groups of Kaito's poor decision and custom service.. also making it
impossible for alaskans to call your toll free number I can assure you many
of us will be buying form Anon CO in china in the future when we need
Tecsun Radios.

I don't wanna be mean, but I will gladly take my money where it's wanted
and easily acceptable.\

And guess what? The tecsun just shipped out, to my friend in Herndon VA!
 (I had it shipped to a friend in the lower 48 who will then ship it to me!)

On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 12:00 AM, Paul B. Walker, Jr. <> wrote:

> Apparently, the fine folks at Kaito USA think Alaska is a US protectorate
> and not one of the 50 US states, therefore ebay orders from them
> (multimeter_depot or Montclair, CA) wont ship to Alaska or Hawaii...
> But guess what? Ordering off their website results in you
> being able to ship to Alaska via priority mail.. which costs no more in a
> flat rate box then to somewhere in the lower 48!
> So, I sent a message to the ebay account of yours and asked why your
> company doesnt ship ebay sales to alaska and hawaii. Jason replied with
>  "Sorry, we had many problems with US protectorates order, so we decided
> to ship to 48 states only.."
> And then when I try and call Kaito USA's Toll free number, it says the
> toll free number I've called can't be dialed from my area.
> Kaito USA must really not want any business from Alaska or Hawaii. Well
> guess what? I'll buy my next Tecsun PL880 from Anon-Co in China I guess!
> I've bought 2 PL880's in the last month. I';ll gladly put my money
> somewhere that my business is wanted
> Paul Walker
> Galena, Alaska
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