2016 JRX Monthly Logs_September

Update: October 1, 2016.
(+) A16 Summer Schedules (2016): March 27, 2016 - October 30, 2016.

Logs from: Albania/ Algeria/ Angola/ Argentina/ Australia/ Austria/ Benin/ 
Brazil/ Burundi/ China/ Clandestine/ Cuba/ Ecuador/ Egypt/ France/ Germany/ 
Greece/ Guam/ Guinea/ India/ Iran/ Japan/ Korea North/ Korea South/ Malaysia/ 
Mali/ Mongolia/ Morocco/ Netherlands/ Nigeria/ Oman/ Philippines/ Romania/ 
Saudi Arabia/ Slovakia/ South Africa/ South Sudan/ Spain/ Swaziland/ Sweden/ 
Taiwan/ Tajikistan/ Tanzania/ Thailand/ Turkey/ UK/ USA/ Vatican/ Vietnam/ .

DXer: José Ronaldo Xavier (JRX).
Location: Cabedelo-PB, Brazil (UTC-3).
RX (s): Degen DE1103+Sony ICF-SW100S+Tecsun S-2000.
Antenna: Portable Telescopic.

Logs by Country:

+7465. September 3, 2016. 2012-2017, Radio Tirana, Shijiak. On-air, but only a 
noise, similar to airplane audio.

+7295. September 21, 2016. 0429-0434, Radio Algerienne, Issoudun, in Arabic. 
The Qur´an chant; female announcer talks; a song with recitation. Good signal 
and fair modulation, 45433.
+12060. September 28, 2016. 2005-2033, Radio Algerienne, Issoudun, in French 
and Arabic. Woman announcer presents news in french till 2008UT. At 2009: IS, 
ID in french; followed the Qur´an chant; recitation by male announcer, in 
arabic. Broadcasting with very good signal and modulation, 45544.
+13820. September 22, 2016. 1913-1920, Radio Algerienne, Issoudun, in Arabic. 
The Holy Qur´an chant. Very good broadcasting, 45544.

+4950. September 19, 2016. 0514-0520, Radio Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos, in 
Portuguese. Male announcer talks national news; ID. Barely audible broadcasting 
and, in rare moments, very poor modulation, 25431/25432.
+4950. September 28, 2016. 0500-0512, Radio Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos, in 
Portuguese. Time pips and man announcer says: It´s 6:00 AM (2:00 AM in 
Cabedelo). Female announcer taks
 news; a song. As usual, RNA has a barely audible audio, 25431.

+11710. September 21, 2016. 0228-0240, Radiodifusion Argentina al Exterior, 
Gral Pacheco, in Spanish (French in RAE sked). Male announcer talks; time pips 
at 0230UT; a song. Good signal and very distorted audio, 45432. Note: RAE next 
change denomination to RAM (Radiodifusion Argentina al Mundo).
+15345. September 28, 2016. 2143-2210, Radiodifusion Argentina al Exterior, 
Gral Pacheco, in Spanish. All variety songs; 2151UT Woman announcer talks, ID; 
continues a musical program; 2200UT: Time pips; more musics. 2202 Woman 
announcer says ID, IS; a tango and others. Broadcasting with fair signal and 
modulation, 35433.
+15345. September 30, 2016. 2245-2306, Radiodifusion Argentina al Exterior 
(RAE), Gral Pacheco, in Spanish. A song by piano; Male announcer talks in 
spanish. More songs; 2300 IS and ID in many languages and annouces a new 
programming to next october in 8 languages; followed, more Argentine songs. 
Broadcasting with fair signal and distorted audio, 35432. 

+15415. September 3, 2016. 2111-2116, Radio Australia, Shepparton, in English. 
Resume: RA is off on 15415, 15240 and 17840kHz.

+6155. September 4, 2016. 0500-0508, Radio Ö1, Moosbrunn, in German. Male 
announcer talks news, presumably; female announcer talks, ID; conversation and 
at 0508, abrupt sign-off and no returns till 0512.
+6155. September 19, 2016. 0502-0512, Radio Ö1, Moosbrunn, in German. Female 
and male announcers talks news. Fair signal and modulation, 35433.
+6155. September 28, 2016. 0535-0540, RA Ö1, Moosbrunn, in German. Man 
announcer talks news. A classical music.Station with good signal and fair 
modulation, 45433.

+1566. September 2, 2016. 0450-0512, Trans World Radio, Parakou-Benin, in Igbo 
and other ethnic language. Male announcer talks; brief music. Male announcer 
talks and says Amen (preaching presumably), ID, music. Broadcasting with good 
signal and fair modulation with fading, sometimes, 45433. I tuned by chance! 
My reference was WRTH 2016, National Radio, page 97. 

+4885. September 21, 2016. 0212-0220, Radio Clube do Para, Belem-PA, in 
Portuguese. Male announcer talks news about football, local and regional news. 
Very poor broadcasting, 35432 to 35431.
+9645. September 24, 2016. 0255-0305, Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo-SP, in 
Portuguese. Program "A Voz do Brasil"- ends with news of Legislative Power. 
0300UT ID. Male announcer presents a Bandeirantes News -highlights and details. 
Station with fair signal and modulation, 35433.
+9665. September 21, 2016. 0145-0155, Radio Voz Missionaria, Camboriu-SC, in 
Portuguese. Gospel song; male announcer talks; ID, Postal address; various 
station announcements; ID: Broadcasting of The last time Gideons. Station with 
good signal and fair modulation, 45433.
+11780. September 2, 2016. 0305-0312, Radio Nacional de Brasilia, Brasilia-DF. 
Male announcer presents a program "Madrugada Nacional" - news, comments, music 
and a listener participation. Broadcasting with good signal and fair 
modulation, 45433. Parallel log on 6180kHz, 35433.
+11780. September 21, 2016. 0200-0212, Radio Nacional de Brasilia, Brasilia-DF, 
in Portuguese. Program "Eu daquí, você de lá": a musical program and listener 
solicitations. ID, a station of EBC (Empresa Brasil de Comunicação); right time 
in Brasilia, 23:00h (11:00PM); a song. Good signal and fair modulation, 45433. 
Parallel log on 6180kHz, 45432.
+11815. September 22, 2016. 1040-1050, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania-GO, in 
Portuguese. Male announcer talks news about local and national football; game 
scores. ID: a station od Sistema Brasil Central de Radio. Interview with a 
candidate to elections in Goiania next october. Station with good signal and 
modulation, 45444.
+11815. September 30, 2016. 1045-1055, Radio Brasil Central (RBC), Goiania-GO, 
in Portuguese. Man announcer presents sport news; RBC announcements; ID. 
Program " O Mundo en sua Casa": local and national morning news. RBC with good 
signal and fair modulation, 45433.
+11855. September 2, 2016. 0254-0300, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida-SP. Female 
announcer talks about religious theme; looking for a way to Jesus; a song. At 
0300 ID, many announcements and followed the program "Com a Mãe Aparecida", 
now, with many stations network. Broadcasting has a fair signal and modulation, 
+11925. September 2, 2016. 0236-0252, Radio Bandeirantes, São Paulo. At this 
unusual time, R. Bandeirantes transmitting a recorded program "A Voz do 
Brasil"-news of the executive, legislative and judiciary powers. Good signal 
and fair modulation, 45433. Parallel log on 9645kHz, on-air, however with a 
barely audible audio or unlistenable in some moments.

+15480. September 27, 2016. 1820-1836, Radio Publique Africaine, Issoudun, in 
Kirundi. Female and male announcers talks and makes a interview with a man. 
1831 Female announcer talks, ID, and start a program in French, with news; 
external report participation. Fair signal and modulation, 35433 (sometimes, 

+6050. September 21, 2016. 2007-2022, PBS Xizang, Tibet, in Mandarin. 
Instrumental songs, beautiful songs male announcer talks. Broadcasting with 
poor signal and modulation, 25432 (sometimes, 35432).
+6050. September 30, 2016. 2000-2014, PBS Xizang, Tibet, in Mandarin. A 
National Anthem (??). Female announcer talks, in mandarin, with instrumental 
song underground. Man announcer talks, followed by a pleasant melody; other 
instrumental melody. Broadcasting with fair signal and poor modulation, 35432.
+6110. September 3, 2016. 1935-1942, China Radio International, Xian, in 
Russian. Male announcers talks; female announcer talks, ID. CRI with good 
signal and fair modulation, 45433.
+7265. September 3, 2016. 2100-2110, China Radio International, Urumqi, in 
Italian. Male announcer talks and a mix of success movie songs. Station with 
good signal and modulation, 45444.
+7385. September 3, 2016. 2153-2210, PBS Xizang, Tibet, in Tibetan. Female 
announcer talks; conversation with a man; 2200 A song by male singer. 
Broadcasting with fair signal and poor modulation, 35432. Parallel log on 
6025kHz,Tibet, 35332.
9450. September 27, 2016. 1813-1818, China Radio International, Kashgar, in 
Hausa. Female and male announcers presents a Chinese Class. A song. Station 
with good signal and modulation, 45444.
+9525. September 22, 2016. 1935-1946, China Radio International, Beijing, in 
Russian. Female announcer talks; a short song by ABBA; male announcer talks. 
Broadcasting with good signal and a continous bip interference (It´s a 
reflection of the Voice of Indonesia transmitter ??).43433.
9685. September 26, 2016. 1812-1818, China Radio International, Urumqi, in 
Chinese. Female and male announcers talks; conversation. Broadcasting with fair 
signal and modulation, 35433.
+9730. September 27, 2016. 1908-1918, China Radio International, Kashgar, in 
Portuguese. Male announcers talks news. 1912UT program "China em Foco": news of 
China; 1916 "Acordes do Oriente": a chinese song by female singer. CRI with 
excellent signal, very slight interference by Voice of Vietnam in english, on 
9730kHz and good modulation, 54544.
+11620. September 30, 2016. 1000-1008, China Radio International, Xian, in 
Japanese. IS, ID. Woman announcer talks.Fair signal and poor modulation, 35332.
+11760. September 30, 2016. 0935-0948, China National Radio 1, Shijiazhuang, in 
Mandarin. male announcer talks and talks, with a brief music between them. 
Broadcasting with fair signal and poor modulation, 35332.

+9490. September 2, 2016. 0123-0132, Radio Republica, Issoudun, in Spanish. 
Male announcers talks, conversation; a song; ID. Station with poor signal and 
barely audible modulation, 25331 (in rare moments, 25332).
+11600. September 2, 2016. 0314-0324, Denge Kurdistan, Issoudun, in Kurdish. 
All songs program. Station with fair signal and poor modulation, 35332.
+11600. September 21, 2016. 0340-0358, Denge Kurdistan, Issoudun, in Kurdish. 
Kurdish songs; male announcer talks, ID. Good signal and modulation, 45444.
+11600. September 24, 2016. 0323-0332, Denge Kurdistan, Issoudun, in Kurdish. 
Many kurdish songs; only songs this log. Broadcasting with good signal and fair 
modulation, 45433.

+4765. September 21, 2016. 0221-0240, Radio Progreso, Bauta, in Spanish. Cuban 
music; Female announcer talks, ID; male announcer talks. Broadcasting with very 
poor to barely audible, 35432 to 35431.
+5040. September 21, 2016. 0133-0143, Radio habana Cuba, Bauta, in Spanish. 
Female announcer talks news within the program "Revista Informativa de la 
ID; Male announcer presents "Actualidad Deportiva" by Carlos Alberto: news of 
sports. RHC announcements. Station with fair signal and modulation, 35433. 
Parallel log on 11760kHz, 45444.
+11635. September 30, 2016. 2100-2105, Cuban Spy Numbers, in Spanish. Woman 
announcer talks and says numbers, in spanish, five numbers each time. Fair 
signal, poor modulation, 35332.
+15370. September 28, 2016. 2038-2043, Radio Habana Cuba, Bauta, in Arabic. Man 
announcer talks; ID. Station with fair signal and modulation, 35433.

ECUADOR (5920 Transmission Tests)
+5920. September 28. 2016. 0415-0420, HCJB Voice of the Andes, Weenermoor, in 
German. Open carrier, good signal but dead air.
+11985. September 30, 2016. 2204-2210, HCJB R.Akhbar Mufriha, Ascension, in 
Pulaar language. Female announcements (Pastor) talks, in slow pulaar, a 
preaching, presumably. A short tribal song.Station with good signal and 
modulation, 45444.

+9745. September 2, 2016. 0149-0154, Radio Cairo, Abis, in Spanish. A arabic 
egyptian music. At this time and frequency, R. Cairo presents a goodEg signal 
and extreme distorted audio. Awful log! Parallel on 9315kHz, is off.
+12005. September 30, 2016. 2018-2035, Radio Cairo, Abis, in Portuguese. Female 
and male announcers talks. 2020 The Qur´an chant. Female announcer talks; 2230 
Time pips and male announcer talks; a short space to National Anthem (?); News. 
Confirmed audition in portuguese (rare words audibles), but with very distorted 
audio. SINPO evaluation: 45431.
+15290. September 21, 2016. 1955-2005, Radio Cairo, Abu Zaabal, in English. 
Female announcer talks; arabic music; 2000 Time pips; male and female 
announcers talks Fair signal and very poor to barely audible broadcasting and 
distorted audio, too.

+11700. September 21, 2016. 2023-2030, Radio France International, Issoudun, in 
Hausa. Male announcer talks; music by female singer; 2030 ID and sign-off. 
Station with fair signal and modulation, 35433.

+17710. September 27, 2016. 1029-1035, Deutsche Welle, Meyerton, in Hausa. 
Female and male announcers talks; DW jingle and ID. Male announcer talks. Fair 
signal and poor modulation, 35432.
+17800. September 4, 2016. 1722-1730, Radio Deutsche Welle, Ascension, in 
French. Male announcer talks news; comments abt G20 Meeting in China; DW jingle 
and ID; interview and a song. Very good broadcasting, 45444.

+9935. September 2, 2016. 0135-0148, Voice of Greece, Avlis, in Greek. Female 
announcer talks with a female singer and plays some of his recorded successes, 
presumably. At 0145, IS, ID, and start other program; greek songs. VOG 9935kHz, 
has a good signal and fair modulation, 45433. Parallel log on 9420kHz, 35332.

+15435. September 3, 2016. 2212-2228., KSDA, Agat, in English. Male announcer 
presents "AWR Wavescan", conversation; female announcer talks and says many 
logs; male continues with logs; adresses of WRMI and other stations. AWR Guam 
with fair signal and poor modulation, 35432 ( sometimes, 35433).

+9650. September 21, 2016. 0924-0940, radio Guinea, Conakri, in French. Male 
announcer talks with a man - a interview. Good signal and fair modulation till 
0930UT, 45433. After 0930UT, start a interference by Voice of Korea (IS, 
National Anthem, a song by chorus voices, etc), 43432.
+9650. September 24, 2016. 1012-1025, Radio Guinea, Conakri, in Vernacular 
language. Female announcer talks. Broadcasting with good signal and a slight 
interference by Voice of Korea with songs, 44433.
+9650. September 27, 2016. 1007-1025, Radio Guinea, Conakri, in Vernacular 
language. Female and male announcers talks news, presumably, with a brief music 
between them. ID and says Mali, Conakri, etc. Broadcasting, today, with a good 
signal, fair modulation and no interference by Voice of Korea (!It´s good!), 

+9445. September 3, 2016. 2126-2151., All India Radio, Bangalore, in English. 
Male and female announcers talks news; Female announcer says BBC World Service
news to AIR. Brief music; 2040 Male announcer says: This is the GOS of AIR; a 
brazilian song "Garota de Ipanema" by a female indian singer, in portuguese 
(very interesting!); other brazilian song, in english; AIR with fair signal and 
modulation, 35433. Parallel logs on 9950, Khampur, 35433; 11670, Bangalore, 
25331; 9910, Aligarh, 35433; and 11740kHz, Panaji, is on-air, but a strong 
interference by China Radio International.
+13605. September 21, 2016. 1018-1030, All India Radio, Bangalore, in English. 
Indian mantra; Female announcer talks, ID, other song. Station with fair signal 
and poor modulation, 35432.
+13605. September 22, 2016. 1001-1030, All India Radio, Bangalore, in English. 
Female announcer talks news, many news and comments about Pakistan. ID, 
website. Indian songs. Broadcasting with fair signal and modulation, 35433..
+13695. September 4, 2016. 1016-1035, All India Radio, Bangalore, in English. 
Indian songs; Female announcer talks, ID and conversation with a man. AIR with 
fair signal and poor modulation, 35432. Parallel logs on 13605, Bangalore, 
45433; and 15410kHz, Bangalore, 45433.
+13695. September 26, 2016. 1752-1803, All India Radio, Bangalore, in English. 
Indian songs. 1800UT Female announcer talks, ID. Male announcer talks news. 
Station with good signal and fair modulation, 45433.

+9550. September 2, 2016. 0204-0217, Voice of Islamic Republic of Iran, Sirjan, 
in Spanish. Female and male announcers talks news, international news; a 
comments about D. Trump and a USA x Mexico border; ID. Broadcasting with fair 
signal and modulation, 35433. Parallel on 12025kHz, is off.

+12015. September 24, 2016. 0406-0415, NHK Radio Japan, Furman, in Spanish. 
Male announcer talks news in "Boletín Informativo de NHK Radio Japón". ID. 
Broadcasting with good signal and modulation, 45444.
+15130. September 3, 2016. 1944-1958, NHK Radio Japan, Issoudun, in Japanese. 
Male announcer talks; two instrumental melodies by orchestra. Broadcasting with 
good signal and fair modulation, 45433.
+15140. September 28, 2016. 0421-0426, Radio Japan, Tashkent, in Farsi. Man and 
woman announcers talks. Broadcasting with very poor signal and barely audible 
audio, 25431.

+9425. September 3, 2016. 2000-2010, Voice of Korea, Kujang, in German. A song; 
female and male announcers, talks, ID; news, presumably. A song by choral 
voices. VOK with fair signal and modulation, 35433. Parallel log on 12015kHz, 
poor signal and barely audible, 25331.

+5950. September 30, 2016. 2032-2037, KBS World Radio, Issoudun, in French. 
Female announcer talks; male announcer talks. Station with fair signal and 
modulation, 35433.

+11665. September 30, 2016. 1012-1035, RTM Wai FM, Kajang, in Malay. A musical 
program: Women announcers talks, laugs; a song. Female announcer talks with a 
listener, by phone and playing a song.
All songs, variety modern songs. ID, Malaysia. 1030UT: music, more musics. 
Other female listener by phone. Broadcasting with good signal and fair 
modulation, 45433.

+5995. September 21, 2016. 1940-1952, RTV du Mali, Bamako. Open carrier, and in 
rare moments, a male voice modulation. Radio Mali as usual, almost always 
presents this situation in my location. Parallel investigation at this UT on 
5990kHz, no signal; and 6000kHz, no signal.

12035. September 10, 2016. 1014-1020, Voice of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, in 
Chinese. Female announcer talks. Fair signal with poor modulation, 35432 
(sometimes, 35431).
+12035. September 21, 2016. 1005-1012, Voice of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, in 
Chinese. Female announcer talks; a brief song. Broadcasting with fair signal 
and poor modulation, 35432.
+12035. September 22, 2016. 1030-1040, Voice of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, in 
Japanese. Female announcer talks & talks. Very poor broadcasting, 25432.
+12035. September 30, 2016. 0950-0955, Voice of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, in 
Mongolian. Man announcer talks; a song. Broadcasting, as usual, has a poor 
signal and barely audible audio, 25431.

+9575. September 24, 2016. 0135-0142, Radio Mediterranee, Nador, in Arabic. 
Arabic moroccan songs; Female announcer talks.Good signal, fair modulation, 
+9575. September 30, 2016. 2015-2025, Radio Medi 1, Nador, in French. Woman 
announcer talks; a nice conversation with a woman, laugs. Broadcasting with 
very good signal and modulation, 45544.

+11650. September 21, 2016. 0400-0410, Radio Tamazuj, Talata Volonondry, in 
Sudanese. Male announcer talks, ID many times. Website, phone number and what´s 
app; talks news, presumably. Good signal, fair modulation, 45433. Parallel log 
on 9600kHz, Issoudun, 35432.

NIGERIA (Target to)
+12050. September 22, 2016. 1955-2020, Dandal Kura International, Ascension, in 
Kanuri. male announcer talks; short tribal song; ID; male announcers in 
conversation. Station with very good signal and modulation, 45544.

+15140. September 22, 2016. 1923-1933, Radio Sultanate of Oman, Thumrait, in 
Arabic. Male announcer talks; female and male announcers talks witt a brief 
music between voices. A song. Broadcasting with poor signal and modulation, 

+6115. September 30, 2016. 2156-2203, Radio Veritas Asia, Palauig, in Mandarin. 
Woman and man announcers talks; a short music.  Fair signal and poor 
modulation, 35332.

+9730. September 2, 2016. 0223-0230, Radio Romania International, Tiganesti, in 
Spanish. Female announcer talks about the yearly International Book Award, in 
Romania; ID. Station with fair signal and modulation, 35433. Parallel on 15170, 
is off; on 11945, is off; and 11800kHz, 35433. 
+9730. September 9, 2016. 0117-0128, Radio Romania International, Tiganesti, in 
French. Male announcer talks and interviews a woman; ID. RRI with good signal 
and modulation, 45444.
+11975. September 26, 2016. 1804-1811, Radio Romania International, Galbeni, in 
Romanian. Male announcer presents news; ID. RRI Magazine. Good signal and 
modulation, 45444.

+9555. September 30, 2016. 1940-1948, BSKSA, Riyadh, in Arabic. A song by male 
singer. Male announcer talks; conversation with a man. Good signal and 
modulation, 45444.

+9955. September 4, 2016. 0450-0459, Radio Eslovaquia Internacional, 
Okeechobee, in Spanish. Female announcer talks and interview with a woman; male 
announcer talks, ID and all station  adresses; a song. SRI with a good signal 
and fair modulation, 45433.
+9955. September 21, 2016. 0436-0445, Radio Eslovaquia Internacional, 
Okeechobee, in Spanish. Female and male announcers talks about Slovakia 
traditions; ID, a song. Station with good signal and fair modulation, 45433.

+3320. September 5, 2016. 0340-0358, Radio Sonder Grense, Meyerton, in 
Afrikaans. Female announcer presents a musical program with variety songs; Man 
talks. RSG with a fair signal and modulation, 35433.
+5980. September 2, 2016. 0326-0358, Channel Africa, Meyerton, in English. Male 
announcements talks international news, including Dilma Roussef´s impeachment; 
0330 Female announcements talks, ID and presents a program "African 
Kaleidoscope" - news and comments about South Africa and other African 
Countries; 0356 A song and 0358 sign-off.
+7285. September 28, 2016. 0541-0546, Radio Sonder Grense, Meyerton, in 
Afrikaans. Male and female announcers talks. Broadcasting with fair signal and 
poor modulation, 35432.

SOUTH SUDAN (Target to,)
+11730. September 28, 2016. 0443-0458, Eye Radio, XUU, in Arabic. Male 
announcer talks. Very poor to barely audible station, 25332 to 25331.

+17715. September 27, 2016. 1945-2000, Radio Exterior de Espana, Noblejas, in 
Spanish. Male announcers talks and comments about the game, live, Real Madrid 
1x1 Borussia Dortmund; also Sevilla 1x0 Lyon ( a goal of Sevilla at 1953UT). 
Excellent broadcasting, 55544.
+17715. September 28, 2016. 2100-2115, Radio Exterior de Espana, Noblejas, in 
Spanish. ID; man announcer talks news. 2105 Woman announcer presents "Cinco 
Continentes": international news of the actuality and comments; interview and 
external reports; Shimon Peres died. REE with excellent signal and audio, 55555.
+17715. September 30, 2016. 1926-1939, Radio Exterior de Espana, Noblejas, in 
Spanish.Program "Gaceta de los Deportes": Male announcer interview a man and 
talks about football. Very good signal and modulation, 45544.

+4775. September 21, 2016. 0420-0427, Trans World Radio, Manzini, in German. 
Male announcer talks; a song; ID. Broadcasting with fair signal and modulation, 

+15260. September 4, 2016. 1752-1803, Radio Sama, Woofferton, in Arabic. Male 
and female announcers talks; Man makes a prayer and says Amen, presumably; ID 
twice: R. Sama. A song; at 1800 ID and continues program in arabic language. 
IBRA Radio in arabic (R. Sama) presents a very good signal and modulation, 
+15260. September 26, 2016. 1820-1828, Radio Sama, Woofferton, in Arabic. 
Female and male announcers talks; a prayer with music undergound. Fair signal 
and modulation, 35433.

+11530. September 2, 2016. 0050-0059, Radio Taiwan International, Okeechobee, 
in Spanish. Female announcer talks about the government education; ID and ends 
of programming: bye-bye, a song, ID, sked in spanish, adresses and IS. Station 
with fair signal and poor modulation, 35432.

+7245. September 9, 2016. 0200-0230, Voice of Tajik, Yangi Yul (Dushanbe), in 
Tajik. Female announcer talks; National Anthem (presumably); female and male 
announcers talks; musics. Broadcasting with poor signal, interference by unknow 
statio and barely audible audio, 23431 (sometimes, 2342). This log has been 
confirmed, simultaneously, by Twente SDR Webradio:
+7245.20. September 9, 2016. 0210-0340, Voice of Tajik, in Tajik language. 
Music, interview, speechs, ID many times, local songs, etc. in this long Twente 
SRD log. Fair signal and modulation,
without interference.
+7245.20 September 10, 2016. 0209-0240, Voice of Tajik, Dushanbe, in Tajik. Log 
by Twente webSDR. Female announcer talks news, presumably; says Korea; ID. A 
song. Male announcer talks, ID. A slight interference by Ham radio, 
conversation in english, USB mode. Log on 7245kHz by Degen DE1103 receiver, on 
air, but unlistenable.

+11735. September 4, 2016. 1804-1812, Zanzibar BC, Dole, in Swahili. Male 
announcer talks in swahili and female announcer talks in portuguese, by Radio 
Transmundial, Brazil, on 11735kHz -It´s a collision, this time. Stations with 
very poor signal and modulation.
+6015. September 5, 2016. 0401-0410, Zanzibar BC, Dole, in Swahili. Male 
announcer talks news, presumably; woman talks. ZBC presents a fair signal and 
modulation, 35433.
+6015. September 24, 2016. 0342-0405, Zanzibar Broadcasting Corporation, Dole, 
in Swahili. Female and made announcers talks and more talks. Station with fair 
signal and modulation, 35433.

+9390. September 27, 2016. 2002-2010, Radio Thailand, Udon Thani, in German. 
Female announcer talks news, presumably; two songs in english. 2014 UT: IS, ID 
ends program in german at 2015.  Today, Radio Thailand presents a exceptional 
good signal and modulation, 45544.

+9770. September 2, 2016. 0100-0110, Voice of Turkey, Emirler, in Spanish. IS; 
Female announcer talks: ID, date, sked in spanish; Newsletter. Broadcasting 
with good signal and fair modulation, 45433. Parallel logs on 9870 with 
interference by All India Radio, 43433; unusual 9830kHz is off.
+9770. September 5, 2016. 0100-0120, Voice of Turkey, Emirler, in Spanish. 
IS;Female announcer talks: ID, sked in spanish, programming of the day. A 
newsletter; program about cultural regions of Turkey.
Today, VOT returns with a good signal and modulation, 45444.
+9770. September 9, 2016. 0103-0113, La Voz de Turquía, Emirler, in Spanish. 
Female announcer  presents "Las Noticias"; ID. VOT presents a good signal and 
modulation, free of interference, 45444.
+9870. September 24, 2016. 0100-0116, La Voz de Turquía, Emirler, in Spanish. 
IS, ID. Edicón del día 23 de septiembre, 2016. Buenas Tardes! Saludamos desde 
Ankara! Sked in spanish. A Newsletter: "Los titulares y las noticias en 
detalles". ID. VOT with good signal, slight interference by All India Radio 
(with indian songs), 44433.
+11615. September 30, 2016. 1948-1956, Voice of Turkey, Emirler, in French. 
Female announcer talks; ID. A short song; talks news about the terrorism. Very 
good signal and modulation, 45544.

+11810. September 30, 2016. 1900-1914, BBC, Ascension, in English. ID; Man and 
woman announcers presents "BBC Africa Today": news, comments and interviews. 
Good signal and modulation, 45444.
+12095. September 30, 2016. 1916-1922, BBC, Dhabbaya, in Arabic. Female 
announcer talks and interview with a woman. Male announcer talks, ID. 
Broadcasting with very good signal and modulation, 45544.
+15490. September 28, 2016. 0407-0412, BBC, Dhabbaya, in Somali. Men announcers 
talks, conversation ans says Israel and Shimon Peres. ID. Station with good 
signal and fair modulation, 45433.

+5865. September 24, 2016. 0334-0340, Radio Farda, Dhabbaya, in Farsi. VOA 
service in Farsi (Persian).Male announcer talks and conversation with a man. 
Poor broadcasting, 25432.
+5925. September 24, 2016. 0307-0312, Afia Darfur Radio, Santa maria di 
Galeria, in Arabic. Malaquias announcer talks news, presumably. Station with 
fair signal and poor modulation, 35432.
+9265. September 30, 2016. 2237-2242, WINB, Red Lion, in English. Music; woman 
announcer talks and followed more religious song (soul?). Broadcasting with 
poor signal and modulation, 25332.
+9400. September 24, 2016. 0120-0133, Radio Free Asia, Sitkunai, in Uyghur. 
Male announcer talks in Uyghur and male announcer talks in Mandarin (moderate 
interference by China National Radio 1, CNR1), 43432. Interference with total 
RFA blocking by CRN1 on 9350, 9780, 11640 and 11945kHz, too.
+9565. September 28, 2016. 2122-2130, Radio Marti, Greenville, in Spanish. 
Woman announcer talks news; interview with a external report about the death of 
Shimon Peres, this september 28. Radio Marti announcements. Station with fair 
signal and modulation, 35433.
+9700. September 27, 2016. 2100-2120, Radio Free Asia, Tinian, in Korean. 2059 
Open carrier; 2100 Brief music and male announcer says: ID, program in korean. 
Female and male announcers talks news, presumably.  Broadcasting with good 
signal and fair modulation, 45433.
Parallel log on 11945kHz, Saipan, 35332. 
+9805. September 4, 2016. 1038-1044, Radio Martí, Greenville, in Spanish. 
Music, female and male announcers talks; ID. Station with fair signal and poor 
modulation, 35432.
+11530. September 2, 2016. 0110-0120, Family Radio, Okeechobee, in Spanish. 
Male announcer talks about religious theme: Biblical reading; John chapter 36 
and other evangelists; ID, all WYFR adresses; a hymn. WYFR has a fair signal 
and modulation, 35433.
+11530. September 24, 2016. 0143-0158, Family Radio, Okeechobee, in Spanish. 
Male announcer makes a preaching; a hymn. ID, "El Sonido de la Nueva Vida". 
0147UT Program "La Biblia Habla" - Malaquias, Chapter 10. A song. IS,ID, Postal 
Address; ands at 0158UT.
+11700. September 24, 2016. 0317-0322, Deewa Radio, Kuwait, in Pashto. Female 
and made announcers talks news, presumably; Conversation. Good signal and fair 
modulation, 45433.
+11775. September 30, 2016. 1038-1044, Dr. Gene Scott, The Valley-AIA, in 
English. Woman announcer (Pastor) makes a religious preaching in perfect and 
beautiful english. Station with good signal and fair modulation, 45433.
+11790. September 3, 2016. 1923-1930, Adventist World Radio, Nauen, in Wolof. 
Male announcer talks, preaching; a song, ID. AWR with very good signal and 
modulation, 45544.
+11870. September 28, 2016. 0355-0405, Radio Catolica Mundial (RCM), Vandiver, 
in Spanish. ID. Woman announcer presents "Informativo RCM": news. RCM 
announcements. Padre Salvador Gomez presents a program "Lecciones de Vida". 
Broadcasting with very good signal and modulation, 45544.
+11945. September 30, 2016. 2130-2155, Radio Free Asia, Saipan, in Korean. 
Short music; woman announcer talks; interview. 1844 A short music and man 
announcer talks. Station in good signal and fair modulation, 45433.
+12005. September 26, 2016. 1743-1750, Radio Farda, Woofferton, in Farsi. Male 
announcer talks; songs; ID. Fair signal and poor modulation, 35332.
+12035. September 21, 2016. 0331-0338, Deewa Radio (VOA service in Pashto), 
Kuwait. Male and female announcers talks news, presumably; ID. Good signal and 
modulation, 45444.
+12040. September 27, 2016. 1919-1926, Voice of America, Lamperheim, in 
Tigrinya. Female announcer talks; Interview with a man. ID. Broadcasting with 
good signal and modulation, 45544.
+12105. September 30, 2016. 2039-2045, WTWW, Lebanon-TN, in Portuguese. Man 
announcer (Pastor) makes a religious preaching. Station presents a fair signal 
and poor modulation, 35432 (sometimes, 35433).
+15155. September 28, 2016. 0529-0534, Voice of America, Kuwait, in Tibetan. 
Man and woman announcers talks. Station with fair signal and modulation, 35433.
+15360. September 4, 2016. 1045-1051, Radio Mashaal, Udon Thani, in Pashto. 
Male announcer talks; conversation with a man. Broadcasting with poor signal 
and modulation, 25432 (sometimes, 25431).
+15825. September 30, 2016. 2110-2128, WWCR, Nashville, in Spanish. Dino Bloise 
presenta "Frecuencia al Día"- Radio and telecommunication news; a contributors 
participation. ID: Esta és Frecuencia al Día. Reception reports. Broadcasting 
with fair signal and modulation, 35433 (sometimes, 35432).
+17655. September 4, 2016. 1732-1750, Voice of America, Santa Maria di Galeria, 
in Portuguese. Male announcer presents "World in News"- news and comments about 
Mother Teresa canonization, today, in Vatican City. ID, Address; program 
"Conversando com o Doutor": today, Mrs.Danny in conversation wit female doctor 
Emilia about Herpes Virus 1 e 2 and the Herpes Zoster (excellent program). 
Station with good signal and modulation, 45444. Parallel log on 13630kHz, 
Mopeng Hill, 35331.
+21575. September 21, 2016. 0242-0255, Radio Free Asia, Tinian, in Tibetan. 
Male announcer talks news; short music between the lines. Female announcer 
talks. Very poor broadcasting, 25432.

+6070. September 30, 2016. 2047-1056,  Radio Vaticana, Santa Maria di Galeria, 
in Arabic. Male announcer talks, says ID. A short song. Station with fair 
signal and modulation, 35433.
+11625. September 28, 2016. 2044-2052, Radio Vaticana, Santa Maria di Galeria, 
in French. Male announcer talks news. 2045UT: Woman announcer talks, ID and 
presents The Magazine, but with many audio interruptions. Problem in the audio 
recorded, presumably. Frequency with very signal.

+7280. September 27, 2016. 1932-1945, Voice of Vietnam, Sontay, in French. 
Female announcer presents news; Male talks, ID, news continues. A song, in 
Station with fair signal and modulation, 35433 (better than 1830-1858). 
Parallel log on 9730kHz: VOV almost blocked by China Radio Internacional in 
+7315. September 5, 2016. 0032-0058, Voice of Vietnam, Furman, in Spanish. 
Female announcer presents international news;0048 Comments about Vietnam 
Independence, celebrated in last september 2; ID. VOV with good signal and fair 
modulation in this new frequency, 45433 (sometimes, 45444).
+7315. September 9, 2016. 0130-0158, La Voz de Vietnam, Furman, in Spanish. IS; 
female announcer talks: ID, La Voz de Vietnam, transmitiendo desde Hanoi; 
presents Boletín Informativo; national and international news. 0151 Destinos 
Vietnam; 0156 ID, sked in spanish, all addresses; end at 0158. VOV with good 
signal and fair modulation, 45433. (LOG 5.600).
+7315. September 24, 2016. 0042-0058, La Voz de Vietnam, Furman, in Spanish. 
Male announcer talks "Boletín Informativo" -news. ID, VOV sked in spanish. 
0045UT A program about the climate changes and government action to reduce its 
effects. 0058UT sign-off. Broadcasting, today, with fair signal and modulation, 
+9730. September 27, 2016. 1838-1908, Voice of Vietnam, Sontay, in German (Not 
in French). Female announcer talks news; says Vietnam many times. A brief song 
and news; 1858UT Sign-off. Broadcasting with fair signal and modulation, 35433. 
Parallel log on 7280kHz, Sontay, 25332 to 25331.
Note: It´s a VOV new language transmission, instead French, this time 
(1830-1858UT), on 7280 and 9730kHz, relay Hanoi-Sontay.
At 1900UT, IS and ID of Voice of Vietnam, english service, but, in abrupt, a 
strong interference by IS and ID of China Radio International in Portuguese. 
VOV is audible, but very very poor. At 2000-2028, VOV in German (Not in 
Russian), on 7280 and 9730kHz (checked).


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