** ARGENTINA. 15345.255v, Dec 9 at 1828, S3 signal, maybe trace of modulation 
during alleged RAE ATTW English hour on a Friday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** COSTA RICA. 2859.82, Dec 10 at 0128, no signal from presumed R. San Carlos 
second harmonic like last night (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 6000, Dec 9 at 0700, RHC in Spanish, probably just switched from 
English and about to sign off, like all the other English frequencies already 

11760, Dec 10 at 2147, S9+20 open carrier, RHC warming up for *2200?  (Glenn 

** EGYPT. 9540.158, Dec 9 at 1842, S6 signal JBM, what`s it?? Aoki shows R. 
Cairo Italian hour, 250 kW, 315 degrees from Abis, and, o yes it`s recently 
been reported (as ``9540``):

``9540, 30.10.16, 1810, R. Cairo, Italian: It's a shame: Only carrier no audio! 
XXXXX (Roberto Pavanello, Italy, Nov DX Fanzine, Dec 1 via DXLD)``

``9540, 25.11.16, 1846-1853, R. Cairo, via Abis, Italian: ID, Program on Islam, 
News + Arab song, 53443, heard for first time after years with a decent 
modulation (Antonello Napolitano, Taranto, Italia, Nov DX Fanzine, Dec 1 via 

** MADAGASCAR. 17640, Dec 9 at 1805, MWV is on at S9+20 with song, English hour 
a.k.a. African Pathways Radio, and short propaganda pieces for the severely 
degraded attention spans of their target audience; also with a condescending 
tone --- but wait, all evangelism is condescending by definition. 

17640, Dec 10 at 1825, MWV is on again, for the fourth day in a row! Must be a 
record. Also the repeat at 2006 but poor by now.

11610, Dec 10 at 2146, MWV NLS in stilted Chinese to Europe at S9+5 (Glenn 

** MEXICO. 720, Dec 10 at 0157, ``Continuamos en El Fonógrafo 700-20 AM`` 
non-ID, overcoming WGN, another Chicagoan attenuated by auroral conditions. 
When this happens I keep hoping to hear something deeper, such as R. Católica 
in Nicaragua; El Fonógrafo is only XEJCC Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, 25 kW 
daytimer until 0200 per IRCA Mexican Log 2015; 1 kW per WRTH 2016, both as 
``Extremo 720``. Let`s hope both catch up with current name in new editions out 
shortly (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 780, Dec 10 at 0134, Spanish station is over WBBM in auroral 
conditions, plug for a torneo de pesca (fishing tournament), federal PSAs, 
non-ID as ``La Poderosa, 103.7 FM, 780-AM``, into music. That all fits for 
XESFT, San Fernando, Tamaulipas, 5/1 kW. Also mentioned Victoria, i.e. the 
state capital, Ciudad Victoria; on the NRD-545 with fixed antenna; at 0156 
recheck on the rotatable DX-398, separable from WBBM (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** NORTH AMERICA. 6925.04-AM, Dec 10 at 2133, pirate already audible here, 
music with heavy disco beat at S9+5, somewhat undermodulated, and carrier 
wobbling. Still same at 2149 but a little stronger to S9+10. Several logs here, 
all from further east, say it was Channel Z with an Xmas show, Blondie; none 
with a precise frequency, just 6925:

** OKLAHOMA. 13550, Dec 9 at 1830, weak signal mixing two modulations, red flag 
as a local overload/external mixing product between a strong SW signal from 
elsewhere, and an Enid MW station: exactly: 13550 minus 1390 KCRC = 12160 WWCR 
(Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAO TOME E PRINCIPE. 13860, Dec 9 at 1833, S5 signal with talk, in English? 
HFCC shows VOA ``sna`` = Shona at 1800-1900 M-F. But Aoki confirms that the 
final half hour M-F of the 1700-1900 UT Zimbabwe service is in fact English; 
the rest of it a complex rotation of Shona, Ndebele and English in 20-minute 
segments (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** TURKEY. 5980, Dec 10 at 2138, VP S8 signal with Turkish style song, so 
presumed VOT as scheduled until 2200, 250 kW at 310 degrees USward. Fortunately 
they`re off in time not to block Chaski (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTEING DIGEST)

** UGANDA [non]. 15240, Sat Dec 10 at 2010, VP signal in presumed Luganda, from 
R. Munansi via WWRB; equivalent signal to 15825 WWCR, with no sporadic-E 
enhancement today (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1855 monitoring: UT Sat Dec 10 at 0041, JBA 
carrier on 9330v, so presumably it`s on via WBCQ; 9265 WINB is marginally less 
JBA. K index is 5, with G1 storms. Sat Dec 10 circa 1545 via UTwente SDR, 
nothing audible on HLR 7265 but a weak non-WOR program, presumably CRI Hindi 
and/or Azad Kashmir Radio, themselves attenuated by poor propagation. Not 
confirmed Sat Dec 10 after 2330 on 9330, no signal at all from WBCQ altho 9265 
WINB is fair. Next:
Sun 0410v  WA0RCR 1860-AM ND 
Sun 1130   HLR 9485-CUSB to SW [experimental]
Mon 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0400v  WBCQ 5130v Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0430   WRMI 9955 to SSE  
Tue 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 0030   WRMI 7730 to WNW
Tue 1200   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Tue 2130   WRMI 15770 to NE
Tue 2300   WRMI 9955 to SSE [NEW]
Wed 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Wed 2200   WBCQ 7490v to WSW
Thu 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW

** U S A. 5850 // 7730, Friday Dec 9 at 0702, WRMI again playing the latest 
`Viva Miami` episode, Jeff in the field interviewing someone about the wonders 
of Everglades National Park. NOT `Media Network Plus` as now shown on the 
schedule grid for this hour on 7730. Probably filling rest of hour with World 
Music as before (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15770, Sat Dec 10 at 2120, WRMI with `Dub Politico`, droning, 
stumbling speaker with a political angle I have yet to figure out, since I 
can`t stand to listen to him, 2129 an F-bomb (so that`s OK now on WRMI as well 
as WBCQ?) as he closes with contact info e-mail implying his name is E J Oliva. 
2130 no ID and right into `Made in Italy` which of course is not in English. 
Skedgrid now shows `Dub Politico` at 2100-2115 and blank block at 2115-2130, so 
now a half-hour show? The only other airing, UT Sat 0100 on 11580, allegedly 
remains a quarter-hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7490, UT Sat Dec 10 at 0126, JBA carrier during WBCQ `Allan Weiner 
Worldwide`; 5130+ is S8 but VP vs noise. Talking about WHVW, but really too 
poor to follow. Nothing on 3250v. K-index is 5, with G1 storms. It would be 
helpful if regular listeners to AWWW who can hear it better would send us 
detailed notes of new programming info he usually includes somewhere in the 
show, as the best/only way to find out about it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. 9275, Dec 9 at 1805, no signal from WMLK, which had been on 
yesterday; and it isn`t even Sabbathday yet (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. 12160, Dec 9 at 1834 tuneby, Alex Jones, InfoWars on WWCR. Jones is 
the most hateful talkshower, expounding lie after lie, ``fake news``, leading 
stupid listeners to violence at worst, voting for buffoons at best. 

WWCR shares the blame for propagating his vileness; fortunately AFAIK the only 
SW station doing so, but how many others would welcome him on if approached? 
Has WWCR no shame? This is only one of several Jones segments on WWCR, also on 
6115, 5890, 4840, whose spans I am not about to publicize. 

Strangely enough, his website does not provide an affiliate list but claims 
``160 AM, FM and SW stations``. Tune-in.com has 104 entries, but many of them 
are duplicates. I was expecting to see some major market talk stations on the 
list, but most of them are minor; the least minor being KPNW Eugene OR, WCGO 
Chicago and KMJ Fresno. Since the GCN is involved, no doubt he`s on a number of 
pirate FMs which he had better not publicize (Glenn Hauser, ok, DX LISENING 

** U S A. 9930, Sat Dec 10 at 1928 on BST-1 caradio, I hope to catch the tail 
of `Theatre Organ of the Ozarx`, but instead WTWW-2 is DEAD AIR. This continues 
to be the case past 1934 when the program normally ends, and further chex at 
1947, 2005, 2119! Final check of the dead air at 2143 on the NRD-545 reads 
S9+50 on 9930, accompanied by the usual spurs at plus/minus 12.9 and 25.8 kHz, 
9917.1 at S9 with hum, 9904.2 S6 but a bigger hum; 9942.9 at S7; 9955.8 
obscured by too much WRMI 9955.0 QRM with World Music; come on, Jeff! With some 
luck, Organ show may appear around 0200 UT Sunday on 5085.

Looks like the whole WTWW 9930 transmission has been a total waste, as Ted was 
paying more attention to 9475 with his hamshow; and 12105 OK in English at 1947 
check. What a laughingstock he has made of WTWW, and the bosses back in 
Laporte, Colorado don`t know or don`t care (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

This report despatched at 0039 UT December 11
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